If You Don’t Stand There - No One Will

I hope that your dreams and aspirations have become too big and unruly for you to handle.  I hope that you gasp in disbelief in how you have allowed your imagination to run so unbelievably wild.  I hope that you feel a bit overwhelmed by how wide open you have allowed your heart to be.  This is part of the healing that the current activity in Pisces is offering us.  Let yourself sink into the Piscean dreaminess, if you feel lazy, BE LAZY.  Keep on sinking and exploring your inner landscape, that is the current work.  

The last time that Jupiter was in Pisces with Neptune was in 1856, that was 166 years ago - we will never see this transit again in our lifetimes.  It could be said that those who are incarnated at this time are here to heal.  We could be here to heal ourselves, to heal others as well as many other layers of human (or non-human) existence.  Who knows… essentially we know nothing!  But the whispers of Astrological Symbolism strongly suggest that dreaming, healing, compassion and increased access to creative sources are all important at this time.  How have you ben receiving this energy?

Setting up the Virgo Full Moon Dynamic 

The Full Moon in Virgo has a grounding and organizing effect on Pisces lofty, dispersed approach to life.  Not that one is better than the other - they balance one another out, provide solutions to where the each of them can get stuck.  

Within the Zodiac, they are the polarity of Service - Virgo in the more pragmatic sense and Pisces in the more spiritual sense.  You often find Virgo and Pisces in the realms of education, non-profits, medical practitioners, as well as artists and spiritual leaders.  The Virgo archetype can provide clear pathways to obtain a desired outcome, navigate a system or provide clear and concise feedback for whatever creative medium you may be working in, Virgos can be magnificent creators themselves.  Pisces can provide a non-judgmental space to heal, a compassionate ear as you process challenging elements of life, a spiritual medium or a creative muse.  

The Virgo Full Moon will be taking in the activated subconscious and deeply emotional material that may have been coming up for you over the past couple of weeks (due to the Pisces influence).  This Full Moon will be bringing to light actual, pragmatic steps to manifest what may seem impossible.  Virgo is the Zodiac’s stellar editor, and while Virgo may become frustrated with the “unrealistic” dreaminess of Pisces, it is here to pair down and make manifest those things that are too-good (or big) -to-be-true.  If you sense that your big ideas are being brought down to reality a bit, that’s ok, its part of the Virgo-Pisces dynamic.  Just make sure that your inner editor isn’t becoming too critical.  The key is to find a healthy balance between hopes and dreams that will carry us into a newly dreamed future and pairing down so that the dream isn’t at the brink of popping.  

Overall, things may be feeling like a lot around this time.  Don’t pile on more - take away, reduce, minimize.  As Pisces Season comes to a close (especially this Pisces Season) you may be feeling as though you have been in some kind of semi-functional hallucination.  Everything may feel open, possibly too open.  Take some quiet time alone to tune into the wisdom of the porousness of this time.  The energetic will soon change.   

Virgo Full Moon : March 18, 2022 @ 1:17am MDT (27° 40’ Virgo) 

First of all, this Full Moon is strongly influenced by the planets that are currently in Pisces (Mercury and Jupiter).  Whatever house Pisces rules in your chart is likely where the storyline will be centered around at this time.  

The ruler of the Full Moon, Mercury, is in the sign of Pisces and, thus, infusing this lunation with fuzzy lines, imagination and watery mysticism.  Mercury’s Sextile to Uranus adds some pizazz and liberation to the overall energetic.  You may be surprised by how your dreams have evolved and in what direction they may now be moving.  You may find that you are finally freed from ideas or ideals that have previously held you back.  Maybe this Full Moon will be all about releasing those ideas or ideals so that you can move on as a more genuine and empowered version of yourself.  

Speaking of empowerment, both the Moon and the Sun are aligned in very close flowing aspects with Pluto.  Yes, Pluto has been powerfully “encouraging” to explore the underworld of our inner selves in the name of renewal.  However, this is an opportunity to integrate some of that hard work into what is now coming into full light.  This is an incredibly powerful element of the Virgo Full Moon.   You are fully invited to stand in your power at this time, take full advantage of it.  

In a nutshell : Release what is holding you back from being your authentic self as you continue your dancing with your dreams.  And stand strong in your M.F-ing power, it’s yours - if you don’t stand there no one will.      

And One More Thing… 

Venus in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus : March 19, 2022 @ 5:16am (12° 17’)

As you are well aware, Venus has been on quite the journey lately.  Currently she is widely sandwiched between Mars and Saturn (the Zodiac’s Teachers) in the sign of Aquarius and may be feeling as though she is a rock in a hard place.  Venus’ efforts to harmonize and bring value and beauty to life may not be as easy as it usually is.  Are you feeling blocked in somehow?  Are your relationships and/or finances in currently backed against a wall? 

This isn’t permanent, this energetic will likely be sticking around until the end of March, so hold in there.  Also, Venus’ upcoming Square to Uranus could play interference for a couple of days and break up some of these challenging circumstances.  

As you may know, Uranus is the Zodiac’s “wild card”, its primary goal is to wake up stagnant areas of life and promote our greatest capabilities in this life.  While this is a fabulous planetary motivation, we never know exactly how Uranus is going to throw its lightening bolts into our lives.  Uranus doesn’t really care if we perceive its interception as being “good” or “bad” - its simply there to get the job done.  As with all Outer Planets, it is necessary to surrender to the bigger picture of what we are experiencing.  

Here are some potential examples of how Venus Square Uranus and manifest : sudden changes in relationship dynamics; abrupt fluctuation to financial circumstances; individualization of appearance (beauty); divergence from the norm in your personal values; creative inspiration. 

There really is no way to prepare for a Uranus transit except trust the universe and any unexpected gifts that may be hurled your way.  I hope that this transit shakes things up in the best ways possible!!!


I really appreciate the time that you take to read these articles.  Writing is a source of creativity and cosmic connection for me.  I deeply hope that these pondering pieces provide guidance, validation and a sense that, no matter what, you are seen and your path is absolutely important.  

And with every message - a big wave of love your way - I hope that you allow yourself to feel this love and the love that is available for you EVERYWHERE.  

Lisa (aka The Dynamic Self Astrology) 

House Meanings :

Look at your Natal Chart to see what houses have the signs Aquarius, Pisces & Virgo within them. Use the list below to see what those Houses symbolize :

  • First House : Body, Self-Image, YOU

  • Second House : Financial, Resources, Self-Value

  • Third House : Mind, Immediate Environment, Siblings

  • Fourth House : Home, Family, Inner Self

  • Fifth House : Taking a Chance, Creation, Children, Romance

  • Sixth House : Health & Wellness, Daily Routines & Responsibilities

  • Seventh House : Relationships, Friendships, Partnerships

  • Eighth House : Merged Resources, Taxes & Inheritance, Transformation

  • Ninth House : Religion, Higher Education, Long-Distance Travel

  • Tenth House : Career, Image, Legacy

  • Eleventh House : Hopes and Dreams, Community Support

  • Twelfth House : The Unseen, Spirituality, Knowing


Aries New Moon : The Fire Within

