February 2024 : Heavy Lifting
My books are officially back open! If you cannot find a time that works for you reach out and we can figure out a time. Also, my prices will be increasing next month and I am changing my Offering structure AND officially adding some new Consultations! These changes will be taking place in March - I will share those with you in next month’s Newsletter.
Phew! January was a doozy! Pluto entering Aquarius has boldly stated one clear message to the collective consciousness : “it’s time to embody your highest self”. Within this message is the understanding that not doing so will quickly leave us in the dust of the future. I don’t want to give you the impression that it’s a race or a competition (even with yourself) - because it absolutely is not. It’s a strong invitation and the timeline is immediately. If you’re not feeling this pull, remember that each of us is on our own life-school itinerary… each itinerary is sacred and perfect.
February promises to continue this not-so-subtle message (“it’s time to embody your highest self”). The Sun conjoining with Pluto in Aquarius in January certainly got the ball rolling (if it wasn’t already). And in February we will have Mercury, Venus and Mars each putting their 2-cents into the conversation. It’s going to be interesting!!! So… put your wide-lens goggles on, allow yourself to envision the “impossible”, the “ideal” and get creative about how to take the first baby-steps towards making these ideas reality. As mentioned previously, this transit of Pluto in Aquarius will take place for the next 20 years. We are JUST dipping our toes into the water. But this placement doesn’t seem to be interested in foreplay - so get ready for action!
All of the Planets Conjunct Pluto (Mercury, Mars & Venus)
Honestly, most of this month is centered around most of the inner planets moving from Capricorn into Aquarius and immediately reaching their Conjunction with Pluto. Let’s explore what this looks like…
The month begins with Mercury entering Aquarius late on February 4th and forming its conjunction with Pluto in the early morning of February 5th. From a global perspective, Mercury / Pluto can suggest the power of observation; unveiling the deep, dark truth; powerful voices reaching the public ear; and / or an overestimation of public figures and their ideas. In a time when the “truth” is so difficult to decipher, and the lines of logic are blurred - we could find ourselves holding onto whatever we are being told around this time. And, it’s possible that during this time there actually IS a strong thread of “truth” to be held onto.
Around this time, be wary of listening to other’s “truth” too intently. Instead, find the truth within yourself and follow the power and the strength that lies within YOUR inner voice. It is much more powerful than you may be giving it permission to be.
Then, on February 12th, Mars makes its grand entrance into Aquarius and conjoins Pluto the next day (February 13th). This is likely the most impactful cosmic alignment occurring this month. Mars / Pluto is a powerful combination. From a global perspective this suggests power over the masses, political activation, and / or a focus on circumstances of survival. This transit could be putting into motion whatever was communicated earlier in the month. Expect a prominent political presence to shake things up around this time. And / or a poignant idea or concept to enter our global consciousness.
Within your own day-to-day life, you could find that tempers are high, also there could be an exaggerated drive to accomplish tasks. That said, this is a wonderful time to move metaphorical mountains. Mars / Pluto has a drive and focus that will not let up. Be conscious to not get thrust into fight or flight, your energy supplies will quickly diminish and unwanted collateral damage could result. Instead, focus the immense energy that is available to you to fuel your personal empowerment, your physical challenges, and / or definitively propel you towards the transformation that you seek.
Finally, Venus quickly follows Mars into Aquarius on February 16th and then conjoins Pluto on February 17th. Globally, this is a time when we could hear the voices of powerful women, female rights could become front-and-center, and / or a creative vision could entrance the masses. I suspect that the middle of the month (starting around Venus’ ingress into Aquarius) could be a particularly challenging time for us within our relationships - specifically romantic. I’ll explain why…
The Venus / Pluto combination on its own can be an overwhelming influence on a part of our life (romance) that is “supposed” to be light, beautiful, flittery, dreamy, special and hopeful. Pluto adds a distinct heaviness to Venus, turning our experience of romance into transformational shadow work, interpersonal power struggles, obsession, and a drive to uncover the secrets of said romance. While Pluto certainly puts a spin on Venus’ pure form, the effects can also be quite beautiful : you can actually reach the depths of soul-partnership, experience plunging into a fully raptured romance, and / or transforming through relationship.
