Unicorn Party in Pisces
“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.“
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”
– Douglas H. Everett
Neptune’s influence in our lives can be a bit slippery, easy to ignore or just completely forget about and potentially understated. Chief characteristics of Neptunes energetic includes : surrendering, compassion, lack of boundaries, cosmic immersion, confusion, disillusionment, dissolving (particularly of the ego), glorification and fogginess. Neptune transits can result in : spiritual deepening, creative masterpieces, selfless acts, ego-loss, material disenchantment, great illusionary “spoofs” and a blurring-of-all-of-the-lines.
Neptune, being the Modern Ruler of Pisces, shares many characteristics of Pisces. Thus, Neptune’s presence in Pisces since 2012 has allowed for unbridled Neptunian shenanigans to make their way into the smallest crevices of our lives (both socially and personally). Neptune is porous and works within the smallest cellular networks of our Saturnian (material) existence. Like sand, you will find Neptunes presence in your life in the places you didn’t even know existed.
On a social level, here are some ways that Neptune’s magic has recently manifested in our world :
— The legalization of Marijuana
— Dramatic increase in the use of Psychedelics
— Social Media and Mobile Devises - providing the platform and technology to make “stars” out of anyone
— The previously observed boundaries for artists (particularly musicians) being dissipated via apps like Pandora and Spotify
— Dramatic increase in spiritual or divination practices such as Tarot, Mediumship, Magic and Astrology (plus many others)
— “Fake Truths” - an illusional atmosphere around what the “truth” is, and a potential to be lulled into dogma
— Film technology that can take us to brilliant imaginary worlds and “realities”
— Augmented Reality Technology
— A diffusion of locational boundaries between people - we can connect anytime anywhere with anyone
— A knowing that we are all connected due to the lack of these boundaries - we have access what is going on around the world all the time - we are more immediately aware of being situated in the “universal soup”
— A world-wide pandemic (boundless spreading of a virus)
— ((… This is not a conclusive list…Look around and see what other manifestations present themselves…))
Pisces doesn’t say “no” to Neptune’s central drives. Neptune has full reign to be as magical, “spiritually enlightened” and as slippery as it desires. In many ways, Neptune in Pisces is a very Anti-Saturnian energetic : disregarding the presence of boundaries or structure at all and embodying a trust and deep surrender to the flow of time.
Neptune can urge us to return to the cosmic womb that we arrived within. If you ever feel these tugs on your soul : this is Neptune’s siren song. Neptune invites us to retreat from the mundane plodding of the day-to-day and become immersed in the “higher consciousness” - whatever form that may take for you. Neptune’s retreats can vary from reading a book, to watching a movie, to embarking upon a plant journey, to going for a walk in nature, to losing yourself in your work, to going on vacation, to having an alcoholic drink (or 3). That said, addiction and all kinds of day-to-day-life dysfunction is within Neptune’s shadow. The addictive nature of Social Media and binge watching is also Neptunian - what are we all trying to escape from? Or where are we trying to escape to?
When looked at from this lens, it can be said that Neptune’s trip through Pisces has changed our lives in many sneaky, maybe even intangible ways. Neptune has sunk deeply and completely into our beings, our souls. Look around your life to see if Neptune’s influence has been positively evolutionary or has pulled you into a world of illusions and fake promises.
Jupiter in Pisces
On December 29, 2021 Jupiter solidly made its way into Pisces. Not long after Jupiter’s, ingress the previous COVID restrictions began to vanish and life began to look more “normal”. As I write this the optimism continues, although there is always the potential for changes to quickly occur. Jupiter is the Traditional ruler of Pisces, the expansive dreamer, the optimistic philosopher, and the great benevolent energetic in the skies.
Jupiter’s expansive and buoyant characteristics also reside within Neptune except on steroids and without the Saturnine material limits. Jupiter, being a more accessible energetic for us to manage than Neptune, is merged with the infinite and absolutely boundless (Neptune). There is an alignment, an agreement, between these energetics.
