Cancer Full Moon : Sweet Release

Cancer Full Moon : 1/17/22 @ 4:48pm MST (27° 50’ Cancer)

Cancer is such a sweet, sweet placement for the Moon.  There is an appreciation for home, family, the familiar and all things comfortable.  Every year the Moon is full in Cancer, the Moons Domicile, where it can put its feet up, take a breather and enjoy being HOME.  Aptly, the Moon represents home and comfort, as does Cancer.  

With the Moon in Cancer in full light, we can really feel our emotions, allow them to flow and appreciate our connection with those in our pod / family.  Take in the creativity allowed to you at this time, the sensitivity to the tides of life, it’s what makes us beautifully human.  It is the life-water that perpetuates the proliferation of all living things.  

A Cancer Full Moon occurs when the Sun is in Capricorn - its opposite sign.  Capricorn is the sign of the Seagoat, who swims in the waters of life, the subconscious and creativity and also climbs to the greatest heights being fueled by its knowledge of the watery depths.  Capricorn in a chart represents our family legacy, the structures that we stand upon and live within and the new mountains that we climb in order to improve upon our family lines - or ancestral / past life lines.  

In this Full Moon configuration the Sun is Conjunct Pluto - of course!  On January 16th the Sun joined Pluto, so this Full Moon is expressing the energetic of this Conjunction that happened just hours before.  Below is an excerpt from my recent post for the Sun Conjunct Pluto transit.

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Once a year the Sun, the great giver of light and life, joins Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld.  Here our shadows are held in the light and warmth of the Heart of the Sun.  Our shadows are attached to us, they never leave us.  Our shadows add contrast to the light and remind us that a non-material, etherial form of ourselves exists amongst the life-giving material forms.  

When the Sun and Pluto join together we are reminded that the elusive shadow world is as important and as life-affirming as the material realm that we depend upon for mundane existence.  The shadow realm holds our deep, deep past and future, it reminds us that we are much more vast and magical than the material life that we are now living within.  It could be argued that it is the shadow side - it’s death, transformation, reformation- that gives the Suns material realm the beauty that we so enjoy.  

Today is a great day to let our spirit revel upon the rich relationship between the Sun and Pluto.  Let the warmth and light reach the deepest shadows of your being.  And appreciate that it is the light that that brings the shadow.    

Putting it Together

Full Moons are a time for the topics of their cycle to be in full light, for the life-cycle to come into fruition.  But it is ultimately a time for release, because the next phases of the Moon involve the preparation to dissolve this Full Moon intention and ultimately plant a new one (New Moon).  

The sweet release of the Cancer Full Moon is being deepened and enhanced by the presence of Pluto.  This is a great time to let go of mirky, shadowy material that is no longer serving our growth, and appreciate the shadow material that remains within us.  The mindful release of this material can serve us in our next round of seed planting / intention setting, as we can later come to the planting grounds from a clearer, lighter place.  

When the Sun shines all of its light upon the Cancer Moon, Pluto will be there to remind us that the more light there is, the greater the shadow.  The bright moonlight of this sweet Full Moon will be infused with the wisdom and transformation of the Lord of Hades, Pluto.  Enjoy the wisdom of this time.  It is a gift.    

Cancer Full Moon Ritual

  • Reflect upon the dark shadow spaces of yourself (thoughts, patterns, feelings, etc that may feel uncomfortable to you) - no need to attach to them, notice them - write them down if you life. Which ones do you no longer benefit from?

  • On the Full Moon, light a candle, prepare sacred water (preferably in a glass container, you can simple say a prayer over the water to make it “sacred”)

  • Give the shadows that no longer serve you to the water or fire - it will take them for you.

  • Enjoy a lightened load.

  • Appreciate the shadows that remain with you - create a conversation with them. How can they be your teachers? What shadows are yours, which ones might come from somewhere else?


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