July 2024 : The Healing
Hello! I hope that June treated you well. It certainly came on fast and strong! Personally, we had the end of the school year, an astrology conference, fluctuating schedules, family visiting, consultations, yoga, family outings, time with my husband, and A PUPPY!!! Her name is Princess Penny Winkle (the boys named her) and she is ADORABLE - as puppies are! The end of the month has offered time to reflect and moments to relax, AND a strong sense of overwhelm in regard to all of the new activity that the beginning of the month kicked up.
I have a lot on my plate professionally - which I am excited to share with you later on. With that said - my books are closed until mid-August into September. As always, if you have an urgent need for a consultation please reach out via email.
AND… as usual, you can listen to my July Monthly Overview on Spotify and YouTube.
The tone of July is strongly influenced by Neptune Stationing Retrograde on July 2nd and Chiron Stationing Retrograde on July 26th. As July begins, we will all be in the middle of Neptune’s trance. We could be feeling unusually sleepy, unmotivated and unsure about the future ahead of us. This is a great time to see live art (or any kind of art), make art, Netflix-binge, read a book, day dream, swim in a pool (lake or ocean), engage in spiritual experiences, unplug from your to-do list in whatever way that you can. Many of us will be busy with the activities that were put into motion previously, and if that is you be sure to insert down time where you can to let your body and mind enjoy the subtleties of the moment.
Chiron Stationing Retrograde at the end of the month will tone the last week or so of July with insight around how we are isolated in our life. As well as the wounds that we carry within us and how that has impacted our lives in profound ways. We all have pain that we carry within us, and this pain can feel like an immense burden at times. How can we allow ourselves to receive new insight around the burdens that we carry? How can we transform our wounds that isolate us into healing gifts that bring us together?
Neptune Stations Retrograde
Neptune Stations Retrograde on July 2nd at 4:40am MST. One of the highlights of this Station is that it takes place at 29° Pisces 56’. Any planet at 29° is at the Anoretic Degree - which means that it has a chaotic or unstable nature to it. As I have mentioned previously, whenever an outer planet stations either Retrograde or Direct, there is an intense potency to the planet. We could feel like we are swimming in the nature of Neptune at this time, as though it is infiltrating our lives at a cellular level.
In addition, Neptune is Stationing within less than a degree of the World Axis (00° Aries in particular). What this means is that the intoxicating and overwhelming Neptune influence is being broadcast over the loud speakers. We cannot hide from Neptune the first week or so of July. We are being inundated by a need to recline, take rest, commune with the spiritual realm, sink into compassion and / or become overtaken by something out of this world.
Because of the fast paced nature of our lives, we could feel especially tired and frustrated because we can’t seem to get everything aligned the way that we need to and we simply don’t have the energy to complete all that is on our plates. If you are feeling the Neptunian overwhelm you could find yourself turning into a puddle of whiny mess. If you catch yourself moving in that direction - gently course correct as best as you can.
Globally, we could be drowning in a sea of misinformation, disappointment and feeling lost as far as directive goes. We could be hearing unreliable narratives from our leaders and / or getting the sense that the pieces don’t fit together in the way that they should. In addition, we could find ourselves “star-struck” by those in charge (and / or celebrity types). Neptune can lead masses of people to surrender to someone or something without mental exercise. This surrender can come from the wave-like feeling can collectively pull people in a certain direction - the term “drinking the Kool-Aid” comes to mind.
In addition, we could see notable events and / or news around the oceans / waters. This can be highlighted by Saturns recent Station in Pisces - the Oceans are in a turbulent and dire state. And we could be hearing more and more about this around this time.
On a lighter level, this is a perfect time for great movies. Movies that submerge us another realm - be that via romance, fairy-tale or nightmare. One such film that is being released on the big screen on July 5th (the Cancer New Moon) is The Secret Art of Human Flight - a very Neptunian film. I suspect that people will be participating in all kinds of ways to unplug and disconnect.
If you have any plants at the late degrees (26° - 29°) of Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) you will absolutely be impacted by Neptune Stationing. Take a look at your chart and see if this applies to you.
Trine to Neptune / Oppositions to Pluto
One consistent theme for July is that Mercury, Venus and then the Sun respectively will all form an Opposition to Pluto this month. Mercury will Oppose Pluto on July 3rd, Venus on July 12th and the Sun on July 22nd. These alignments will take place at between 01° - 00° of Aquarius / Leo. If you have any planets at the early degrees of Fixed signs in particular (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius).
These Oppositions will bring up challenges and profound tensions that include power struggles and obsessive interactions. We can find ourselves in abnormally intense circumstances with others. And we could feel as though we cannot overcome whatever obstacles are in front of us - they could feel unsurmountable. There could be a need to release / surrender a part of our lives and / or ourselves in order to move forward.
Part of this story could constellate around our ideals and dreams that we are also very embedded in this month. This is illustrated by these same planets perfecting a Trine to Neptune right before their Opposition to Pluto. Mercury will Trine Neptune on July 2nd, Venus on July 11th and the Sun on July 21st. This series of aspects coming into a Trine to Neptune and then an Opposition to Pluto suggests that we have idealized visions for our lives and the world that we live within. We already discussed how strong and alluring Neptune is at this time, and Pluto is illustrating the underbelly of being pulled hook-line-and-sinker into a vision. Power and an insistence for transformation also lies within the dynamic that we are experiencing throughout the month. We must be willing to give something important up in order to fully immerse ourselves within the dream.
Cancer New Moon
The Cancer New Moon takes place on July 5th at 4:57pm MST. The New Moon is situated at 14° Cancer 23’. All in all this is a lovely Lunation in the watery and nurturing sign of Cancer. Most notably, the New Moon is sharing supportive influences from both Saturn (by Trine) and Mars (by Sextile). This suggests that there is both the drive and the foundation needed to complete whatever you are putting your efforts towards at this time. Within the fertile seed that is planted during this New Moon there is a focus on material accomplishments and follow-through.
