Pisces New Moon : Dream Outside of the Lines (With Crayons)
Pisces New Moon : March 2, 2022 @ 10:34am MST (12° 6” Pisces)
Before I jump into the nuts and bolts of the Pisces New Moon, I’d like to say “hello!” and also say a couple of words about the astrological energetics intertwined within the War in Ukraine (from my perspective).
First off, as several of you may already know, I am in a place of pseudo-hibernation at the moment. After months of being in bed due to health shenanigans, I finally surrendered to the energetics impacting my chart. I am treading more slowly than I would typically like within my work and such. My aim is to minimize and to prioritize my time in meditation and enjoying my family. Really, just MOVING SLOWLY. So if more time than usual passes between these messages, this is why.
Well… the astrological weather indicated forward movement, and forward movement we received. Astrology doesn’t always manifest in the ways that we want or anticipate. Like a sling shot, a pocket of pent-up energy has exploded onto the world stage in Ukraine. Our compassions are deep and raw as we sit on the edge of our seats watching our brothers and sisters defend their home, country and family.
This is an entrance into Pisces Season that was certainly a strong possibility (for those keeping tabs on the news). However, this was not on the the list of our “hopes and dreams,” especially after years of struggling with a Pandemic. Pisces Season began on February 18th, 2022 and will run through March 20th, 2022.
As the Sun entered Pisces, it was greeted with the great creative optimists of the Cosmos (Jupiter and Neptune), working their magic in their home sign. There is an underlying understanding amongst these astrological characters that reality is malleable and that there is a spiritual fabric that we all float within and are supported by. Regardless of the facts and figures that you can throw at this intense Piscean energy, the details will soak into the vast everything and nothingness - don’t bother. The keyword here is “surrender.”
Many of us saw mask mandates fall away around us and witnessed glimpses of a less-constrained world. We may have experienced moments where the fears that consumed us for the past several years melted away, and we may have felt lighter and more connected to one another than we have in a long time.
But Pisces isn’t all Rainbows and Unicorns, embodying compassion and emotional empathy isn’t easy work. Because of the boundlessness of Pisces, there is no clear boundary between the magical dreams and the bone chilling nightmares.
And for Ukraine, the boundaries that were washed away were those that were holding back Russian forces. Astrology is always true to the archetypes, but doesn’t share the same concern for fairness and right-and-wrong that we may have. The “dream” belongs to someone, unfortunately not always the good guy.
Other astrological elements, such as all planets being in forward motion and the ongoing Saturn-Uranus Square (now much wider) have contributed to what has transpired over the past week. More immediately, the conjunction between Mars and Pluto is likely a trigger for the conflict currently manifesting (I will talk more about this below).
Let’s dig into the story of the Pisces New Moon…
Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius : March 2, 2022 @ 9:24am MST (18° 59’ Aquarius)
The Mercury-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius happens nearly simultaneous to the Pisces New Moon (only an hour before). Thus, the potentially nebulous, non-pragmatic magic that you will hopefully be conjuring up for the New Moon has resources to integrate whatever you plant at this time.
Plans will be available and networks will be standing by to plug your Piscean-fueled dreams into useful places in society (on some level). There will be a life-line for you to grasp onto if you do decide to jump into the nebulous, universal ocean for a bit. And there will be a way for you to communicate and share what you learned during your journey.
Mercury-Saturn is a strong intellectual and socially responsible energetic. Our Piscean New Moon seed will likely be non-linear, immersive, creative and compassionate. The Piscean waters often need an interpreter who can validate the experiences encountered at those depths - this will be the work of Mercury-Saturn : the great interpreter.
Pisces New Moon : March 2, 2022 @ 10:34am MST (12° 6” Pisces)
Are you ready to surrender and immerse yourself into your greatest dreams? If you’re going to dream, this is the moment - THIS IS THE MOMENT. Write it down with crayons (all of them), dance your dreams, be the water (you are the water).
Why, you may ask, should I do this? Life is challenging, raw and struggle is abundant. There is never a “perfect” time. But also, this is the perfect time. The most transcendent and spiritually potent work that we can do is within the plodding, mundane, material world. And this New Moon is here to remind us of the spiritual work that we are here (in these magical, mundane bodies) to do individually and as a community of spiritual beings.
