November 2023 : What are we Fighting For?


October certainly produced the intensity and explosive displays of power that it promised.  We know already that many of the events that took place in October (chiefly the war between Hamas / Israel) will be playing out for some time - even if there is a settlement (which currently seems nowhere in sight).  From an astrological perspective this horrifying conflict arose from a potent Mars Square Pluto aligned with an Eclipse (and also aligning perfectly with Israel’s chart).  The facade of peace and harmony could no longer maintain its pretenses.  The underlying pressure rooted in misused power and oppression (on all sides) was released with a mighty roar - and resulted in unimaginable bloodshed.

We are being asked to truly look at the deepest, festering parts of ourselves and our society at large.  We have awoken a monster.  Before we reach the peace and healing that we so desperately want, we will FIRST have to mindfully sit with the rage and pain that resides deep within us (both humanity as a whole and personally).  We have already experienced great human loss and trauma - the repercussions  of this time will resonate for years and generations to come.  While dealing with it head-on is hard and scary, the prospect of sweeping it back under the rug will only create a larger and more horrifying monster.

I wish that November 2023 promised pure healing flow that would ease our heart and minds.  While some of this is available, November will chiefly continue to encourage us to dig deeper and deal with the oppositional nature of ourselves and the world that we live in.  There will be some ease and ways to lean into peace and harmony - but not without a fight.  If anything, we will be exploring what we fight for and why we do it.  Why are we sometimes willing to loose so much in the name of liberty and love?

Taking us out of the world stage - how was October for YOU? Are you feeling exhausted after a month of Eclipses and activating transits?  Do you feel like you need a nice, long post-Eclipse nap?  I hope that you can find moments to calm down your nervous system and step away from the grind.  Looking forward, we know that the Holidays are upon us - amping up the need to carve out times for doing “nothing” and maybe even having some fun!     

Beginning of November

There is the sense of whiplash in the beginning of the month - being pulled back and forth with the strong ocean tides.  We could find ourself in areas of tension, either within our relationships or between parts of ourself, as described by the series of Oppositions that kick the month off.  However, the easy-going Trines tucked into the Oppositional dance could encourage us to reach for the ideal, the perfect, the optimal. Roadblocks and heated interactions could be plentiful - as further illustrated by Saturn Stationing Direct on November 4th (00° PIS 31’).  The beginning of the month could be laden with the frustrating movement of two-steps-forward one-step-back.  With Saturn’s potent intensification this time of the month, the restriction could be more noticeable than the progress that we seek to make.

Saturn has been Retrograde since June 17th 2023.  As the planet of structure, security and boundaries stops in the sky (from our perspective) expect to feel a Saturnian resonance throughout this first week of November.  This could manifest as more responsibilities, restriction or just a good look at the cold-hard-truth.  Don’t expect to experience the results of Saturns forward movement for a couple of weeks - it takes quite some time for a behemoth planet like Saturn to change directions (think an ocean liner).  Come December you could begin to see the structures of your life running more smoothly and making more progress.   

Middle of November

The middle of the month is marked by Venus’ move into Libra - where she is strong and able to offer peace and mending within our relationships, our finances and our social interactions.  While Venus in Libra likely won’t be able to fix all of our ailments, she can offer some balm to ease the frustrations that we have been encountering.  On the world stage, this could include more rational and balanced conversations between opposing governments.  However, the greater cosmic environment won’t make it easy for Venus to make as much of an impact as we may want her to.

Most notable, is the Opposition between the Sun and Mars in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus - which perfects between November 9th - November 13th and is central to the Scorpio New Moon.  The Sun and Mars perfect their Opposition to Uranus a couple of days from one another (Sun on November 11th and Mars on November 13th).  As you will see, the Sun and Mars are “besties” for much of this month and have the potential to stir up some hot and steamy trouble.  Mars is the planet of drive, aggression, movement and even violence.  When we combine Mars with the Sun there is an intensification to the Mars energy, making its action more visible and maybe even physical.  Personally, this is a great time to make sh*t happen.

