April 2024 : We Emerge
I am working on the beginning stages of a Podcast with my good friend and colleague, Sara Beckner!!! The first “official” episode will launch around the Eclipse. The Podcast will be centered around New Moon Charts - which can be used as a predictive chart for the lunar month (from New Moon to New Moon). Along the way we will do live chart readings, collaborate with other astrologers and whatever else comes our way. I don’t want to send you more than one email / month. But I will send the first episode so that you have the link if you want to follow us. The Podcast will be an extension of the monthly forecasting that I do here.
Are you ready for an action packed month?!? There is so much happening in April! The end of March ushered in Eclipse Season, with a partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra and warmed us up for the Mercury Retrograde that begins on April 1st. Big changes are on the horizon. You may not see the actual manifestations take place this month, but at the very least you will experience the seeds being planted.
Mercury Stations Retrograde
It seems incredibly accurate (and kind of hilarious) that Mercury will Station Retrograde on April 1st - aka April Fools’ Day! I suspect that many of us will be encountering blatant cosmic jokes around this time. Such as : transportation mishaps, communication loop holes and / or technology going hay wire. This Mercury Retrograde lasts until April 25th and travels from 27° Aries - 15° Aries. Take a look at where this lands in your chart to get an idea of where the Mercury Retrograde activity will be hitting the hardest.
What makes this Mercury Retrograde so gnarly is that we will be simultaneously experiencing an Eclipse in the same sign (Aries). The March 25th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse took place at 5° Aries (Moon in Libra) and the April 8th Solar Eclipse will take place at 19° Aries. There is a lot of action happening in this part of your chart (basically all of Aries)!!! If your chart highlights Aries in any way you could be receiving a big upgrade / shake-up in this area of your life.
As per usual with Mercury Retrograde, expect the same shenanigans - but this time with a bit more of a kick! Be sure to back up your technology, triple-check the details that you are depending upon, and be prepared to move a bit more slowly at times in order to accommodate the inevitable mishaps. Delays are a given during Mercury Retrograde.
What can you learn from slowing down and turning inward? This is a great time for reflection and revamping anything that needs a tune-up. This is also a great time to reach out to those who you haven’t spoken to for a while, or you might expect to hear from those people as well.
Venus Conjunct Neptune
In the lead up to the Solar Eclipse, Venus makes its annual conjunction to Neptune - on April 3rd. This is a very romantic and creative combination. Illuminating the dichotomy that we are being asked to addressed within this Aries-Libra Eclipse Cycle : how can we be in partnership with others and still maintain our autonomy? Aries urges us to remember that two individuals in partnership are more powerful than a merged pair who have lost their individual centers.
However, this Venus / Neptune combination in the dreamy sign of Pisces reminds us not to fear merging - because the act of merging is a state of complete and beautiful trust. And that there is something much, much greater than either of us that holds us within our relationships. The relationship itself is an ongoing expression of the divine at work.
Aries Total Solar Eclipse
This is a big one. One could argue that things really shifted after the Total Solar Eclipse in August 2017 - ushering in the Trump Presidency and (unbeknownst to us then) setting us up for the 2020 Pandemic. This time around this Eclipse will unveil an important cog in the United States timeline - particularly since the visible part of the Eclipse is chiefly taking place within the Southern US (and Central America).
Historically, Eclipses have reflected major shifts in Rulership and for a Nation. This is because the Sun represents the King (or the Rulership) and the Moon represents the People (or the populace of the Nation). An Eclipse obscures of the light of the Sun or the Moon. Hence, a Solar Eclipse (which is what this Aries Eclipse is) suggests that the Rulership will be changed, altered, obscured, in a notable and likely unforeseeable way. During Eclipses, Fate dips its hand into our Earthly Matters and re-focuses our attention towards a new direction (although that direction may not be clear to us for a while afterwards).
Astrological research has illustrated that it is not uncommon (both historically and in present day) for leaders to either be brought into office or be taken out of office (sometimes by death) during Eclipse Season. In fact, the British Royal Family has a fascinating relationship to Eclipses for many generations. Both a Kate Middleton and King Charles highlight Eclipses within their natal charts and they have both recently been diagnosed with Cancer (Charles’ diagnosis was not within an Eclipse window, but his Coronation was).
What does all of this mean for a regular, every-day person - like you and me? It really depends on your natal chart and how it’s lining up with this Eclipse. If you have anything (planet or angle) at or nearby 19° Aries - or any other sign really - you have a stronger chance of feeling the effects of this Eclipse. In general, Eclipses represent great beginnings and great endings.
This Eclipse is taking place on April 8th - and located at 19° Aries 24’. The highlight of this Solar Eclipse is its exact conjunction to Chiron. Chiron points us towards the persistent pain within us, urging us to take note of “where does it hurt?”. Chiron is the wound that keeps us separate somehow, where we feel outcast or misunderstood.
On one hand, this Eclipse is asking us to step into our independence and stand strongly within our own conviction - no questions asked. Take a chance no matter the repercussions. On the other hand, Chiron adds a poignant layer : to stand within our conviction because of and / or despite of our deepest wounding. At its core, this Eclipse is recognizing that being courageous is writhe with pain and fear. But is encouraging is to take the leap regardless.
