January 2024 : Our Most Authentic Selves


Happy 2024!!!   I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season filled with good food, love and warmth.  I’m late this month because we have been on a family vacation in Costa Rica for the last two weeks.  It has been wonderful to explore the beaches, the rainforests and the Costa Rican culture with my family - especially with my boys getting older ❤️.  And… we have made some new family holiday traditions.

A reminder that my books are closed until February 2024.  This January I begin a mentorship with a Psychic Medium in order to hone my relationship to the subtle realms.  My goal is to quiet my life a bit in order to focus on this work.

Furthermore, I will be raising my prices and changing the structure of my offerings in March.  So if you have a consultation in mind in the near future, I suggest booking before March to get the lower price.

I’m adding several new offerings to my site as well - including AstroCartography (to figure out where the best place to live and / or visit is for you), Electional (to find the best time for an event - wedding, start a business, important purchase, or sale, etc.) and a more fine-grained timing consultation for certain activities (such as making business advancements, moving or making the most of your relationships).

If you ever have a life-situation that could use some astrological assistance but you’re not sure what consultation to book please do not hesitate to reach out and I will guide you in the right direction.

January 2024

Overall, January 2024 consists of a series of mostly supportive cosmic activity.  We could find ourselves feeling motivated to get sh*t done after the holiday chaos and fun.  If you’re feeling the desire to check all of the boxes off of your to-do list, go for it!  And don’t hesitate to put the pedal to the metal - because this is some of the smoothest sailing of 2024.  January is a supportive time to set the groundwork for the year ahead.  What adjustments do you want to make in the coming year?

Mercury Stationed Direct

Mercury Stationed Direct on January 1st, marking the ending of what for many of us has been a very discordant and disorganized Mercury Retrograde.   However, the end of the Mercury confusion isn’t over until Mercury makes its final square to Neptune on January 8th.  While plans and communication could continue to take detours until around this time, on the positive side this is a great time to dream up some ideal goals for 2024.  Intuition is strong under this influence so you could have some gut insight around what you truly need.

Mars in Capricorn

In addition, Mars enters Capricorn on January 4th.  Mars in Capricorn can be very productive and level-headed, it’s a great influence for taking action that will have a pragmatic, longer-term influence.  In addition, Mars will be making supportive aspects with Saturn (January 9th), Jupiter (January 12th) and Uranus (January 29th).  On January 27th, Mercury and Mars will perfect another conjunction (the first conjunction took place on December 27th) but this time the action that we seek through our communication should be much more constructive than when they met up in December (when frustration could have been much more prevalent).

Capricorn New Moon

The Capricorn New Moon (20° CAP 18’) takes place on January 11th.  Most notably, the New Moon is in a wide but applicable conjunction to Pluto (at 29° CAP 41’).  This is important because several days after the New Moon (January 20th) the Sun will conjoin with Pluto for the last time in the sign of Capricorn for about 240 years.  After 15 years in the sign of Capricorn, Pluto will solidly land in Aquarius by the end of 2024 (where it will remain for 20 years).  In 2023 we had a very brief time with Pluto in Aquarius, in 2024 Pluto is in Aquarius for the majority of the year.

This New Moon is highlighting the end of the Pluto in Capricorn era and ushering in glimpses to what this new time of Pluto in Aquarius could mean for us moving forward.  This is a great time to look back at the past 15 years (since 2008) and review what has happened in your life (I’m sure that it’s a lot)?  What are some of the major themes that have unfolded?  What are some areas of life that you would like to focus on over the next 20 years?  Take a look at your natal chart to see what house(s) the sign of Aquarius lands in within your natal chart - and what planets / angles Plutos journey through this part of your chart will impact.   

Of course, we are talking about Pluto, so the seeds planted to usher in the new beginnings could be quite profound, resulting in an eventual metamorphosis of our lives.  Pay attention to the small things that occur around this time - new ideas, people, etc - they could end up setting the stage for much more than we could currently imagine.

The New Moon is also configured to a trine to Uranus, reiterating that there is big change embedded in the groundwork of this lunation.  Embrace the unexpected, the out of the box, the land previously uncharted - that is where the promise of tomorrow lies.

