Mars Trine Uranus : Rising

Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus : February 8, 2022 @ 8:04am MST (11° 00’)

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anaïs Nin 

Can you feel it?  The forward motion and open horizons.  The big exhale, releasing the baggage of the past and sailing into the promises of the future.  You may finally start feeling the inkling of payoffs from the grinding friction and plodding inner work of the past two years.  

The Aquarius New Moon on January 31, 2022 set us up with the stabilized inspiration that we needed so that we can put our innovative breakthroughs into motion.  What was your revolutionary intention for the New Moon?  Can you feel the fertility of those intentions emerging?  

There is lots of support in the sky for metamorphosis.  There is gentle pressure to make the change and do the last bit of work that needs to be done (First Quarter Moon) as well as deep supportive energy sources to give us a jump start (Mars Trine Uranus).  Cosmic encouragement can be found for this transformation in the upcoming final Mercury-Pluto Conjunction (February 11) and the long-lasting Mars-Venus Conjunction (exact on February 16), as well as the Jupiter Sextile to both Mars and Uranus (as discussed below).

All Planets Are Direct 

While retrogrades are common occurrences, especially for the outer planets, it can be a relief to have all planets in forward motion.  ((It is also a relief that we have a pause from the grinding requirements of intense outer planet transits - such as the Saturn Square Uranus)).  It has been about 9 months since all planets have been direct and we have until April 30, 2022 to enjoy this much needed forward motion.  

Not to mention, it isn’t very often that two inner planets (personal planets) are retrograde at the same time - as Mercury and Venus just were.  We have undergone A LOT of revisioning, revising, rewiring… all of the re’s.  The re’s have been completely taken care of.  And we are ready to put what we learned into motion.  

Multitudes of raw material have been unearthed, examined, and given new life.  Our hearts and minds are swimming with new potential.  We are not the same as we were on the other side… really.   It was hard, there were challenges that we though we may not be able to overcome.  But we did, and we are ultimately better off for them - we can finally begin to see this now.     

Taurus First Quarter Moon (19° 48’) - February 8, 2022 @ 6:49am MST 

As I noted in a recent Article, the Quarter Moons are often overlooked, but can be great navigation points between the New and Full Moons.  In general, Quarter Moons are often described as a point of crisis or friction - the type of friction that gets things done.  In the case of First Quarter Moons, it is a time when the purpose intended at the New Moon must strengthen and make seemingly impossible things happen in order to ensure that promises are manifest at the Full Moon.  Dreams must be put into motion, and materialization is no small feat.  

The Taurus First Quarter Moon on February 8, 2022 @ 6:49am MST perfects just two hours before Mars trine Uranus (which will be discussed below), and are only about 9° from one another.  So their energies will likely be quite intertwined.  Thus, providing the gentle friction to manifest whatever your own personal revolution may be.  

Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (11° 00’) - February 8, 2022 @ 8:04am MST

Under the exceptional power of a well-resourced (exalted) and non-reluctant (out of bounds) Mars, in a flowing aspect (trine) to Uranus we can expect to be graciously catapulted into our next steps.  If an opportunity, big or small, comes your way - take it.  Even if the opportunity seems out-of-the-blue, especially if it seems out of the blue.  Give the potential more thought and consideration than you normally would.  Sometimes just entertaining the unexpected can take you where you need to go. 

We have spent months (even years) within the pupal state of metamorphosis, and it’s time to fully bust out and try out our new wings.  Go ahead, take them for a spin.  You might be surprised by what your new self is capable of.    


Jupiter’s presence in the trine between Mars and Uranus brings aspiring fortune to the possibilities of their alignment.  As the trine between Mars and Uranus applies and separates, each of them will receive a helping hand (sextile) from Jupiter in Pisces (Mars trine Jupiter on February 4, Jupiter trine Uranus on February 17).  What this means is that quick-paced, revolutionary dreams are in reach and come with a divine blessing. 

Anything that has made an impact in the lives of humans first began with a dream and a crazy, ridiculous leap.  It is cosmic line-ups such as these that can support such foolish - but ultimately necessary behavior.  I’m not saying that each of us is going to change the world as we know it, but we can certainly change our own individual worlds in spectacular ways!  It all starts with a spark.  

Flowing aspects (such as sextile and trines) are easy and don’t usually create friction, however, they can be taken for granted and their gifts can be missed all together.  I hope that you embrace every moment of this transit. 


This is a point where the work (both inner and outer) that you have drudged through for the past two years can finally bear some fruit via revolutionary motivation.  This is a temporary window of cosmic support, so carpe diem (seize the day!)!  Make what was once only potential, a reality.

I’ll keep you posted as additional positive momentum arrives in the near future (because there is more!).       

It is so lovely to provide some good news from the astrology side of things.  

Lots of Love,


Astrology in Motion :

Look at your Natal Chart to see what houses have Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces & Taurus on their cusps & then you can align those Houses with the following subjects below :

  • First House : Body, Self-Image, YOU

  • Second House : Financial, Resources, Self-Value

  • Third House : Mind, Immediate Environment, Siblings

  • Fourth House : Home, Family, Inner Self

  • Fifth House : Taking a Chance, Creation, Children, Romance

  • Sixth House : Health & Wellness, Daily Routines & Responsibilities

  • Seventh House : Relationships, Friendships, Partnerships

  • Eighth House : Merged Resources, Taxes & Inheritance, Transformation

  • Ninth House : Religion, Higher Education, Long-Distance Travel

  • Tenth House : Career, Image, Legacy

  • Eleventh House : Hopes and Dreams, Community Support

  • Twelfth House : The Unseen, Spirituality, Knowing


Leo Full Moon : A Dance with Passion


Aquarius New Moon : New Horizons