
Quite a bit has shifted over the past week or so.  Maybe you have felt the subtle, or not so subtle, nudge that things are moving on.  The material that may have been throwing your life into varying levels of turmoil has unfolded, told its tale and is ready to keep churning forward though the cycles of life.  Maybe you feel a level of closure and deep change, or maybe you feel as though you went through it, things somewhat shifted but you may be experiencing a sense of “business-as-usual.”  

Neither response to this moment is wrong or right, sometimes significant changes integrate underneath the surface where they may not be readily detectable.  The apparent outcome really doesn’t matter, we processed through both Venus and Mercury Retrograde and are currently moving forward - on all levels.  This month is the only month of 2022 where all planets are Stationed Direct.  This is a great time to take advantage of the momentum and get ‘er done!  

While March contains challenges - for sure - it is also lined with magnificent gems.  Don’t become so preoccupied with the pressures of this time and miss its gifts.  Here is an outline of what is currently happening and what is coming up in the cosmic skies.  

Gemini First Quarter Moon : March 10, 2022 @ 3:44am MST (19° 50’ Pisces)

What has been unfolding for you since the Pisces New Moon on March 2, 2022?  Amidst the forward movement in the sky and the go-big-or-go-home energy of the New Moon, we may find ourselves a bit emotional, raw and possibly very overwhelmed.  So much has been unraveling internationally and we may find that we need some strategy to both support ourselves and those around us and to move boldly forward into a new, uncertain future.  

This First Quarter Moon in Gemini is quite potent and potentially effective in helping to orient ourselves in whatever journey we may find ourselves in.  Here is what I am seeing… 

The nature of a First Quarter Moon is that of making the adjustments that need to be made in order for the seed (dream) that was planted at the New Moon to take strong root and manifest its promise at the Full Moon.  The Gemini Moon is in an exact Trine to Saturn (in Aquarius), offering an “authoritative” assurance that may be needed to continue moving forward with confidence.  

Making this a bit more complicated, Neptune is in a close Conjunction to the Sun (thus, in a Square to the Moon).  Just as Saturn gives a nod of “go for it”, we are possibly confronted with an illusion or the presence of something that may be too good to be true.  Listen to your gut instinct - all that glitters is not gold.  

As the First Quarter Moon perfects, Mercury sneaks into Pisces.  Thus, a Pisces Mercury rules this Lunation.  Compassion, dreams and surrendering to the process of it all is still at the top of the agenda.  If you find yourself becoming too overwhelmed, take time to go inside and connect with the truth within you.      

Mercury Enters Pisces : March 9, 2022 @ 6:32pm MST (0° 0’ Pisces)

Pisces is the Compassionate Dreamer of the Zodiac.  At face value, this is a powerful gift that Pisces wields.  As Mercury (our cognitive function) makes its journey through Pisces, we may find that our ability to feel compassion for others has increased.  Expand your compassion to all living beings (as best as you can) this practice creates ripples through the collective consciousness and ultimately effects everyone in a positive way.  The less that you discriminate about who “deserves” you're compassion the more effective the exercise.  Pisces KNOWS that we are all a part of the same cosmic soup.

The potential shadow side of Mercury in Pisces is that the boundaries of our imagination can be boundless.  While this can be beneficial to creative types (take advantage of this time to create) it can also open up the gateways to our greatest nightmares.  On a global level, the potential of nightmare scenarios feel closer than ever.  Yes, this is uncomfortable and hopefully unfathomable.  How do we reconcile our greatest dreams and most destabilizing nightmares?  They are really two sides of the same coin - and Pisces energy is here to remind us of that.  Dreaming is not trivial business. 

Despite the challenges occurring all around us, this is still a time to risk it and dream big.  The world needs your big, wonderful dreams - now more than ever. 

Venus in Aquarius : March 6, 2022

This happened on a couple of days ago, you may have noticed a shift at that time.  Moments after both Venus and Mars entered Aquarius, Venus finally overtook Mars and they formed their final Conjunction.  Thus, finishing up one cycle and starting a new cycle (like a New Moon) between Venus and Mars.   

After a long and arduous journey through the Underworld via both intricate dances with Pluto and a heavy, Earthy Retrograde, Venus exited her Retrograde Shadow and the sign of Capricorn.  And it was an epic exit, arm-in-arm with Mars.  The world noticed as Venus waltzed into Aquarius with Mars, after a dramatic conjunction with Pluto.  Many around the world asked “what are we willing to fight for?”

The work of the past couple of months with Venus in Retrograde put our process to the test  =  VALUES.

As we were individually processing and re-arranging our relationships, values and finances, Russia was also mulling things over.  Now, a renewed Venus enters Aquarius, bringing people together in common values against the war.  There are moments where the deep divide within the United States seems more united… but time will tell, the fissures are deep and fragile.

Venus is gaining speed and will soon reach Saturn (who is also in Aquarius).  What this means is that Venus will be a bright light potentially dimmed in a dark alley.  Traditional Astrologers called this kind of relationship between planets an “Enclosure”.  Essentially, Venus (a Benefic and “life giving” planet) will be surrounded by planets who are all about hard knocks, conflict and restriction (we need them too, but sometimes too much can feel like a lot).  

Prepare to have the Values, Relationships and Financial Resources that were coming up during the Venus Retrograde reality-tested until April 5, 2022 (when Venus reaches Pisces, its sign of Exaltation).  On a world scale, we are likely to see this to be illustrated through the trickle down of Sanctions and the ongoing international frictions regarding Ukraine.  

The challenging part of Venus’ journey is not yet over.  From the Underworld to the FryingPan - stay strong.  And remember to always reach out if the challenges become too great.  Venus in Aquarius is centered around the Value of community.  How can we strengthen our communities so that we don’t have to endure challenging times alone?

Final Words

Find grace, compassion and love for yourself and others at this time - even those who you might feel don’t “deserve” it.  Every moment counts, don’t stop dreaming or believing that we can create the world that we want.  

Lots of Love to Each of You. 



If You Don’t Stand There - No One Will


Pisces New Moon : Dream Outside of the Lines (With Crayons)