The Broadcast Astrology Podcast will release the episode on the Cancer New Moon on July 5th. Listen in if you’d like a more in-depth take on the New Moon and the month ahead. We are doing our best to make the Podcast accessible and useful for Astrologers and Non-Astrologers alike. Currently you can find our Podcast on Spotify and YouTube.
Mars - Uranus
On July 15th there is a very activated transit happening at 26° Taurus 26’ - Mars Conjunct Uranus. This is an exciting and possibly explosive combination of planetary energetics. We could see this transit happening several days and maybe even a week before it perfects, this combination doesn’t have much patience and has a combustive drive to make an impact!
In our personal lives we can expect to experience a burst of movement, unexpected events unfolding in a quick and rapid pace. This could either be a productive change in direction, an opening where there previously was none, a catapult into the next phase of whatever is developing for you. Or this could be incredibly disruptive, a part of your life could disintegrate in a POOF right before your eyes! This could be something as silly as spilling your dinner all over the floor or it could be that a project that you are working on is completely derailed.
More specifically, move more slowly and mindfully at this time. We are prone to accidents (of all kinds) under this astrological weather. With so much electrical stimulation we can easily become ungrounded and not be present with the obstacles in our way and the dangers around us. Use your breath to keep you in the moment and be careful how you are moving through the world.
Capricorn Full Moon
This year there are TWO Capricorn Full Moons! If you remember back to last month, the early degree Capricorn Full Moon was closely Square to a potent Neptune. This Full Moon on July 21st at 4:17am MST, takes place at 29° Capricorn 09’. Hence, we are seeing the 29° showing up again! Although Pluto has not yet Retrograded back into Capricorn for its final hurrah in that sign (it is at 00° Aquarius 55’), it is less than 1° from the Full Moon.
So, the first theme that we see between these two Full Moons in Capricorn is their interest with endings, and more specifically the chaos and surrender involved in endings. What is coming to an end for you? Are you shedding past thought patterns? Are you releasing habits of self-sabotage? Are you eliminating toxic relationships from your life? Are you setting better boundaries between yourself and others? Are you saying no to foods and other substances that are not good for you? The possibilities are vast and wide. Acknowledge the challenges embedded in change big and small and be kind to yourself as you move through these changes. Showing yourself support and love.
In addition, both Uranus and Neptune are corresponding with the Full Moon. The threshold experience that we find ourself standing upon is supported by compassion and insight as we look towards the future that lies ahead of us. In addition, Mars is favorably placed by Trine to the Moon and Pluto, suggesting that we have actionable plans available to us at this time. We have a supportive fire beneath us to push our feet onto this new path that were are forging ahead onto. Yes, the world that we knew continues to dematerialize, but there is a promise for something better, all we have to do is dream it into action.
Chiron Stations Retrograde
The month ends with Chiron Stationing Retrograde on July 26th at 7:58am MST. This takes place at 23° Aries 32’ - so, again, take a look at your charts. Chiron can be a challenging planet be emphasized. Known most commonly as the “wounded healer”, Chiron represents where we have been forced into isolation, the pain that we carry that is so deeply ingrained that we cannot reach it to treat it (an itch that cannot be scratched). In this way, it is our vulnerability - and when people inadvertently come close to this part of ourselves we wince in anxiety that the pain might be re-activated.
When we are in therapy and we are undergoing a healing journey, Chiron is often front and center as part of that experience. The positive part of Chiron is that once we begin working with the pain that we carry in a more proactive way, we are able to help others. We become a healer ourselves. Many people who are healers (of all kinds) have a strong Chiron in their chart. If you speak with healers about their journey, many of them will have arrived at their work by humbling means. Many healers are students to their experiences of isolation and wounding.
I think that it is beautiful (and also very vulnerable) that we are having a month sandwiched with first a Neptune Station (on the heels of a Saturn Station) and then a Chiron Station. Despite all of the action and activation that is taking place, we are swimming in a pool of our deepest sensitivities and weightiness. We could feel like we have no skin for much of this month, yet we will walk around as though we are “ok”. The end of this month urges us to soften our gaze upon one another (and ourselves) and see what is beneath the strong facades that we wear in the name of survival.
No matter what information our facades are communicating, each and every one of us is carrying a heaviness within ourselves that is weighing us down and bringing us to our knees more often then we would like anyone to know. If we are feeling activated by another person, this weighted pain within them can often be a source of the discomfort that we are picking up (and misunderstanding). The combination of Neptune and Chiron are asking us to have compassion for the pain that each one of us carries within us. No one gets out of this life unscathed - and isn’t that the point of this incarnated existence?
The end of the month is great if you are on the healing path - potentially opening up parts of our wounding that was unavailable to us previously. And also introducing us to new tools that we can use as healers.
Overall, there is a lot of supportive and fun energy this month (a lot of which I did not cover specifically here) allowing for ease amongst the challenges (most of which I covered here). The New and the Full Moons offer a lot of support in our healing journeys - along with a strong urge to surrender. Allow in the dreamy flow that is available to you this month, there is a releasing that is needed - but you have what you need to take the steps towards these dreams.
Be aware of intense interactions with others throughout the month, a pressure to succeed and maybe an obsessive tendency (both within ourselves and others). Often times these circumstances arise because we are not standing in our own power appropriately. Stand within your own knowing and truth and you will come out on the other side with more insight than you began with.
I hope that you enjoy your July and are able to take advantage of the fun and the creativity, the love and the healing. Until next time my friends,
Lisa Pesnichak
(Aka, The Dynamic Self Astrology)