May 2024 : Activated Reflection
Wow! It is nearly Summer Break! My Books are open for the Summer - but there is limited availability. As always, if you are in a bind and need a Consultation at a time when I am not available - reach out and I will see what I can do.
Additionally, I just launched Sessions for Psychic Healing on my website. This is something that has been in the works for a while now. And I am excited to offer these Sessions along side my Astrology Consultations.
As promised, the Monthly Newsletter will now also be available via video / audio. Check out my YouTube and Spotify channels. And, Broadcast Astrology Podcast will post our Second Episode on May 7th (for the New Moon) - also available on YouTube and Spotify.
And, one last thing, I am offering 15% off for Solar Return Consultations for Birthdays! This ongoing offer is good if you book within a month (4 weeks) of your Birthday. (it doesn’t matter if the actual Consultation is outside of that window). Use the Coupon Code BIRTHDAYSTAR upon checkout.
Well… April certainly did deliver - didn’t it?!? Whoa! There are times when the Cosmos opens the door wide for us to step into our destiny … and sometimes there is a loving but swift-kick to the behind involved as well. There was certainly a cosmic foot involved last month!
I hope that you are all taking good care of yourselves. I have been receiving strong messages recently around the fragility around our magnificent bodies. Sometimes our bodies aren’t able to support our life-path in the way that we need them to. Especially in these times of great activation and change. We need to be patient, and compassionate and kind with our body. Also, sometimes our bodies “give out” in order for us to adjust our approach to our Earthly journey. Don’t underestimate the importance of your wonderful vessel - it is an important tool in your life journey.
That said… let’s jump in!
Pluto Stations Retrograde
The month begins with Pluto Stationing Retrograde. This takes place on May 2nd, at 02° Aquarius 06’. If you have planets and / or angles at the early degrees of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) you will likely feel this Station the most. When planets Station in either direction their archetypal statement is palpable. Keywords for Pluto include : change from within, upheaval, turnaround, transformation, obsession, overwhelm, empowerment.
Pluto is essentially stopped all month (and has been for the past month), and will move only about 07’ by the end of the month. With so much interaction from the faster planets to Pluto this month, expect for the call towards metamorphosis to be resonant - especially the first half of the month.
With this Retrograde Cycle, Pluto will take its last and final dip into the sign of Capricorn until 2254 - making it only to 29° Capricorn 38’. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, what a journey. Whatever Pluto’s visit in Capricorn has brought up for you, you may find those topics gaining a sense of wisdom, of mastery, or at least a clearer perspective from the rearview mirror.
Pluto will Station Direct on October 11, 2024, and then we can officially say farewell to Pluto in Capricorn. On November 19, 2024 Pluto will make a grand and long-lived entrance into Aquarius - until March 8, 2043. But we will discuss this at greater length later this year.
Collectively, I see Pluto’s time in Capricorn as opening a door into the ancient cultures, their beliefs and rituals. With Pluto in Capricorn, we have had a strong resurgence of the ancient spiritual traditions - giving recognition to the ancient shoulders that we stand upon. For example, the practice of Shamanism (from many lineages), integrating the use of Rites of Passage, the surge of Yoga, ancient forms of Astrology (and Astrology in general), eating in more “natural” ways, the overall need for ceremonial space, as well as a rising interest in connecting with the natural world though spirituality - have all sky rocked into our universal consciousness. This list covers only a small portion of what is actually happening, but these are the areas that stand out to me at the moment.
Capricorn is very concerned with the past, where we come from and the traditions that need to be upheld. In a world where it can be argued that “nothing is sacred anymore”, Pluto in Capricorn has worked to address that gaping hole in our souls. We NEED tradition, ceremony, ritual and community. And this past 16 years has rapidly accelerated that connection for us.
Of course, there are many, many ways that Pluto in Capricorn has manifested itself. But, for me, this feels most relevant at the moment, as this time comes to a close. I plan to spend these last days of Pluto in Capricorn (specifically from September 1 - October 11) with a deep reverence for the wisdom and the grounded spiritual connection that we have collectively received. I am sure that I will sink into this line of thought again at a later date.
Taurus New Moon
All in all, this Taurus New Moon is quite lovely! It occurs on May 7th at 18° Taurus 02’. This Lunation pulls in the energy of the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction that perfected on April 20th, and is still quite close. Hence, the magic and optimism of this transit is being re-enlivened with this New Moon - and baked into the energetic for the next couple of weeks. This is an invitation to keep opening and bringing in the good parts of life - to keep working towards your personal and current version of success.
Simultaneously, the New Moon is in a favorable aspect with Saturn - suggesting that there is the opportunity to manifest the ideas and opportunities that are presenting themselves. While the proposed actions from the Jupiter-Uranus influence could seem outlandish and unrealistic at first, you could start to find step-by-step ways to bring your ideas into your day-to-day life.
Sara and I will be presenting our second “Broadcast Astrology” episode on this New Moon - so stay tuned for a more in-depth look at what is in store for this upcoming Lunar Month.
Jupiter - Uranus
Yes, we already experienced the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction last month. But, as noted with the Taurus New Moon, the planets are still reverberating the message from this alignment. Its work is not yet completed.
First the Sun, and then Venus, and then Mercury (at the end of the month) will reach (by Conjunction) Jupiter and Uranus. This begins in the middle of the month and is carried out intermittently throughout the month. These Conjunctions are potentially really wonderful (or at least enlivening) because they are carrying through the optimistic and potentially revolutionary energy that the Conjunction last month was focused on.
