Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio : Cosmic Cheerleaders

Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio : January 25, 2022 @ 6:41am MST

Imagine an analogue clock for a moment (that runs counterclockwise), in your mind place the Sun and the Moon together at 6 o’clock - this is a New Moon.  As the Moon makes its way (counterclockwise) to 12 o’clock (where the Full Moon will eventually manifest) it forms a First Quarter Square at the 3 o’clock point.  This First Quarter square is a crisis point where the intention set in the New Moon has to work hard to create strong roots and overall support for its Full Moon vision.  It is because of the hard work and determination experienced at the First Quarter Moon that the flowering of the Full Moon is so brilliant and celebratory.  

The Last Quarter Moon, at 9 0’clock, is another crisis point (after the Full Moon) that prepares the fertile ground for the upcoming New Moon.  The manifestations of the Full Moon are broken down, discarded and/or organized.  We begin to turn inward and re-evaluate where we are at and intuit where we need to head next.  

The First and Last Quarter Moons are an integral part of the Moon cycle that are often overlooked.  Without these crisis points, there would be no creative tension leading to the potential productivity and growth of the New and Full Moons.  Squares (the aspect formed between the Sun and Moon in First and Last Quarter Moons) are full of tension and negotiation.  They are not inherently easy, but they do ensure that life continues to evolve thoughtfully and meaningfully.  

Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio 

This upcoming Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio (on January 25, 2022 @ 6:41am MST) is pulling in the now widening Square between Saturn and Uranus - you know… the one that defined the destabilizing themes of 2021.  The Sun in Aquarius (5° 33’) is in a wide (but applying) Conjunction with Saturn (14° 42’).  And the Moon (5° 33’) is both Square to the Sun/Saturn and in a wide (but applying) Opposition with Uranus (10° 50’).  This creates what is called a T-Square between the Moon, Sun/Saturn and Uranus.  A T-Square is arguably one of the most hard working aspect patterns; struggle, elbow grease and hard-won rewards are all embedded in the T-Square.      

At first glance, the idea of reigniting the discombobulating and exhausting dance between Saturn and Uranus AGAIN does not sound appealing at all… AT ALL.  Why is the cosmos shedding its dimming light upon the sensitive elements of this transit that is still so raw (their last perfected Square was on December 23, 2021)?  And why is it being integrated into the dynamic of this Last Quarter Moon?  All together, there is the potential for a monumental amount of tension at this time.  Tension that could be asking to be evolved once-and-for-all and integrated into your deeper consciousness.  

What have you not addressed in regards to the topics brought up in the last year?  As the intensity of the Saturn-Uranus Square continues to ease-up for the next couple of months, what can you do to truly integrate the lessons that you have learned?  

If you have been white-knuckling the “old ways” then this time may be more challenging for you.  Or maybe it will be the perfect hand-holding opportunity to finally relinquish control over the ultimately uncontrollable.  Tucked into the heart of this otherwise challenging Last Quarter Moon is a beautiful bouncy house where you can let go, enjoy and look to the new future with renewed optimism.   

Venus & Jupiter - The Bouncy House

At the very moment that the Last Quarter Moon perfects, the Moon is Trine Jupiter in Pisces (5° 44’) and Uranus is Trine Venus RX (11° 22’) in Capricorn.  This set-up indicates that while there is an outer shell of tension, friction and well-worn frustrations, there is also the potential for inner ease and flow.  Venus and Jupiter are the hope and glue of the cosmos.  The fixed rigidity of the T-Square outlined above is supported by optimistic bungie cords : armed with bounce, give and planetary cheerleaders (Venus and Jupiter).  

If the tensions of the Saturn-Uranus Square arise at this time, can you lean into it with trust?  Can you play with the cosmic support-system that is at the heart of this moment?  Can you let go of the reins for a moment and trust that you are SUPPORTED, WORTHY OF LOVE and that the Greater Forces HAVE YOUR BACK? 

In Conclusion 

Use this time to lighten your load, integrate and fall into the support of the unknown (but certain) future.  As I have mentioned many times before, there is no going backwards, only forwards.  Get out of your head and into your heart.  Keep.going.  ((Thank you, thank you, thank you.))  

In Eternal Gratefulness, 



Aquarius New Moon : New Horizons


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