March 2024 : Mighty Flurry
The Business
As promised, March ushers in a new chapter for my little-but-mighty business. After years of intense dedication completing astrological (and other affiliated) courses, certifications, and the like (which I am still happily engulfed within) it is time for me to raise my prices to reflect my level of expertise - as well as the amount of time that it takes me to prepare for a Consultation.
The new pricing is as follows : First Time Client Consultation is $210 and Returning Client Consultation is $180. ((The price for a First Time Client is a bit more expensive because I need to delineate the Natal Chart before I can do anything - regardless of the Consultation Type.))
In addition to my broad list of Consultation Types, I have added several NEW Consultation Types (which are in BOLD) :
Natal Chart Consultation (in-depth exploration of your natal chart)
Solar Return / Year-Ahead Consultation (overview of the year-ahead)
Detailed Year-Ahead Consultation (pin-point specific times / time-frames for particular activities / actions)
Electional Consultation (find a specific date / time for an event)
Horary Consultation (specific question of the moment)
Location (AstroCartography) Consultation (identify advantageous locations for living or visiting)
Medical Consultation (your vitality and health challenges)
Dream or Medicine Journey Consultation (integration)
Relationship Consultation (look at your chart and your partners)
Gentle Children's Chart Consultation (add 30 min for multiple children)
If you have questions about what Consultation would be best for you (or if you need a combination on Consultations, etc.) please reach out to me and I can put together a Consultation to meet your needs.
OK… enough business formalities! Time for some Cosmic Insight!
March continues the 2024 forward-motion marathon that we’ve been powering through since mid-January! For most of us, the quick-moving activities we find ourselves engaged in have been a long-time coming. We have waited and worked and dreamed and pondered this next step within our lives for some time. And here we are, manifesting the crap out of these significant next steps. With ALL the planets moving forward, Pluto shifting into Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus coming closer to their meeting in April - all systems are GO!
Overall, March looks to be supportive of the changes at hand. Astrologically, the month is chalked-full of supportive aspects (Sextiles), that require a bit of effort on our part, but promises a supportive outcome in the long run. That said there are some mighty transits in March, but they are largely buoyed by the supportive vibe of the month. (Of course, much of this depends upon how your chart is being impacted by the planetary movements.)
Beginning of March - Uranus Takes the Stage
Uranus emphasizes its revolutionary and forward-thrusting agenda throughout the beginning of March. Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun all create aspects to Uranus within the first week-and-a-half of the month. When Uranus has such a loud voice for an extended period of time, we can expect to be energized and inspired by all that is NEW and EXCITING. Along the same lines, we could experience annoying curve balls that impact our plans, as well as opportunities that we couldn’t have previously imagined (and likely a mixture of both). Be sure to take care of your nervous system and your immune system - with so much activation swirling around. Remember to breathe fresh air, touch the ground, and take time for all things slow (… it could be an effort to do so). Finding time for recovery is key.
Also, pace yourself through this first part of March - we could feel like we need to complete everything immediately. There is the distinct possibility that we could burn ourselves out by the time that March 9th rolls around if we continually react in a heightened state.
On March 3rd, Venus Squares Uranus, inspiring distinct changes in our relationships, our creative work and to intimate connections overall. We may find new ways to maintain our autonomy within a loving relationship or be inspired to step into new creative expression. On a global scale, Venus / Uranus can be a time when women in general arise to the forefront to stand up for their freedom within a largely patriarchal society.
On March 4th Mercury Sextiles Uranus, electrifying our mental environment and our communication with others. Conversations could feel especially inspired and lively, bringing about new ideas and perspectives. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box around this time. Good sleep schedules and mindfulness could be challenging to maintain, allow additional time in your night-time routine to accommodate for the heightened mental energy that you could be encountering.
… And several days later (March 8th) Mercury reaches its Conjunction to Neptune. This could manifest as mental (and / or physical) burn-out from all of the action that has been taking place. Or it could be a much needed respite into daydreams, binge-watching and dancing. Be careful of signing any binding documents around this time - as miscommunication, mistakes in general and deceptiveness are central to the Mercury / Neptune connection.
On March 9th both Mars and the Sun contact Uranus. This will likely be a very busy time. There is a lot of heat and activity central to the archetypes of the Sun, Mars and Uranus. As well as independence, drive, and manifestation. If the beginning of the month didn’t run you ragged, this “grand finale” of Uranus’ transits will put the fire under your seat and burn off any remaining fuel that you have left. So - pace yourself (as I stated above). Also, prepare and use this time to launch your dreams and take the daunting leap.
Be careful of accidents around this time. We could find ourselves moving through life in a fast and furious manner, and missing important information along the way. This could be missed physical “details” that lead us to getting hurt or intellectual details that cause a big ‘ol mess in our life! On a positive note, there is also the possibility of physical breakthroughs in sports and within your own active goals, as well as intellectual pursuits that make headways that you couldn’t have imagined previously.
