June 2024 : Productive CACOPHONY
As we enter Summer Break I wanted to let you know that my schedule availability is pretty limited. If you cannot find a time that works for you please do not hesitate to reach out and we can find a way to fit you in.
And a reminder to follow Sara and I on Spotify and YouTube for all of our latest Broadcast Astrology : Insight for Humans Episodes! We just released an episode on Astrocartography that was a lot of fun! Overall the Podcast is pretty technical - but is still a fun exploration of how useful and powerful Astrocartography can be when folded into a Consultation (or done as a focus on its own).
In typical Gemini style, June heralds a menagerie of communication, information, ideas and noise - some of it potentially pertinent, useful and inspiring and the rest likely not so much. It could be challenging to sift through the information, data, and perspectives that we are swimming within this month. So do your best to ground and center so that you can align with what is most resonant and true for you.
May’s shake ups and the bold invitations to launch into the next steps in your life could now be in the processing stage : What information / data do you need to accumulate? Who do you need help from to carry out your process? What kind of networking do you need to do? What plans need to be set in place? Our minds are reeling over how to proceed forward into this new reality that May opened up for us.
The loquacious foundation for June will be experienced in the greater world via the news streams, which will likely be very exciting! Personally, our lives could be filled with an influx of social opportunities, networking, information, and the like. You can also expect significant insights and increased curiosity. If you are a writer or if communication is core to your work, this could be a very exciting month for you!
The beginning and middle of the month highlights Saturn and Pluto, hence there is a heaviness and is also very cerebral - expect titanic forces, grand gestures and / or long term shifts. Saturns influence begins with the Gemini New moon and resonates for the weeks following. The middle to end of the month highlights Saturn (still) and Neptune, dipping us deeper into our feels. Neptune is being strongly aspected at this time and is central to the Capricorn Full Moon, and Saturn is Stationing Retrograde (along with several aspects to Saturn). Expect disillusionment regarding reality, this simultaneous emphasis on Saturn and Neptune could begin to foreshadow some of that themes that will be very strong in 2025 (when Saturn and Neptune perfect their Conjunction).
And without further ado… here is June 2024!!!
Mercury - Jupiter - Pluto
June begins with a bold statement of immense power and riches - as Jupiter Trines Pluto (on June 2nd). We could have seen these archetypes making an impact in the world at large in the last week of May. Shortly after this Trine perfects, Mercury will enter Gemini (on June 3rd) and quickly Trine Pluto and Conjunct Jupiter on June 4th. Mercury will likely act as a trigger for the Jupiter / Pluto alignment - suggesting that June 4th could be an exciting day in the news.
The world stage could highlight those in power and we could find unobstructed elevation of our leaders. In addition, we could experience wealth in general gaining opportunities beyond our comprehension. That said, these worldly events could remain unseen to us for some time - as Pluto tends to keep things hidden. In this alignment, being hidden will provide benefit to those manifesting this planetary archetype. However, Mercury’s involvement could give voice to government and other leaders - and they could be given the go ahead to withhold information at their leisure. Whoever the beneficiaries are at this time will likely be grand-fathered into their corresponding system. Luck is strongly on the side of whoever finds themselves in the grasp of this transit.
More personally, we could experience long lasting benefits within our lives. We could experience supported transformation for healing and personal development - likely through means of communication and / or mindfulness experiences. On the other hand, it is possible that there could be an increase in self-righteous opinions and the potential for unchecked obsessions.
This series of aspects will take place in the very early degrees of Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - and will also impact Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) signs at the early degrees (0-4 degrees).
Gemini New Moon
On the heels of the boisterous and unapologetic Mercury- Jupiter - Pluto alignments, the Gemini New Moon features both Venus by Conjunction and Saturn by Square. The New Moon takes place on June 6th at 6:37am MDT and is located at 16° Gemini 18’. Expect for the news reels and mental states that were highlighted the week previous to bake itself into this New Moon (particularly because Mercury is both ruling the New Moon and is in a wide but applying aspect to it).
Saturn Squaring the New Moon suggests that there is a serious tone to an otherwise light-hearted Gemini / Mercurial energetic. We are given marching orders for the next month or so. Restrictions and endings could be a part of the storyline. We could be required to make substantial progress in our lives through determination, focus and hard work. Venus’ prominent involvement in this dynamic suggests that there could be a focus on women, the restrictions placed on women and / or the reproductive system in general. We could also see a focus on relationships and marriage.
When you look deeper into this New Moon, it is evident that Pluto is very active and resonant in this Lunation. First of all, Pluto is in a Sesquisquare (a hard aspect) with the Sun, Moon and Venus (and a Trine to Mercury). Then, Pluto is Contra-parallel both the Sun and Venus. And finally, Mars is in an out of sign but applicable Square to Pluto (which is an important transit taking place on June 11th that I will not cover here - but likely will on IG).
What does this mean? Well, there is a lot of pressure on and within the life of earthlings at this time. Alongside Saturn’s prominent role in this Lunation, we could see that there is a strong play for power. We could also see those in power over-reaching to an unreasonable degree (and this could include the previously stated themes of femininity, reproduction and / or marriage). In general, a level of trauma (likely from the past) could be present in the ethos and people could feel unable to proceed forward without notable obstruction. In addition, the path forward could require the complete amputation or loss of something before reaching the other side. Overall, this looks like an uncomfortable New Moon. However, on a more positive note, this is a time when we could make substantial amount of progress within our lives. Do your best not to be overwhelmed around the New Moon, remember to take one productive step at a time.