Traditionally, Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces. Jupiter dipped its toes into Pisces in the Spring of 2021 and then ran right back in on December 28th, 2021. Jupiter is the planet of spiritual quest, hopes, dreams and “good luck”. Jupiter has chiefly been in Saturn Ruled signs since late 2019. When Jupiter is restricted, an integral and buoyant part of ourselves can also feel restricted.
Jupiter has been barreling towards Neptune since he re-entered Pisces at the end of 2021, Neptune is the Modern ruler of Pisces. Neptune is an Outer Planet and moves quite slowly, it has been in Pisces since 2011. Some Neptune in Pisces trademarks that we have seen include the rise of metaphysical arts (including astrology), the legalization of drugs such as marijuana, or the amplified use of psychedelics. AI technology also exemplifies the energetic of Neptune in Pisces.
My point is that when Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces together their similar energetics are re-instated and made larger (expanding is their nature anyways). Together they create the most magical bubble of vastness for us to dream within. Like any bubble, it has the potential for being popped, so always keep some part of yourself grounded.
Additional shadow potential of Pisces/Jupiter/Neptune is becoming deluded in our own beliefs without practical reason (purely emotional). It is possible for us to drift away into many delusional states of being - some good and some not so good. Think about the mess of “Untrue Facts” and COVID mis-information that we have been swimming in for years (you can thank Neptune in Pisces), remain aware of this potential.
Shadow potential noted, allow your intuition to play, your creative nature to roam and your compassionate being to shine. It will be a long, long time until the world sees another Pisces New Moon with so much in-house support from Jupiter and Neptune. Dream big, bigger and then keep on going. The world can’t evolve unless we take a chance and acknowledge that we are all cosmically-influential.
Uranus is in a supportive aspect (Sextile) to the New Moon. There is no question as to the invitation at this time. Don’t look back, look forward. Dream until your head explodes and you dissolve into the spiritual fabric that we all belong.
Venus & Mars Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn : March 3, 2022 :: Mars @ 1:40am MST & Venus @10:37am MST (27° 50’ Capricorn)
If you’re feeling challenge or tension, this is likely the source. Venus has been on a wild ride since November 2021. If you’ll recall, Venus danced with Pluto into her Retrograde journey and not long after she stationed Direct, Mars joined up with her. Mars and Venus have been slowly Waltzing their way towards Pluto since early February 2022.
On March 3rd, 2022, Venus will make her last Conjunction with Pluto, thus, officially closing up the Retrograde story that she has potently unfolded within our lives since November. However, Mars will be with her this time. One thing is for sure, whatever Venus’ storyline is for you, you are likely to notice this punctuation.
What do we love and what do we fight for? What is the glue and beauty that holds our life together? What values do we hold so dearly that we would take up arms and risk our life for? What drives our heart?
There is a strong and intimate relationship between our values (Venus) and how we would defend those values (Mars) that are certainly being played out in a literal sense for the people of Ukraine (and even Russia). But each of us have our own storylines playing out, what is yours?
This last conjunction with Venus, Mars and Pluto is potent, powerful and is likely to provide the focused drive to finally transform or change that which may be resistant. It is unlikely that anything new will arrive through this transit, but most likely that a well-known scenario will be empowered and/or transformed somehow.
These conjunctions with Pluto (all three of Venus’, Mercury’s previous conjunctions and now Mars’) are all taking place within close range of where Mars triggered the “COVID Clump” (Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto) in early 2020. Which means that it is likely that the storyline that is being amplified at this time is related to events that emerged around that time.
An impactful semi-square between Venus/Mars/Pluto and the Pisces New Moon may create tension within the dreams and surrender we are being called to, and may even be baked into the intentions. Don’t run away from tensions if they present themselves. See them for what they are, with Pisces compassion, and do your best to learn from these potential challenges.
We have a full plate at this time. Recognizing the dreamer within us can be daunting : “who am I to dream up a beautiful life for myself and for those I love?” And then being urged to go beyond that, more and more than you have ever drared to dream before. Besides some time, surrender and blissful belief, all you need to do is let yourself go there. Write it down, don’t, there are no rules. Make it meaningful to you. Let your intuition be the guide.
And if challenges keep poking at you, work with them. Find compassion (if applicable) and see if setting these wild, watery New Moon intentions can help you to find your way through any rough patches that you may find yourself in.
Lots of Love to Each of You.