Adding to the intensity, both Mars and Saturn are closely Contra Parallel by Declination to the Sun and the Moon. What this means is that they are adding their energies to the Eclipse in a way that we are very likely to feel. Mars-Saturn in alignment with the Sun-Moon strongly corroborates the Chiron influence illustrated above. This combination suggests solitude, separation, depression, inhibitions, even mourning. In addition, we can see weakness, difficulties and defeat as possible manifestations. All-in-all, this suggests that there is no escaping the earthly pain that we carry with us. We are being asked to DO SOMETHING with the hardship that we may find ourselves facing. And to take bold and assertive steps toward manifestation in the midst of our wounding. Not all new beginnings are created equal, and this one carries quite a punch.
Can you trust the process despite the discomfort?
There really is nothing easy about this Eclipse, it is a point where we are invited to be “in it” in order to move forward towards a new manifestation of life. Remember that Eclipses don’t have an “opt-out” button, surrender and trust are central to navigating these times with the most ease. If life becomes challenging, don’t thrust around and scream “why me?!?”. I urge you to be curious about your circumstances, what path is opening at your feet that you cannot perceive yet? How does the path that you are currently on not serve you any longer? Can you trust the process despite the discomfort?
Within the World Stage, I suspect that we could see some of the ways that our leaders are weak and vulnerable. Whatever weaknesses are exposed around this time could change the course of events for the US (and other countries) substantially. We could see vulnerability highlighted in our leaders - for better or worse.
Like I said, it is a doozy! But regardless of the earthly manifestations of the Eclipse (for good, bad or other), be sure to grab yourself some Eclipse glasses and take a look at the Eclipse on the 8th, it will be a magnificent sight!
Mars Conjunct Saturn
On April 10th there is a Mars / Saturn Conjunction at 14° Pisces 41’. Collectively, Mars and Saturn represents hard work, trials and tribulations, a hard “no”, separation, and termination. Mars and Saturn are often involved when we find ourselves in the “school of hard-knocks.”
That said, Mars and Saturn are the reason why we get shit done. They drive us to put our ideas into material form and ensure that our endeavors are successful. We need the fire under our buttocks and the critical voice to make our life more functional and efficient. In addition, we need good boundaries and the ability to say “no.”
This conjunction is the “new moon” moment for Mars and Saturn - the beginning of a new cycle. Expect to feel a drive towards manifestation around this time. This motivation could come from the insight acquired from the Eclipse, which is also inspiring new beginnings.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
So… April is having all the fun this year! The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction is a definite highlight for 2024 - don’t miss out on manifesting the opportunities that are available to you around this time. Together, Jupiter and Uranus represent success beyond bounds, sudden opportunities, reaching for the stars (and maybe even reaching them!). The last time that Jupiter and Uranus joined together was on January 4, 2011 at 27° Pisces 02’.
This takes places on April 20th at 21° Taurus 50’ - again ... look at your chart!!! You may already be seeing the benefits of this transit manifesting in your life. You may be witnessing the unfolding of beneficial and even lucrative opportunities right now - as Jupiter comes closer and closer to the exact Conjunction. During this time don’t be afraid to risk it, to take the leap and to manifest the hell out of those pesky dreams that have been lingering for way too long.
But, honestly, you may not need to do too much to get the ball rolling. The proverbial ball could be reeling towards you as you hear this. Brace yourself for something wonderful to happen.
Scorpio Full Moon
The best part about the Scorpio Full Moon on April 23rd is that it definitively ends Eclipse Season! Congratulations, you survived yet another Eclipse Season (and a pretty intense on at that)! The highlight of this Full Moon is that the Sun and Moon are in a Square to Pluto. If you remember back to January / February, the New and Full Moon’s at that time were strongly rooted in their relationship to Pluto - who had just ingress into Aquarius. Around that time we saw an influx of forward moving activity, glimpses of the future and many experienced the need to “upgrade” their life (in a variety of different ways). Basically, we were being urged to step into the “highest” versions of ourselves because the old versions are not “adequate” for the future that we are collectively stepping into.
This Scorpio Full Moon is reiterating this same intention. As the Scorpio Full Moon perfects, Pluto will be about as far into Aquarius as it will proceed until 2025 (02° Aquarius). And Pluto is essentially stopped in the sky around this time, as it will Station Retrograde on May 2nd (in 8 days). As I have stated several times, a slow / stopped planet is a powerful planet. So this Scorpio Full Moon is pulling in the full, and even exaggerated, magnitude of Pluto’s influence. Hence, our personal (and even collective) metamorphosis remains largely on the menu.
You may be asking - “when can we be done with our personal transformation and development?” … well… likely never. And I think that the reason for this is because we are each part of an indescribably magnificent and magical existence that ceasing this exploration would be an absolute shame… what would the point of all of all of this be? We are here to discover, reshape and develop over and over again. Yes, you are perfect the way that you are. And why not play in the depths of our being so that we can be more connected to the magnificent root of our existence?
This is the invitation that we are receiving from the Scorpio New Moon. Go deep or go home.
Chances are, many of our lives will look significantly different at the end of April (or at least the seed will be planted for such changes). Take note of how you are stepping into April, and be open to meaningful shifts from the very beginning. Great changes are at hand. We see some very challenging invitations for change, as well as very exciting and exuberant opportunities.
Despite the potential challenges, please do not hide away in your hidey-hole to try to avoid the shifts that are headed our way. As earthlings, this is what we are here for. Although we cannot usually see the larger benefits that are happening on a larger scale as a result of our personal and / or spiritual growth doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. The work that we put into our personal and spiritual development creates healing ripples far beyond our sense of perception. KNOW THAT. When the work is hard, know that there is a reason, something far, far beyond us is simultaneously being healed as we heal ourselves. This is a great month to create more healing ripples!!!
All the love,
(aka the Dynamic Self : Astrology for Life)