Pisces New Moon
The Pisces New Moon occurs on March 10th (20° Pisces 17’). The strongest aspect that the New Moon is making is to Uranus (a Sextile). Thus, exciting Uranus maintains its role at the center stage. Also, Neptune is not too far away to consider, especially since both the Moon and the Sun will soon join Neptune after the New Moon perfects. Uranus will provide an awakening and stirring overtone to the already dreamy New Moon and Neptune will provide a dreamy, lingering undertone for the days following.
The Sun prefects its conjunction to Neptune on March 17th - so expect life to feel less connected to the mundane realm between the New Moon and the 17th. Expect to be pulled into various means of relaxing, daydreaming, and other manifestations of “non-productive” activities. You will likely not be entrenched in dreamland for the entire time (life can still proceed as usual), but there could be a distinct “summoning to the reclined position” around this time. Do be aware of the possibility of disillusionment or being mislead, or finding yourself in disappointing circumstances.
Spring Equinox - Aries Ingress
For many, the Aries Ingress (when the Sun enters the sign of Aries) is considered to be the “Astrological New Year.” In the Northern Hemisphere, we have made our way through the darkness of Winter, the days and nights are of equal length and the earth is warming. The Sun is in its exaltation in Aries, meaning that it is held on high and celebrated for the warmth and that it brings. The Aries Archetype and the Springtime reflect one another beautifully - chiefly the bold braveness that it takes to make life happen! Aries Natives are known for their innate drive to say “yes” to most challenges, which reflects the tiny but mighty seeds beneath the surface who are brave enough to push themselves into the warmth of the life-giving sun. They take a chance that the world outside will support them and that they will survive and even flourish.
On this day, take time to appreciate the ways that you take a chance in order to “make life happen.” And set some intentions for what you are growing, what you are “putting out there.” Remember that stepping into the unknown is never comfortable (not even for an Aries), but tap into that part of nature (and within yourself) that compels one to take the leap in the name of LIFE, and say “YES!”.
Libra Lunar Penumbral Eclipse
Welcome back to Eclipse Season! The end of this month is likely to take on a very different vibe than the beginning / middle of the month. And the shape that this Eclipse gives form to, is likely to be carried forth into April. This is the first Eclipse Season since the Nodes have entered Aries / Libra that both sequential Eclipses will take place along that same axis (the last two Eclipse Seasons have been a hybrid). What this implies is that the Aries / Libra themes (and how that lands in your chart) will be more completely explored during this Eclipse Season. Look back to the April 20th 2023 and the October 14th 2023 timeframes - what themes were up for you around that time? You could still be working heavily with that material. This next month will bring new pieces forward that are associated with the theme at hand, and / or expand upon the pieces that are already at play (courtesy of the Eclipses).
In general, the Aries / Libra axis has to do with the dynamic between the individual (Aries) and the connections that we depend upon (Libra). There is a concentrated amount of energy being placed on how to be an individual within the relationships that we have, or maybe looking at how we have lost our autonomy in the midst of our connections / relationships (and finding a path back to ourselves).
This Penumbral Eclipse in Libra takes place on March 25th at 1:00am MDT (05° 07’). Take a look at your chart to see what you have at the degree where the Eclipse is occurring and what houses it lands in. Also, see if your chart is receiving any prominent aspects to the Eclipse.
On its face, this Eclipse’s most prominent influence comes from a flowing aspect to Pluto. The combination of the Moon, Sun and Pluto can suggest a time of intense emotions, and increased sensitivity. As well as the potential for successful endeavors and powerful experiences of the soul. On the world stage this could suggest leaders making great strides towards their goals and winning over the masses.
However, there is a lot more to this Eclipse than that. First of all, Uranus is in an “invisible” hard aspect to the Sun and Moon - reiterating the themes of destabilization and shaking-things-up that have been so dominant throughout the month. Also, individuation within our relationships is front-and-center - bringing attention to where we have become diluted and lost within our partnerships. This is a reminder that relationships are a place where TWO INDIVIDUALS join together to create a life. How do we both join together and maintain autonomy?
In addition, Neptune is closely tied to the Sun and the Moon through what is called Declination. What this means is that the dreamy, visionary, and compassionate tone that the Pisces New Moon brought in a couple of weeks earlier will continue to resonate through this Eclipse as well.
What is sticking out to me with this Eclipse is the need for surrender and to let the change happen. Sometimes the key to stepping into our individuality stems from our ability to release control over our circumstances and trusting that there is space for who we are within our relationships.
I encourage you to sit with your inner-self and the spiritual guide(s) who you work with and let yourself be surprised by the illuminated insight that they offer you. Within that space you will find the empowerment and the knowing that you are looking for.
Although there are not as many transits occurring this month as “normal”, the ones that are occurring are quite mighty. Expect a continued flurry of activity in March. In the midst of so much change and activity, be sure to make room for rest and recovery. Eclipse Seasons tend to come in strong, and before we know it we are swept off of our feet and into a blur of activity. Block off some time in your schedule from mid-March through mid-April to recenter yourself and integrate the change. And, heads up, April has some of the biggest astrological activity of the year!
I hope that each of you are finding some blessings tucked inside of the challenging moments. Remember that peace is experienced while sitting quietly within the center of the chaos. Peace is available at all times, everywhere, and in all shapes and sizes.
May Peace find each and every one of you whenever you need it.