It could be said that our universal unconscious has been waiting for this moment for some time. The last time that Jupiter and Neptune joined together in Pisces was in 1856 (166 years ago), this is an invitation into the divine that we will never receive again in our lifetimes.
My advise to you it to go-big no matter what. It isn’t very often that we are invited to open up the realms of possibility so unimaginably wide. Dream the blissful dream - without attachment.
And this should be stated - the point of these dreams and spiritual openness has nothing to do with actual manifestation. Jupiter may need to be interested in the ego realm, but Neptune has no regard for the ego. According to Neptune, the ego isn’t special, it is just part of the divine soup like everything else.
The point of this transit is to go beyond what we know and “put it out there” - like the seed being sent into the breeze. The existential point isn’t that it produces a plant, it is that in order for life’s magic to continue to evolve we must take a chance and throw our dreams into the universe without attachment. FAITH that what needs to take root will.
Venus in Pisces
Venus enters Pisces on April 5, 2022 and joins the dreamy coalition that I am referring to as the Unicorn Party. Venus is exalted in Pisces and has been on a torturous journey since November 2021 (see previous posts and articles for further details). This is a chance to let our rainbow hair down and feel into the beauty that is all around us and also WITHIN us. If areas of our lives - particularly relationships, finances and self-value - have been uprooted and run through the meat-grinder then this can be a great time for healing and compassion.
Venus will be in Pisces until May 2, 2022 and Jupiter will be taking its leave on May 10, 2022 - so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TIME. We will never experience a true Unicorn Party like this again in our lives. Whatever has seemed too good to be true, send it out into the universe - no expectations attached. Enjoy the magic and enchantment of being a part of the 2022 Dream Team!!! It’s our job to create the limitless possibilities of tomorrow.
The Shadow Side
There is so much glitter and gloss that we want to throw all over the conjoining of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. But… let’s be real… there is a shadow to everything and it is my responsibility to make you aware of those shadows.
As I may have mentioned before, Neptune and Pisces in particular can be the Nightmare just as well as they can be the Dream. The vail is thin, especially when Neptune is involved. Anxiety, depression and other mental stresses can be associated with the surrender and ungrounded existence that these energetics provide. We can get swept up in their magic and also lost in their vortex.
We may emerge from this time, or just find ourselves in a bit of sobriety, and wonder what to do with all of this untethered and idealized information. Neptune can leave us feeling hung over, disoriented, even depressed. Because Neptune’s process disregards the ego all together we may feel an overall lack of center, or lack of self.
Integration Strategies
Like all swan songs, they are alluring and inspiring but you also can get lost in the illusions that they provide and feel as though you have lost everything. The Neptunian ego surrender can be quite disrupting to earthly life. Know that you haven’t lost everything and once the fog lifts you will be able to integrate the beautiful immersive experience that you were granted.
I treat Neptune transits a lot like Plant Medicine Journeys - their dynamics are quite similar and a strong Neptune transit can float people into ceremony. In order to receive the Medicine, one has to surrender the ego on some level, remove themselves from intellectual convention and just be.
After one has completed their journey(s) into the Unconscious they return to their lives a changed person (on some level). Like Neptune, the changes are subtle but fundamental. Without guidance, integration into family, friends and work can be disorienting and can bring on anxiety and even depression.
Meditation, work with Spirit Guides, time in nature, therapy, creative projects and other ritual-like activities can ease you into the other side of all of these energetics. And can be of help even when you are in the thick of it. How do you re-enter your day-to-day life once you know that you are wondrous and beautiful - particularly when your life has been structured in absence of that wisdom? It is a big time of transformation that we are a part of. The work is the way.
Neptune in Pisces (along with Jupiter and Venus) are paving the streets with sparkle rainbow dreams, Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7, 2023 to make these streets usable and integrate them into the infrastructure of our dreams. It is our cosmic responsibility to surrender to the Unicorn Party and partake in the dreaming that our future depends upon (no pressure).