December 2023 : Soften and Enjoy
Thanks to each of you who participated in my Solar Return Practicum. It was such a wonderful learning experience for me - and hopefully for those of you who took advantage of the opportunity walked away with helpful information and insight.
For those of you who have not had a reading with me in some time, I have many, many new tools under my belt that I would love to share with you. In particular, my Solar Return readings have developed quite a bit; adding an incredible delineation technique as well as additional timing techniques to layer on. The level of accuracy that these techniques are able to reach is quite mind-blowing. If you are interested in finding out what this next year has in store for you, I’d love to see you in a Year-Ahead Consultation!
Also, a reminder that I have Gift Certificates available for the Holidays. (Nearly) Everyone loves to learn more about themselves and about the patterns and cycles that are unfolding in their life. If you are looking for a gift for the Holidays, head over to my website and grab a Gift Certificate for an Astrological Consultation.
(( Note, my books are technically closed until February. But, if you are in need of a Consultation before then feel free to reach out. ))
November reverberated much of the unsettling actions that materialized in October. Hopefully you are able to find some reprieve from the universal stress and anxiety - and overall sadness - that we have been subject to recently. The overall look of December 2023 suggests that our subtle energies are exhausted. We collectively feel overly stimulated and are ready for a break. We just cannot feel it all constantly, it is too much. Maybe this is reflecting what you are taking on personally - or maybe just the overall intensity of the world stage. Either way you are being encourage by the Universe to take a seat and find some solace for yourself - possibly even within yourself. This sentiment is especially strong at the beginning of the month.
It should be stated that for the entirety of the month there is an ongoing connection between the Sun, Mars and Pluto - they are Parallel to one another via Declination, which operates similar to a Conjunction. The energetics of these planets are combined as though they were all together physically in the sky. What this suggests is that, in addition to the softer and more optimistic energetics that are materializing this month, there is something intense and powerful creating the foundational baseline. This combination suggests the potential for one-sidedness, great powers making strides towards success, as well as violence (war) - which could be pointing towards the ongoing conflict in Israel / Gaza. The Sun, Mars and Pluto is this same planetary combination (from a traditional Transit alignment) that brought on the initial conflict, this could be illustrating that the conflict will be ongoing this month.
On a more positive note, the end of the month provides much needed optimism as we step into 2024. Paths should begin to open up that were not navigable before. Take the steps, life is meant to be lived. Now onto the details…
Nearly every month I am beyond motivated to write this newsletter - to give you a sneak-peek into the Cosmic Weather. My mind is reeling with patterns and cycles and insight. But stepping into December has been very different, it’s as though the channel that feeds my insight and drive has been dropped into the ocean, and just wants to… well, relax. I couldn’t figure out what was happening until I looked more closely at the transits for this month and realized that it is absolutely 100% Neptune’s fault! (I explain below…)
December begins with a nebulous undertone. As Neptune slows to stop and then Stations Direct on December 6th, we could expect to have our head in the clouds until around December 10th (but the influence gets pulled back in again by the New Moon on December 12th). As mentioned previously, when planets - particularly the Outer Planets - Station they slow to a stop, making their energetic more palpable within our lives. Neptune is NOT concerned at all with the material world, it wants us to connect to the subtle, spiritual nebulous experiences of life. While this sounds lovely from a spiritual or even creative perspective, it doesn’t always bode well if you are trying to get things done in “reality”.
As you read this at the beginning of the month, you’re probably already struggling to get much done and are seeped in daydreaming (as I have been experiencing). You could deeply feel the need for an escape from the daily grind - in whatever form that could take.
Amongst the Neptunian backdrop, Venus makes a series of notable aspects (see Transit List below). It has been said that Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Although the two are not aspecting one another around this time, with so much emphasis on both Venus and Neptune that we could find ourselves reveling in creativity, romance and dreamy ideas of the future. There is the potential for over indulgence (blame the Holiday Season!), optimistic overtones and lovely social encounters.
Sagittarius New Moon
There is more to the Sagittarius New Moon (December 12th) than meets the eye. On the surface, we see that Mars is Conjunct the Sun and Moon, adding drive, ambition and possibly some aggression to the otherwise optimistic and buoyant New Moon in Sagittarius. In addition, the Moon, Sun and Mars are headed into a Square to Neptune - suggesting that whatever this New Moon is catapulting us towards, there is the potential for being mislead, misunderstood, or just disappointed overall. But… before the Sun and Moon (and Mars) reach Neptune, they will first apply to Uranus via a Quincunx.
What does this mean? Our otherwise jubilant Sagittarius New Moon is a bit of a gnarly seed! Frustration from sudden occurrences is embedded within this New Moon, causing some level of upheaval and disruption. And the outcome of said upheaval could lead straight into a period of smoke and mirrors, incorrect actions or inappropriate latency.
While this is a pretty juicy storyline to sink into, I’m going to throw in some additional depth. When looking at the declination of this New Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto are all Parallel to one another - which is the same as them all being “physically” conjunct. At the minimum, this combination could result in the physical manifestation of powerful ideas. On the more intense side, this could manifest as acts of violence due to aggressive words. In addition, Mars is Semisquare Pluto, reinforcing Plutos influence on this New Moon.
Be ready for threshold experiences this New Moon. We could be asked (both individually and globally) to sacrifice a part of our lives (thoughts, patterns, items, etc.) in order to make profound change in the world.
