Aquarius New Moon : New Horizons

Aquarius New Moon : January 31, 2022 @ 10:45pm MST (12° 19’)

Peacefulness, abundance and beauty are things that we are on a constant journey to obtain and maintain - it is just part of the human condition, as far as I can tell.  However, the friction and challenge that we experience along the way to obtaining whatever our version of an “optimal life” is, is where the real gold seems to be found.    

At a time when new ground has been exposed due to upheaval and disturbance, we find ourselves with the unexpected gift of new opportunities.  The road to the “optimal life” has been re-directed, and we find our selves wondering if the upheaval will take a break for a bit.  And it will, but not immediately, and not consistently.  If you can feel the optimism and the changes coming into manifestation that’s because they are there… on the horizon.  

We will likely look back on our lives and realize that this was one of those times when we had to work hardest to stay on the path of “optimal life”, or to find the path at all.  But what we may not realize is how much we are growing into our “optimal self” right now.  These detours and set-backs are actually gifts to where we REALLY need to be headed.  What I’m trying to say is that, although the current times have much tribulation, these are very valuable times.  As much as you can, find the value in the challenges that you have been dealt.   

And embrace the beauty, ease and happiness wherever and whenever you can!  And the dance continues… 

Venus Stations Direct 

Venus and Mercury in tandem Retrogrades, each bookending at either side with Pluto, has provided each of us a journey into what we really value and where we truly stand.  I’m sure that elements of your life have been brought up to the surface at this time, maybe elements that you had been working really hard to repress - this is Pluto at work.  

On January 29, 2022, Venus will Station Direct after being Retrograde since December 19, 2021.  Venus has essentially been stopped (from our perspective) since around January 25, 2022, and in a Trine to Uranus.  I interpret this as the potential for breakthroughs regarding the topics that have come up for you during this Venus Retrograde cycle.  The cycle did begin with a lot of intensity - Venus in a Conjunction to Pluto - and is ending its Retrograde Cycle with a supportive nudge from Uranus to let yourself do the crazy thing.     

For the next couple of weeks, Venus will be retracing its way back through the sky, this is called the Shadow Period.  Integration and clarity are both possible at this time.  You will likely feel more familiar with the territory that you are covering during the Shadow Period, because you have been there before.  

On March 2, 2022 we will officially be out of the Shadow Period and on March 3, 2022 Venus will Conjunct with Pluto one last final time (I’ll fill you in on that as it arrives).  So, give yourself another month to fully process and integrate the financial and relationship material that Venus has conjured up for you since December 2021.  

Mercury Stations Direct 

At the time of the Aquarius New Moon, Retrograde Mercury will be stopped in the sky (just as Venus was days earlier) and ready to Station Direct on February 3, 2022.  Just as Venus began its Retrograde journey with Pluto, Mercury is ending its journey with Pluto.  

On January 25, 2022 Retrograde Mercury entered Capricorn and also entered into a Conjunction  with Pluto.  Mercury will share this space with Pluto as it stops and Stations Direct.  The Conjunction will finally separate on February 15, 2022.  This is very notable, and we are all likely to be experiencing this Conjunction to some degree.  When any planet Stations either Retrograde or Direct within the same degree(s) another slower moving planet (such as Pluto), their energetics are commingled for much longer than they would normally be.  A Mercury in full speed would spend about 3 days applying, perfecting and separating from a conjunction to a planet like Pluto.  In contrast, we are receiving the merging energetics of Mercury and Pluto for 3 weeks.  

What does this mean?  It means that casual conversations may tend to turn towards the more serious and meaningful.  You may find the need to go deeper into subjects than you have before.  This is a great time for research and development strategies.  If you have been concealing any thoughts or beliefs, this could be the time that they are expressed (whether you mean to or not).  Transformational statements, powerful documents and profound letters in the sand could be exchanged at this time.  

What relentless ideas are awaiting to emerge from within you?  Understanding the nature of this transit can help you to harness its gifts in a positive way.  If uncomfortable communication emerges understand that it was likely a release and hopefully transformation of some kind  will ultimately result.  

Aquarius New Moon 

And finally to the Aquarius New Moon!  First a bit on Aquarius, the Fixed Air Sign of the Zodiac.  Traditionally ruled by Saturn, Aquarius is aware of the outer limits beyond Saturn, and this awareness drives the systematic metal space that it is immersed within.  Aquarius is concerned with broadening the earthly boundaries (represented by Capricorn) so that new ideas and social structures can be developed.  Being a Fixed sign, Aquarius can ironically get stuck in its forward thinking and become aloof or detached from the world of form and the present moment.  Aquarius is a sign of paradox, reformation and individuality.  

Saturn is central to the big astrological activity of this moment.  Saturn rules all of the planets in Capricorn (Mercury, Venus, Mars & Pluto) as well as the New Moon configuration (Sun and Moon) and Saturn himself is within his own sign - Aquarius.  In fact, the New Moon is Conjunct Saturn (approaching).  There is big Saturn energy within this New Moon.  

Yes, Saturn can be restrictive, prudent, and disciplined.  Which are things that we don’t tend to gravitate towards as we strive to obtain our “optimal life”.  However, as I mentioned above, we don’t get anywhere worth getting to without resilience, patience and mastery of some kind.  

I find it really interesting that, after a year of Saturn Square Uranus, that this New Moon manifests right as Saturn and Uranus begin to separate for a while (until about September 2022).  And coincidently the New Moon is also in a (separating) Square to Uranus.  Hence, the New Moon is situated exactly between the widening gap of the Saturn Uranus Square and shinning light on it yet again.  Because of Uranus’ strong Trine to a potent Venus (as we discussed above) I sense that this element of the New Moon chart will also be emphasized.  

In Conclusion 

What does it mean?  At the essence of this lunation is the wisdom of the future, and the effort to attempt innovation.  Saturn prefers stillness and independence, and Aquarius can have a humanitarian heart.  Uranus is there to remind us not to settle in too long and to keep working towards the higher mind.  Uranus also emphasizes how important it is to revolutionize our relationships, finances and overall values in order to move forward with ease.  FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE and HUMANITY are all at the core what this New Moon is about.     

An Aquarius New Moon is not overly emotional or cuddly.  This New Moon may have more pragmatic seedlings that are waiting to be planted.  Seedlings who inspire towards a new horizon, a new way for humans to live and flourish. 

With both Venus and Mercury finishing up their Retrograde Cycle this is a fruitful time to dig deeply into the underlying patterns of the past year or so.  I know that I have suggested this previously, but this time with a more scientific approach, picking apart the pieces with some detachment and curiosity.  Detachment can bring the gift of a more quantifying eye - what was it really?  What were the systematic nuts and bolts?  What was ultimately successful and was wasn’t?  What is the big picture?  And what is the next step in development?

Practical Advise : 

  • Zoom Out, play with what it feels like to detach a bit, what is the view like from there?

  • How can a revolutionized approach to values, relationships and finances help you to create original new beginnings?


Mars Trine Uranus : Rising


Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio : Cosmic Cheerleaders