August 2024 : Fresh Air, New Perspective
Wow… that Mercury-Uranus Conjunction didn’t disappoint in delivering excitement, uncertainty, sudden events and even violence (eeks!). July was quite a ride.
This Summer has been a whirlwind of fun with the family and a lot of unexpected work. I am just finishing up a paper and presentation for professional astrologers on the US Presidential Election, and it has been quite a spectacular undertaking. I will share the final full-format document in the near future. And I will share the presentation information in the coming month or so. You will certainly hear echoes of this paper in this newsletter.
You will notice that this monthly forecast includes the Trans-Neptunian Planets (TNPs), from Uranian Astrology. This is a technique that I have been playing with for some time and am now officially folding into all of my work (where applicable).
August begins with the continuation of the Mars-Uranus excitement that unfolded in the middle of July, beginning with Venus Square Uranus, that takes place on August 2nd. On the world stage, women could be making a greater impact on the US Politics - as is seen through the work of Vice President Kamala Harris. Additionally, women’s rights / sexual rights could be highlighted in some form.
On a personal level (depending on how this aligns with your chart) there could be breakthroughs within your interpersonal relationships, as well as your creative endeavors. Be careful of being too reactive within your relationships. However, the material that suddenly arises within your relationships can lead to changes that open up doors for a healthier and refreshed relationship dynamic. Whatever comes up at this time should be smoothed out towards the end of the month when Venus Trines Uranus on August 27th.
August 4th is a big day astrologically. First of all, the Leo New Moon takes place at 12° Leo 34’ at 5:13am. On its face this New Moon is an optimistically driven, well dignified and royal event (SO/MO // & 60 MA / JU). However, when looking a bit deeper, it is evident that there are hardships embedded within the month ahead (when using the New Moon as a predictive chart for the coming moon-th). Neptune is Sesquisquare to the New Moon and Square to Poseidon. Hence, the BELIEFS of the US People are being highlighted at this time. As well as our often time slippery relationship to the “truth”.
Furthermore, the Moon is Parallel to both Hades and Admetos, illustrating that the People have a deep sense of pessimism and restriction, likely because their Patriotism feels depleted in some way. This placement also suggests that the women in particular are being affected by a lack of reliability and support this month. We could see very ugly discourse aimed at Harris in particular, and towards women in general.
Within our own life, this New Moon can be a time of heightened emotions and emboldenment, as well as a continued spiritual deepening (which has been occurring for some time). But what we are encountering in this vulnerable place of searching could include stuck shame, too painful to move through. While no one wants to feel the “bad feels” this Lunation is a reminder that the challenging spaces are useful, there is meaningful work to do in the areas of our life that make us want to turn and run away.
Next, Mercury Stations Retrograde at 04° Virgo 06’ at 10:56pm. Mercury will be Retrograde until August 28th and will travel from 04° Virgo 06’ to 21° Leo 25’ - take a look at your chart to see where and how this will impact your life. It is notable that as soon as Mercury entered its Retrograde Shadow last month and then began Squaring the Separating Mars-Uranus Conjunction that the global tech outage occurred. I suspect that this Mercury Retrograde will continue to deliver shocking news and possibly technological mayhem (although likely not to that level). I say this because Mercury’s Square to Uranus is this Mercury Retrograde’s “signature move”. So, be sure to back up your technology, if you haven’t already.
While there are certainly challenges to Mercury Retrograde, such as travel going haywire, plans unraveling and overall misunderstandings. Remain open to the advantageous possibilities as well. Especially with Uranus’ impact on this Retrograde, be open to new perspectives and fresh ideas. This time can be especially fertile for areas of our life where we are stuck in a certain mindset that no longer serves us. Experiment with ways to open your minds-horizon and get some fresh air into your life.
After August 4th the earlier of the month is pretty quiet Transit-wise. Then things heat up from August 18th - 19th by an activating combination of Transits chiefly triggered by Venus and Mars. It should be noted that the Democratic National Convention takes place from August 19th -22nd 2024, so on a mundane level, we could see much of this energy manifesting in that arena.
First of all, on August 14th Mars perfects its Conjunction to Jupiter (16° Gemini 40’). An optimistically driven combination, this could be a time when great progress is made manifest. More directly though, Mars (and Venus) are effectively acting as activators between the Jupiter-Saturn Square that perfects on August 19th (17° 27’).
Here is the background to the importance of this upcoming Square between Jupiter and Saturn. This is the first traditional hard aspect between Jupiter and Saturn since December 21 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn perfected their Great Conjunction at 00° Aquarius 29’. Pluto is currently making its way back and forth across 00° Aquarius, exaggerating both this sensitive point where the 2020 Great Conjunction took place, as well as the Precesed US Pluto Return.
What does this mean ??? Most would argue that the United States is in a time of immense upheaval and distinct change. The US Pluto Return that we have been under the auspices of for at least a year and a half is unearthing the skeletons in our nation’s closet. While this is overall a messy process, the goal is to be a stronger and more powerful nation in the long run. We can no longer successfully proceed without addressing our shadows.
The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 2020 illustrated a new era of government for the US. This first hard aspect (the Square) currently perfecting (as well as those taking place further into the future) will tell the story of this new path that the US Government started on in 2020. This is a story that we are currently IN so we likely cannot see the full impact of our decisions.