Mercury Retrograde
The day after the New Moon (December 13th) Mercury Stations Retrograde. You may have already noticed technology becoming more loopy and plans not going as smoothly as you’d hoped. As Mercury Stations Retrograde, it remains Parallel (by Declination) to the Sun and Pluto, suggesting that there could be substantial secrets that are brought to light this Mercury Retrograde.
We experience Mercury Retrograde about 3 times every year. So we’ve got this! But, if you’re traveling this Holiday Season, expect delays or at least mix-ups. Prepare your mind and your timeline for something to go haywire. Also, Mercury Retrograde is a great time to unwind and enjoy the moment without being as pulled into the forward-moving to-do-mentality. Finish the book you’ve had on your nightstand, catch up with your journaling, that sort of thing.
The Holidays
For those of you who celebrate the Christmas Holiday, there are some really nice transits setting the stage this year. Setting up the Christmas spirit is Mercury RX Conjunct the Sun (in Capricorn) on December 22nd - this is also known as the Mercury Cazimi. This is a a great time for gaining clarity on your life, possibly setting intentions, or just having a rare moment of tranquil mental space. On Christmas Eve, we are blessed with the Sun Sextile Saturn - supporting this time of year when long-held tradition is so important. This transit allows for us to truly appreciate the traditions that we carry forward from the past and hold a level of appreciation for those things that tie us joyfully to our loved ones in all directions of time and space. Light some candles, sing some songs and allow for the simplicity of these acts to embrace your place in the line of tradition and ritual.
Then, on Christmas Day, Venus Trine Neptune. What a sweet, sweet energetic to enjoy a day-off filled with loved ones, gifts and food. Although the Holiday’s can become boisterous (and even tenuous) as families join together with all of their differing opinions and diatribes abut the world… this is the transit of compassionate harmony. Maybe, just maybe the phrases : “what do you think?” or “I never thought about it like that” or “can you tell me more about your point of view?” will be heart-fully stated at the family gathering. Oh, what at world that would be?!?
It should be stated that Chiron Stations Direct on December 26th (at 15° Aries 27’), suggesting that the wounded, sensitive parts of our being could feel more vulnerable than usual. Thankfully, the cosmic combinations suggest that working through these vulnerable landscapes could be quite supported. Around this time, we are more capable to be open to the pain that others carry within themselves (and us towards our own pain). Instead of feeling threatened by or judgmental towards the “off” parts of others (or ourselves) we are able to feel true compassion and maybe even forgiveness. What a Holiday Gift!
Cancer Full Moon
Overall, the Cancer Full Moon (December 26th) is quite lovely. We will feel this Full Moon coming into culmination over the Christmas Holiday : heightening the meaning of family, the nurturing that we provide for one another, and the warmth that can be involved in being a part of our native or chosen groups. Where can we feel safe? And with whom?
On the positive side, there are flowing and supportive aspects from both Jupiter and Saturn to the Cancer Full Moon. This suggests that there is the potential for sustained support within our family systems, we are allowed the room to grow and explore, with the knowledge that we have loving boundaries to keep us safe. In my opinion, this is the central balance to maintain while being a parent - the boundaries and discipline are just as important to my kids as the freedom to explore who they are. Too much of one or the other and they don’t operate at their optimal capacity. I love how this Full Moon suggests that we are getting a balanced and optimal amount of freedom with loving boundaries.
It is important to note that there is a hard aspect between the Full Moon and Uranus that could bring about sudden occurrences. On a positive note, Uranus could help to get us out of old patterns that are blocking our growth (maybe this has to do with the patterns accumulated from our family). Or it could have to do with ways that you aren’t taking care of yourself. In order to work with Uranus’ influence, I suggest being proactive and making some adjustments to your self care, or other parts of your life that you KNOW need an upgrade! (Get a jump on those New Years Resolutions) Your family and your body will thank you.
Jupiter Stations Direct
The month of December began with Neptune Stationing Direct (encouraging us to relax and tune-out) and ends with Jupiter Stationing Direct (December 30th, 05° Taurus 34’). Jupiter has been Retrograde wince September 2023, and we could really use the help of the Great Benefic in forward motion. Planets in Direct motion are more powerful and able to bring about the gifts that they bring to the world. As with all planets Stationing, we will feel Jupiters slowed-to-stop motion for much of the last week of December (specifically beginning December 27th). By the middle of January 2024 you should certainly begin to take full-advantage of Jupiter’s forward movement. Expect pathways to open up and new opportunities to be presented to you - this is a large spectrum of opportunities, remember that even small steps forward make a big difference in the grand scheme of things.
All-in-all, December provides us a brief sigh of relief. We have the opportunity to look around and truly feel the gratitude that abounds both within us and all around us. Yes, there will be bumps and tough spots, and an underlying power struggle either within us or all around us. But, there is also the ability to really enjoy this time with our loved ones, to relish in the love that surrounds us and to reciprocate it.
Take as much time off as you can this December. You have worked your ass off long enough, life is too short to stay in the grind all the time. The ease, the dreamtime, the laughter and the love is actually more important than all else. Sending each of you so so much love this Holiday Season. I am deeply grateful for your audience as well as your participation in this astrological journey that I am embarking on.
I will be back in 2024!!!