Just a couple of days after Venus joins with Pluto, she quickly reaches Mars for their Conjunction on February 22nd. Be very mindful of your relationships from about February 15th to February 25th. This can be a time when the band-aid is ripped off to expose something that we have pushed away for sometime (within the realm of relationship). Then we will be required to take action - one way or the other. It’s a very challenging circumstance for a planet like Venus (a benefic) to be entrapped between two challenging planets (Pluto and Mars). The optimistic, sweet and loving part of ourselves has to deal with the hard-knocks of life. It can be uncomfortable, to say the least.
That said, this can also be a time when we make great strides in our relationships - particularly in areas where we may have been stuck for a while. We could have the tough conversations and take important actions that transform our relationships in a positive direction. Be aware of stepping into power struggles and falling into survival mode (whatever that looks like for you). Passions can be amplified - in all directions!!!
But it is not all struggle for Venus… Soon after Venus’ Conjunction with Mars, Venus will square Jupiter (on February 24th) - this should be healing balm to whatever area of your relationship the band-aid was ripped off previously. Remember that Venus also represents creativity - so the above could also apply to your creative realm.
Aquarius New Moon
The Aquarius New Moon - also Chinese New Year! - occurs on February 9th at 20° Aquarius 41’. Uranus is the highlight of this Aquarius New Moon… and it’s going to be spicy! As the New Moon prepares to perfect, Venus and then the Sun meet up with Uranus (via Trine and Square respectfully) - setting the stage for excitement and invigoration!
Within the framework of the other astrological weather, I see this New Moon as placing the dynamite beneath our butts wherever we are holding onto stale-old patterns within our lives. Yea… you can run, but you cannot hide. Personally, I’m a glutton for certain levels of productive discomfort. But I know that not everyone is - and I completely respect that. However, if you are someone who pulls away from the potential of change, this is a time when you have the opportunity to take the reigns of change in your own hands and mindfully make said-change happen.
Two things to keep in mind: 1) do not skimp on the change, this has to be something that you KNOW deep within you that needs to change. 2) This is not a New Years Resolution- this is actual change that NEEDS to occur, you’ve got to be ALL-IN.
As the great astrologer Rick Levine says “Bend your knees and wiggle your hips” - we were born for this.
Virgo Full Moon
The Virgo Full Moon occurs on February 24th. Unlike so much of the month, this Full Moon ushers in a sense of sobriety and pragmatic vision. With so much being unhinged and propelled forward, where can we stabilize? This Full Moon is a reminder that, despite all of the high-minded, transcendental movement, we still live an earthly existence - governed by space and time.
Prepare to settle in a bit around this Full Moon to touch the earth, adjust your schedule (if needed), move your body in a healing way, hug your loved ones - all of the things that keep us rooted to this earthly life. Remember that boundaries are often needed within the realm of dreams, ideals cannot be made manifest without time and space to hold it.
Shortly after the Full Moon perfects - on February 28th - the main characters in the Virgo Full Moon will have a poignant dance with one another. First, Mercury will have it’s forward motion Cazimi with the Sun and then Mercury will conjoin with Saturn, and shortly after that the Sun will meet with Saturn (for the Saturn Cazimi). The Full Moon will likely signal to this day of Cazimi’s and Conjunctions between the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Expect an overall serious frame-of-mind around this time. Possibly somber and inhibited to some degree. There could also be a clarity about life’s heaviness that illuminates the path forward.
Overall, there is a lot of heavy lifting this month. Pace yourself. The New and Full Moon are quite active, and overlap with the intensity of Mercury, Mars and Venus (respectively) entering into Aquarius and conjoining with Pluto. It is so important not to get lost in the weeds right now. We are ushering in a new 20 year chapter, keep your eyes, heart and mind open to the possibilities. Pluto can bring up fear in us… temper whatever fear may be arising in you. Use your tools to maintain your inner strength, integrity, softness and LOVE.
As always, thanks for reading (if you’ve made it this far). I always look forward to sitting amongst the messages of the Cosmos and sharing what I hear and see.
SO much LOVE to each and every one of YOU!