Leo Full Moon : A Dance with Passion

Leo Full Moon : February 16, 2022 @ 9:56am MST (27° 59’)

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman

"There is no passion to be found playing small--in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” -Nelson Mandela

Leo Full Moon : February 16, 2022 @ 9:56am MST (27° 59’)

On its own, this Leo Full Moon is pretty simple.  Saturn is within wide range of a conjunction with the Sun, but is separating and its impact is dwindling.  With Saturn in its Domicile of Aquarius, there is a purity to the light of the Sun that is shining onto the Moon in Leo.  The Sun in Aquarius represents originality and rationality, as well as humanitarianism.  There is an innate concern, albeit detached, for others and understanding of how we are to proceed into the future.    

Leo Full Moons invite us to tap into our individual courage, creativity and innovation.  It is a time that allows for the super-star within you to step out of the crowd and shine - really shine.  This doesn’t have to be on a proper stage, in fact it probably won’t be (surprise, surprise!).  This can simply be stepping into your own self-value, into your role as friend, or within your career as YOU.    

Leo energy asks us to have the courage to own our greatness.  While being too egotistical is something that we shy away from, it is important to have a healthy balanced ego.  What is the nature of your relationship to your ego?  Does the ego have too much control and gets you into trouble?  Or have you disassociated with your ego so much that you are trampled over by others?  A good balance allows us to consciously stand up for ourselves but not due to unconscious drives.  

So much of Leo is about being a conscious companion with ones ego.  I love the image of Leo as a hearth (or fireplace) where people can gather for warmth and conversation with others.  Leo has to be sure to keep a steady level to its fire (ego) so that people will comfortably gather around them.  If the fire (ego) is too much then the intense heat will drive others away.  Likewise, if the fire (ego) is too low, then people will not gather due to lack of promised warmth.  Thus, the Leo will not be providing the warmth that their birth-rite promises.        

This is the challenge of the Leo.  How can you move into your heart space more authentically and shine in a meaningful and balanced way?  Sit with your heart this Full Moon and listen to its conscious wisdom.  

Venus Conjunct Mars : February 16, 2022 @ 6:53am MST (16° 51’)

Venus and Mars are on a unique journey together, a journey that lasts nearly 2 months.  Typically Venus moves much faster than Mars and a conjunction between them lasts a couple of days.  But Venus is still moving quite slow due to her recent Retrograde, moving considerably slower than Mars at the moment.  What this means is that this relatively faster-moving Mars will be applying to the conjunction with a slow Venus, instead of the Venus making the move into the application, as she usually does. 

In addition, Venus and Mars will be traveling side-by-side with one another for several weeks (they actually began on February 4, 2022), they will finally part ways on March 24, 2022.  This is an unusually long time for these planets to be so in sync.  They will perfect two conjunctions, one with Mars approaching Venus (February 16, 2022, 16° 51’ Capricorn) and another when Venus finally picks up speed and approaches the conjunction with Mars (March 5-6 MST, 2022, 29°55’ Capricorn-00°05’ Aquarius).        

Venus and Mars are one of the great yin-and-yang couples of the Cosmos.  Creation, love, war, failure and success could not exist without the dynamics of Venus and Mars.  The magic of these two dancing together amongst the stars is what creates life-affirming sparks as well as the humbling strife of the human experience.  

Venus is the glue that holds it all together, the beauty that keeps us coming back and the hope for another day.  Without Venus Mars would have nothing to fight for, drive towards or conquer.  Without Mars, Venus would lack vigor or meaning.  Mars needs a purpose and Venus needs to be purposeful.  

Wars provide wonderful symbolism for Venus and Mars because they show us what we are willing to fight for (Venus - love, values and meaning).  So often Venus is seen primarily as peace, but it is because of Venusian principles that Mars is activated and we are prepared to lose everything in the name of Venus. 

Think about this within yourself : are your Venus and Mars within aspect with one another?  What signs and houses are each of them in?  Their placements and aspects to one another can explain how we fight for our values and how we experience the balance of love with our protective instincts.  As well as where we may lack the drive to assert ourselves for our values.  Or, on the flip side, where we may be overly aggressive and minimize the binding qualities of Venus.

What makes this long tango between Venus and Mars even more provocative is that Venus just came out of Retrograde, and has been on a deep and powerful underworld journey.  This journey has been punctuated with the influence of Pluto, intensifying the transformational promise of the retrograde.  Since November of 2021 we have likely changed our relationships, values, finances, etc. in ways that may have been both uncomfortable and necessary.  

Mars jumping into the picture with Venus in this unusual, and almost romantic way, tells us that there is driven support in integrating Venus’ underworld journey into the day-to-day realm.  Venus doesn’t have to go at it alone, the vulnerability that may be present is being protected.  This can manifest in our lives as another person (male or female) or as inner parts of ourself (your inner warrior).  On March 3, 2022 Venus will make its final conjunction with Pluto and Mars will be right there as well.  Mars and Pluto together are very powerful, expect your Venus Retrograde story to be empowered around this time.  

Jupiter Sextile Uranus : February 17, 2022 @ 4:23pm MST (11° 12’)

There is so much to say about the chart for the moment that this transit perfects.  The day should reflect the possibility, compassion, service to the greater good.  But not service in an unseen way, service that provides hope, momentous breakthroughs, and passion for that which you serve.  

Put an idea, a dream or just a beautiful moment into action this day.  Sextiles aren’t aspects that will happen without a bit of effort on your part.  Take hope by the hand, go for a walk with it.  Our beliefs and dreams can be taken to a whole new level at this time.  This energy has been in range for several days and will last for several more so if you’re not feeing it on the 17th, no worries!  But make an effort to let some unexpected hope shine into your life!  

Jupiter and Uranus can allow the heart felt courage of the Leo Full Moon to find new avenues to express itself.  It can also encourage the feisty tango between Venus and Mars : leading to greater appreciation for our own value as well as the drive to manifest and protect our unique beauty. 

In Closing 

If you’re not feeling the ease that I am currently illustrating in these articles, don’t worry.  We have all been through a lot over the past couple of years and many of us are still cleaning up the pieces of our lives.  You’re not missing out if rainbows and unicorns aren’t jumping out at you.  You’re still receiving the flow, trust it.  Feeling the openness for just a moment, is perfect.  It’s all perfect.  

Let your unique light shine and find the courage to be your passion.  Lots of Love, 



Pisces New Moon : Dream Outside of the Lines (With Crayons)


Mars Trine Uranus : Rising