Sometimes the results of the Jupiter-Uranus alignments aren’t visible to the public eye for several months if not years (for example, Apple was started in Steve Job’s garage during a Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction). However, we are seeing the University protests taking place at this Conjunction, and they match the spirit behind the Jupiter -Uranus Archetype. These include : Sudden unexpected openings, awakenings, heightened revolutionary unfolding, the people coming alive through shared breakthroughs, as well as the potential of mania, and / or over doing things. … I expect that we will see larger unfolding of these protests - they could be opening the door to something much larger in the long run.
Personally, you could continue to participate in your own revolutionary movement - be that in either the material and / or spiritual form. A part of your being is ready to be liberated, set into motion and your life will not be the same in some way moving forward. Experiencing the activation of Jupiter and Uranus in May should fell much more manageable than last month, we are no longer under the intensity of the Eclipses and Mercury is in forward motion. If anything, you should be able to be more focused on whatever breakthrough / revolutionary movement you are experiencing.
Here are the dates that we are looking at : the Sun will Conjunct Uranus on May 13th; Venus will Conjunct Uranus and the Sun will Conjunct Jupiter on May 18th (this day will likely feel very activated); Venus will Conjunct Jupiter on May 23rd; and on May 30th Mercury will Conjunct Uranus (and will reach Jupiter in Gemini in early June… which is a whole different story!).
Sagittarius Full Moon / Venus-Jupiter-Neptune
The Sagittarius Full Moon takes place on May 23 at 02° Sagittarius 55’. Similar to the Taurus New Moon, this Full Moon is very optimistic and even romantic. Pluto is closely tied into the Full Moon with a supportive and flowing aspect - suggesting that there is empowerment available at this time. We could be gently invited to make changes to influence our greater good - possibly easily shed some skin that is no longer serving us.
Perfecting on the same day, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are all at 29° (the Anoretic or Crisis degree). The alignment includes the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction that is also Sextile to Neptune. Venus-Jupiter-Neptune together can be described as the “Jesus Complex”, which can manifest as someone who has deep and unyielding compassion and love for others. They can be immersed with the beauty of the world and can look at the world with rose-colored glasses. The down-side is that this can bring up severe cases of martyrdom and sacrificial action. As well as behavior lead by illusion and falsehood.
In the collective, there could be a feeling that we need to sacrifice or subscribe to martyrdom in some way. There could be an urgency to this action We could find movements throughout the world where people are putting their lives on the line (or just making grand gestures) for a cause that is greater than them. We could also find fanaticism of all kinds.
This IS a positive aspect, so we could also see beautiful gestures of kindness and love. As well as art that is otherworldly, and that could provide a healing balm for others. Fairy-tale weddings also come to mind with this alignment - so keep your eyes open for any Disney-esque wedding events around this time.
Another side to this alignment is that we are reaching the end of Neptune’s time in Pisces (it has been there since 2012), and it will begin entering Aries in March 2025. There are many crossovers and compatibilities with the simultaneous Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces placements. Neptune in Pisces has also been interested in healing our souls, reminding us that we are all connected to EVERYTHING. Awakening us to the truth that everything we do has resonance far beyond what we will ever be able to clearly perceive in this lifetime. The rise of psychedelics is strongly tied to Neptune in Pisces, as is the rise in meditation, hypnosis, psychic healing, yoga and ceremony in general. Neptune in Pisces can also be pointed to for the rise in “Fake News” and the predominance of “conspiracy voices” throughout the internet. This placement is also responsible for the confusion around : we are more divided than ever AND the lines are so blurred it can be disorienting to know who is on what “side”.
Like being at the end of Pluto in Capricorn, we could be seeing the blessings and the issues around Neptune in Pisces being heightened at this time and for the remainder of the next year or so.
Jupiter into Gemini
On May 25th Jupiter will make a decisive transition into Gemini. Traditionally, Gemini is the Detriment of Jupiter, but having this placement in my chart, I REALLY like it! Jupiter moving into Gemini is great for people with strong Air placements in general (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), as well as Mutable placements (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces).
On the positive side, Jupiter in Gemini is very curious, loves to learn it all, is able to hold several concepts and / or perspectives at one time, and enjoys the sharing of information. The challenges can come by spreading interests too far and wide, issues around details and moving on from something before it is completed. Jupiter wants to make grand strides but has to do it via a menagerie of ideas and concepts - which can leave gaps in the wider vision.
Jupiter will be in Gemini until June 9, 2025, when it will enter Cancer. Most notably, Jupiter in Gemini will form a Trine to Pluto (June 2, 2024) and a Square to Saturn (August 2024 - June 2025). The Trine to Pluto is a powerful cosmic statement, suggesting great power, wealth, taking on large projects and finding great success in grand endeavors. I will go more into this next month. However, this transit will be in orb as soon as Jupiter enters Gemini.
The Square to Saturn is quite interesting as well. Saturn and Pluto had their Conjunction (New Moon moment) in December 2020 - so you could see changes in the path that you laid out for yourself at that time. Adjustments may need to be made in order to obtain long-term stability in your aims. We will also delve deeper into this alignment as the time comes.
All in all, this is a month of activation as well as reflection. The activity around Jupiter and Uranus could re-energize parts of our life that are sleepy or even numb. And could continue to inspire the exciting path that has been recently opening up for us. And Jupiter moving into Gemini offers a new part of our life to find gifts and develop opportunity.
However, both Pluto and Neptune are playing their drums and slowly waking up our memories (like dreams) to how each of them have changed our lives over the past decade (or more). What has been woken up in you? When you reflect on the difference between our society before 2008/2012 to now, what is the main change?
As always, sending you ALL of the love.
Lisa Pesnichak