Pluto into Aquarius

On January 20th Pluto makes its second-to-last ingress into Aquarius.  The last ingress will be November 20th, 2024 … that is until Pluto makes its long journey back around in several hundred years.  This is a once in a lifetime transition that we are experiencing.  When Pluto was in Aquarius briefly last year we saw the uprising of AI technology and witnessed our excitement for its potential as well as concern over its consequences.

In 2024, Pluto will be in Aquarius from January 20th until September 1st and (as mentioned above) will ingress for good on November 20th.  So we should get a much better idea of some of the deeper and more profound impacts that this 20 year transit will have in store for us in 2024.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air Sign ruled by Saturn. What this suggests is that there could be a focus on communication, science and technology, human rights, networking of all kinds, air / flight technology, looking to the future, outer space advancements, etc.  While Aquarius as an archetype is concerned with humanity and equality amongst said-humanity, there can be a notable coolness and disconnect around emotions and the warmth that is so important to the human experience.  There could be a stubborn and inflexible overtone to this next 20 years - as well as a formidable force to make progress towards the overall task at hand.

One of the gifts of Aquarius is to be able to see the full picture and the interconnected relationships within the larger picture.  This tends to be the landscape within which Aquarius works, spinning idealized webs towards a “perfect” future.

We will surely be plunging us into the exploration of what a “perfect society” means (or doesn’t mean).  Pluto in this environment will surely give us overwhelming glimpses at the meaning of vastness, as well as what it means to be responsible (or not) to one another in a truly globally interconnected reality.  We will encounter consequences for our irresponsible actions and be required to make profound changes as a result.

Pluto will only make it to 02° Aquarius 06’ this year, look to see what you have between 00° - 02° in your natal chart (particularly in the Fixed Signs) to see if Pluto will be making a significant impact on your life this year.  Like most things… we will know more once we arrive.

Leo Full Moon

The Leo Full Moon on January 25th in some ways is a continuation of the Pluto story that began with the Capricorn New Moon earlier in the month.  Similar to the New Moon, this Full Moon features the Aquarius Sun Conjunct to Pluto (thus, the Moon in Opposition).  If the New Moon was encouraging us to reflect on the past 15 years of Pluto in Capricorn, this Full Moon is bringing light to the future that lies ahead (with Pluto in Aquarius).

But there is an optimism, a celebration around the changes at hand - suggested by Jupiter being closely woven into the fabric of the lunation.  The changes are favorable towards the possibly of manifesting great fortune (on many levels).

On the underside of the Full Moon resides a more challenging landscape.  When looking at declination the Moon is closely Contra-Parallel to Mercury, Mars and Pluto.  What this suggests is that powerful, possibly troubling words or ideas could be made known on the global stage.

It’s worth noting that Mars and Pluto are connected through declination from January 14th through the first weekend of February - so this could be more of an energetic that is felt at this time then an event that materializes on the Full Moon.  But the Full Moon could heighten the sentiments that are being stirred up at this time.  Mars / Pluto can be experienced personally as the drive to move metaphorical mountains, the need for power and control, or a time when your survival instincts are in high-gear.  This alignment can certainly add to the action orientation of this month.  Take advantage of the extra drive this second half of the month.  But be sure not to burn yourself out.

Uranus Stations Direct

On January 27th Uranus Stations Direct, resulting in a forward moving sky until April / May.  As Uranus Stations, both Mercury and Mars will be applying to a trine to Uranus, which will strongly reverberate the potent ring for change in our lives.  Look for new perspectives, pathways forward (or sideways!) and meaningful interactions to shake up the stale patterns that are preventing us from living our best lives.


This month assures us that the future is not meant for our old, stagnant frame-of-mind.  We stand on the precipice of a future that desperately needs our most authentic selves, our most visionary creativity, and our most caring hearts.  While I suspect that no great strides will be made towards the physical manifestation of this future this month, I feel confident that very important seeds will be planted.   

Do the work to set yourself up for success as we take the first solid steps into this new 20 year chapter.

I look forward to meeting with each of you in the New Year!

So Much Love,



February 2024 : Heavy Lifting


December 2023 : Soften and Enjoy