(( Sara and I will go deeper into the Gemini New Moon on the next Episode of Broadcast Astrology : Insight for Humans - the release date is June 6th ))
A Cacophony of Noise
Mercury is VERY busy this month! Mercury is the planet of communication, thought, short-distance travel, dexterity, information, curiosity, data, technology (along with Uranus)… you get the picture! It is notable that Mercury has its hands in everything during Gemini Season, because the sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury. And, with Jupiter just entering Gemini, we can expect A LOT of Mercurial shenanigans! We can be sure that there will be a lot of HOT AIR blowing around this month, as well as the potential for technological development, travel advancements and / or just a lot of big ideas floating around.
The entire month is chalked full of a series of Squares from Mercury to the Outer Planets, as well as connections with Inner Planets (see the list of Transits below). While a Square inserts notable tension into our lives - it is under these influences that we also are in the midst of making progress. Squares provide substantial growth, advancement and realization of goals. The Square presents us with the opportunity to put in the elbow grease in order to manifest our goals.
Overall, this month could feel very cerebral (especially the first half of the month). There is an emphasis on our mental and verbal tools. During this time, be sure to check in with your body and emotional state. When we are too much in our heads, we can tend to forget about our body and our emotions - the more tangible parts of ourself. We could find ourselves flying above our bodies like a helium balloon. Remember to slow down, check-in and GROUND. However, Saturn’s influence around this time will allow for reflection and a slowing down in order to process the input that is being catapulted our way.
If you have mental tasks to tend to and / or networking opportunities to participate in this is a great month to shine in these arenas. If you are more introverted, be sure to create space in your social calendar for quiet time because the social demands on your time and energy could be draining. Sunshine Season is officially in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere - and so are the lively social gatherings! Have fun and learn something new!!!
Capricorn Full Moon
The Capricorn Full Moon takes place on June 21st at 7:07pm MDT. It is situated at 01° Capricorn 07’. A couple of days before the Full Moon (on June 17th) both Mercury and Venus enter Cancer, followed by the Sun on June 20th - this shift could feel like a jolt, as the cerebral focus will abruptly shift into the emotional realm. If you haven’t been tending to your emotions earlier in the month, this shift could hit you like a ton of bricks. Take some hot baths, walk outside in nature by yourself, check in with your emotional side, especially if you have been completely swept up in all of the mental excitement of the previous weeks.
The highlight of this Full Moon is it’s close (but out of sign) Square to Neptune. Neptune is just a week-and-a-half from Stationing Retrograde, is nearly stopped (from our perspective) and is at the 29th degree (the anoretic degree), which I spoke about in Mays Newsletter a bit. This is a very potent Neptune that is being pulled into the Full Moon. Neptune represents both foggy or blurred vision as well as clear vision (even clairvoyance). But the trick with Neptune is that you often don’t know which side of the polarity you are on. In addition, Neptune can signify compassion, martyrdom, connection to source, illusion, disappointment, surrender and overwhelm.
Because Neptune isn’t interested in material form, logic in general or any limitations (including time and space) it can be very challenging to be productive under the influence of Neptune. Timelines are disintegrated and productivity is couched. If you find that you have hard deadlines around this time, go easy on yourself. If you can, start ahead of time - before this Full Moon really kicks-in. Neptune sees no reason to deplete yourself for mundane reasons - but is very interested in us connecting with and surrendering to the spiritual realm. Create time and space around this Full Moon to go inward, slow down, and honor the sacred.
Saturn Stationing Retrograde
Saturn’s Retrograde Station on June 29th is notable because Stations can be a bit gnarly - especially with the slower planets. Saturn will Station at 19° Pisces 25’ - check to see if you have anything at or around 19° in your chart. Around this Saturn Retrograde we can expect to experience greater constriction or more challenges within our lives. With Saturn in Pisces we have been seeing an increase of oceanic events whenever Saturn stations, I am curious to see if this happens again this time around.
On a more positive note, we could see the structures within our lives being reinforced, and therefore being more reliable in the long run. We could lean into our maturity a bit more, gaining the insight of time. Regardless, allow for life to unfold a bit more slowly around this time - possibly because of set backs. Saturn doesn’t like to be rushed, especially when he is busy changing directions. But also, stay productive - Saturn likes that too!!!
The first half of June will be quite fast paced and demanding. However, the second half could be quite slow and dubious. Mentally prepare yourself for the drastic change in pace this month.
This is a great month to put on your proverbial thinking caps and crunch the details for how to navigate this new and exciting life that lies ahead of you (especially in the first half of June)! Yes, heaviness, power struggles and disillusionment are all woven tightly into the tapestry of this month. Hence, we are being handed some tough life material to work through. The good news is that we will have the intellectual and mental capacity to be creative with what we are handed and hopefully make something productive out of it. Yes, this month includes a cacophony of voices, opinions and perspectives, but there is the ability to find where you stand and make something of it.
Be prepared for the abrupt shift towards the late middle of the month, when we will be strongly invited to go inward, and we could feel more vulnerable and even disillusioned. This shift could also illustrate the burn out that we could experience after so much intense mental processing. In order to minimize the shock of dropping in, do regular emotional and physical check-ins throughout the month. Burn out could be a real challenge this month.
Revel in the joy, excitement and curiosity available to you this month! And be sure to take care of the softer and subtler parts of yourself as well. Until next month…
Lots of Love,
Lisa (aka The Dynamic Self)