This first Square states we are in a time of adjustment in response to the Great Conjunction of 2020. What needs to be changed? Obstacles are sure to rest their head at this time (both in the world and personally). In addition, Mars interacting with the Jupiter-Saturn Square puts an exclamation point onto the circumstances that are unfolding. Illuminating the excitement, the inner drive and the call for action around the changes and events at hand.
Venus’ involvement can represent several layers of manifestation. Simply, Venus can provide a salve, a moisturizing and calming offering for the challenging circumstances that Mars and Jupiter-Saturn are dishing out.
But… most prominently, in my mind, is that there is a Woman Candidate at the top of the Democratic Presidential Ticket. It is notable that this is the time when the Democratic National Convention will be taking place. We can expect historical outcomes from the events that unfold (which may not be evident at the moment). Harris will have to work hard and fight harder than her male counterparts, but the fight is happening. She has the drive and the force behind her to keep going despite the hurdles that come her way.
Retrograde Mercury perfects its Square to Uranus on August 18th (27° 10’). Expect surprising news to emerge around this time. Likely within the context of the US Political stage, and possibly overseas as well. And on the 19th the Sun Squares Uranus (27° 11’), reiterating the potential for sudden and potentially destabilizing information from our governmental leadership. This combination makes me wonder if at this time Kamala will be asked to take over the Presidency for Biden, or something on that level. While this doesn’t look plausible as I write this, the astrological symbology is suggestive.
The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on August 19th and is sandwiched right between the Sun-Uranus Conjunction and the Jupiter-Saturn Square. The Full Moon is located at 27° Aquarius 15’ and highlights Uranus by Square. Hence, an ongoing theme of destabilization and sudden events are heightened. Placing a Full Moon into an already active hot-bed of critical planetary activity takes the importance of the events at this time to a whole new level.
Within the context of the world stage, this Full Moon is exactly Conjunct to the United States Moon (in the Sibley Chart) and is bringing yet another focus to the upheaval and unrest that we are experiencing in the United States. The People specifically are emerged great tension. After looking deeply at the astrology heading into the Election, this is where we will be at for some time. July ushered us into this energetic and we will fluctuate in and out of a similar destabilizing intensity until about April 2025.
The Full Moon is also Conjunct the Retrograde Mercury, reinstating that sudden and dramatic information will likely continue to pour in, elevating the stress and anxiety that we are experiencing as a whole. Revolutionary messages could be circulating around the US.
On a personal level, this is a time to drastically rethink our perspective of reality and the future that we are working towards. This is a time to take a chance on something new and exciting, not a time to revel in the past. Wherever we are at in our lives, this is a time to pay attention and pivot where we are called to do so. Now is the time, the time is now. More broadly, we could find ourselves in the midst of a great amount of tensions and uncertainties, resulting in a tapped out nervous system.
Be sure to take care of yourselves, especially around August 11th - August 25th. Use your breathing apps, take a long quiet walk in nature and be sure to wait before you speak.
More broadly, think back to December 2020 and reflect on what you put into motion around that time. In late 2020 many of us were in a moment of completely rethinking our lives in fundamentally different ways. However, that time was relatively more inward and even subdued than what we are experiencing at this turning point. This is a time to make adjustments that more accurately reflect the path that we are on and the trajectory that we want to follow. A lot has changed since then and it is time to take a chance on a more revolutionary vision of our future.
Compared to the events in the middle of the month, the end of August will likely be a time of digesting all that unfolded in the week(s) previously. The vast majority of the action is triggered by Venus, as illustrated in the Transits list below). As stated above, I wonder if Venus is representing Harris, as the Female Presidential Candidate. She could be bringing female rights and sexual rights to the forefront, thus bringing women together in a way that they haven’t for some time (if ever). In looking at Harris’ journey toward the US Presidency this year, regardless of the outcome in November, she looks to be making a legacy for herself. The astrology suggests that she will be able to create a role for women on the political stage (and worldwide) in a way that has never been done before. Harris is making history. This month, especially the end of the month, illustrates that she is actively creating the foundation of her legacy.
Personally, this is a time when relationships and even creativity are at the forefront. The month essentially ends where it began - how do we relate to those who we are intimate with? Relationships are really just a mirror into our own patterns and shadow material. So, while talking about relationships can seem surface, there is a profundity to them that should be held in high regard. The work that we do in our relationships (of all kinds) are one of the main vehicles to self-healing, thus healing the world in all directions. Do not ever underestimate the power of relationship.
This month will not be boring. The action, excitement, upheaval and possibly even volatility that reared its head in July will likely continue to unfold. The astrological activity centers around the time of the Democratic National Convention, suggesting that we can expect much of the circumstances that arise this month to be contingent to those events.
Be sure to take care of yourselves, the activity of the political stage can get people riled up universally. And, even if you stick your head in a hole (which I honestly often prefer to do) you will still feel the intensity and the demands of this month in your day-to-day life. It is possible that the material this month could bring you back to the commitments and changes that you made in your life in late 2020 / early 2021.
Stand strong in your convictions, but also show up with compassion and kindness in your interactions with others. This is not a time to hide away, it is a time to show up - even if that simply means that you showing up in your day-to-day life as the best version of yourself as often as you possibly can.
Be proactive to allowing new ideas and approaches to inspire you. Life is too fast to get bogged down in old thought patterns. Do something daring that will open you up to new ways of thinking and operating in your life. Some of this fresh air can be applied to your relationships as well - especially since relationships look to be especially prominent this month.
Enjoy the ride my friends! We are all at the right place at the right time.
Lisa (The Dynamic Self)