Aries New Moon : The Fire Within

We desperately needed Aries Season to kick in!   We needed a fire under our a*ses and some active warmth to dry things out a bit.  The moment that Aries season started I found myself throwing my boys into the car and driving across Colorado for some life-affirming adventures.  

After a lot of depth, transformation and surrendering to the infinite fog (Pisces), Aries says “Let’s go!” - and we’re off. 

Symbolically, Aries lights the match of inspiration.  It takes drive, boldness and a thirst for adventure to make the first step into the Astrological New Year (which Aries represents).  

Aries, being a Mars ruled sign, is often stereotyped as being very brave (which they are), but what lies beneath is not acknowledged enough.  Yes, they are brave, bold and FIRST.  

But there is vulnerability to that first sprout (Aries) that comes bursting out of the ground saying “I’m here!”  Behind this primal initiation of life is absolute vulnerability.  Aries have an innate need to boldly be first because someone has to bravely carry the vulnerability of life within them.  

So, when you notice that your Aries friend is being a bit cocky or always has to win or is a bit self-centered - understand that there is a lot of complexity behind the energetic that they carry.  

I suspect that a shortcoming of our culture is that it doesn’t honor the full complexity of a “warrior.”  We don’t honor that in every fight something is lost, but without the fight life would not exist.  

Venus Update 

Before we get too far into the action happening in Aries, I want to catch you up on what Venus has been up to.  Maybe you have felt the shift.  In recent days we experienced the last push for Venus as she arrived at the end of a couple of turbulent months.  Since November 2021, Venus has either been conjunct a challenging planet or in her Retrograde cycle (or both).  After this last sit-down with Saturn (on Monday, March 28, 2022) she was released from a Mars-Saturn sandwich (besiegement) and is on her way to enter Pisces (on April 5, 2022), which is the sign of her exaltation.  

But first, let’s talk about SATURN.  Saturn (like many challenging planets) gets a bad rap.  Saturn’s purpose is only unappealing because it requires us to be honest, reasonable and maybe even uncomfortable (in the name of the “long-run”).  

Venus in a Conjunction with Saturn may have asked us to think seriously and deeply about who we are in our relationships.  What are we expecting in our relationships?  What could we change in our relationships to make them more effective, more long lasting?  Or maybe it’s time to let go of a relationship?  Are we really being responsible with our money?  Is there a way that we could be more responsible with our spending?  And time, how are we spending our time?  Are we spending too much time scrolling (put this phone down!)?  Are we spending our time doing what we really enjoy?

The Venusian material that has been up for all of us since November 2021 and was likely the topic of this stern sit-down happening at or around this time.  This sit-down could have been with yourself, or with someone else.  And it’s really, ultimately GOOD to take the time to have a sober check-in over where things are at and where you want them to go.  

Venus has been on quite a journey, give the Venusian parts of your life a chance to be reviewed and make some solid goals to move forward with.  There has been the potential for good, deep healing.  And onward she goes into smoother waters, to embrace her dreams and greatest potentials.  

Aries New Moon : April 1, 2022 @ 12:24 am MDT (11° 30’)

This is THE New Moon, the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year.  Hence, it is a great time to manifest intentions and plant new goals.  Creating a vision board or something like that is highly recommended around this time (particularly the day of or the week following).  Check in on your intentions around the Cancer, Libra and Capricorn New Moons to see what has manifested throughout the year.  

Aries is the match that is lit, the starting gun that begins the race, the fiery knowing that “this is the time.”  Step into your inspired knowing at this time, and make solid moves to write, draw or burn your inspirations onto your spit-fire wish-list.

Mercury is closely conjunct to the New Moon and could give us additional clear voice that inspires us into the next Astrological Year.  Chiron’s conjunction to the New Moon adds a level of sensitivity and an awareness to our deepest wounds.  So, although there is a lot of bold zest involved in this lunation, remember that skin-in-the-game can leave us raw, but also make it more meaningful.  Chiron invites us to connect with our inner healer and is an important player in this years motion and growth.            

This New Moon is sure to feel much different and action oriented than the last New Moon in Pisces - which immersed us into the subliminal realm.  So, brace yourself for some action and get ready to move some things into motion.  Acknowledge and embrace the power that you naturally posses.  Aries energy beautifully knows how to hold this power for themselves.  You have the fire within yourself - hold it and use it.     


There is a lot more going on this week and in the weeks following.  In an effort not to flood your inbox with emails, I am increasing my posts on Social Media.  Be sure to follow me there for up-to-date astrological weather happenings.  You can expect mostly bi-weekly emails from me from here on out.  

Enjoy the movement and inspiration that is available at this time.  Come the end of April there will be a big change of energy chiefly due to the Eclipses and planets starting to Station Retrograde again.  The openings and opportunities for dreaming a new future keeps coming, so don’t give up on that vision.  And some challenging energetics will be mixed in as well to help us to integrate in a more purposeful way.  As always, I will keep you posted as best can.  

Lots of Love, 

Lisa (AKA The Dynamic Self)   


Unicorn Party in Pisces


If You Don’t Stand There - No One Will