So… the Scorpio New Moon on November 13th (20° SCO 44’) it is a doozy.  I guess that the Eclipse sh*t show that October kicked up just wasn’t enough to get the Cosmic job done!  On its own, a Scorpio New Moon is deep and brooding, ready to delve into the shadows and maybe bring a little kinky along with it.  There is the potential for vulnerable and long lasting connections as well as uncovering secrets hidden deep beneath the surface.  As noted above the Mars / Sun Opposition to Uranus is highlighted with this New Moon - so take that suspicious undercover detective vibe and kick it up about 200% (due to a strong Mars) and then add dynamite (yes, Uranus).

Both Scorpio and Taurus (where Uranus is located) are invested in creating and maintaining security (financial, emotional, etc).  I wouldn’t be surprised if the finical market (stocks, crypto, etc) made a drastic leap (in either direction) around this time.  Women’s rights / abortion could make headlines as well.  Technically this New Moon marks the end of Eclipse Season, but it may not feel like it.  We could continue to see big changes and possibly greater acts of aggression within the world.  Please, please, please continue to take care of your nervous system - make moments to ground your beautiful being : breathe, laugh, hug your loved ones, touch the ground, move your body, eat nutritious food.         

The Sun and Mars will perfect their Conjunction on November 17th.  This is the New Moon moment for the Sun and Mars - beginning a new 2-year cycle.  The Sun and Mars join together every two years in a different sign - the last time that they joined together in the sign of Scorpio was in 1991.  As the Conjunction perfects, there is a close Trine to Neptune, providing the gift of compassion and wide-lens vision.  The subtleties of our actions and our lives are felt in a potentially loving and creative way.  This Trine suggests that whatever burst of aggression takes place in the days prior, there is help and reprieve somehow.  You may be able to turn the potential chaos into a newly formed dream.  This is a great day to organize a day of Peace via meditation / prayer!!!        

End of November

Soon after the Sun and Mars meet up, they will each move into Sagittarius (Sun on November 22nd and Mars on November 24th) as they do so they will immediately be confronted with a Square to Saturn in Pisces.  This is a similar feel to the beginning of the month : we have a burst of forward momentum and then a check-point, a road block, a NO.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be a full-stop in our progress… it could just be a check-point to take note of the sustainability of our plan, and make needed adjustments.  With so much excitability and combustibility in the week(s) prior, it could actually feel good and grounding to our process to slow down and realistically take stock of where we are at and where we are going.

And then, on November 27th, we have the Gemini Full Moon (04° GEM 51’).  While not as hot-wired as the New Moon earlier in the month, it does pack a punch-ish.  First of all, the Sun is next to Mars as the Full Moon Perfects (thus, Opposite to the Moon).  However, whatever punch this Mars plans to throw, it is severely softened by its separating square to Saturn (that perfected on November 25th) and Mercury’s Square to Neptune (perfecting on November 27th as well).  Because Mercury is ruling this Full Moon, Neptune’s dreamy and blurry influence will be a notable theme around this time.  There is the potential to feel hung-over and lost around this Full Moon.  We could be feeling that after all of the excitement over the past month and a half - now what do we do?  How do we move forward from here?  The party happened and all I got was this silly hat…

This could also be a time when we are leaning into the healing that is accessible when we are confused or even insecure.  This is a space where true compassion and creating a new reality can be born from (a pure heart).  Yes, these are idealized concepts - but without the idealized dream, reality would remain within the boundaries of the status-quo.  Mourn what you need to around this Full Moon, let all of the pieces of you feel the vulnerability inherent to the human condition - but DO something with the wisdom that you find there.  The action that you are likely to feel drawn to take is Mars’ contribution to the Gemini Full Moon.   


This month could feel like a continuation of October’s frantic activity (especially the first two-thirds of the month).  Remember that, even though our days could seem to be moving at mach speed, when we breathe and focus - there is so much that we can manifest.  Step away from the news, social media and the gossip - focus within yourself.  What is the felt sense of your wise inner-self?  Use the Cosmic energy to make useful things happen for YOU instead of jumping onto the hamster wheel of chaotic noise and distraction. If you are frazzled, you will be of no help to anyone.

We’re all in this Earth School together - one big cohort.  As always, be kind to yourself and to others.

SO much love,



December 2023 : Soften and Enjoy


October 2023 : Dancing with Destiny