Taurus Season : Comfort with a Twist

The Sun into Taurus 

Entering Taurus season implies a time of much needed sensual grounding and rooting down.  This is a time when the spring flowers are in full bloom, baby animals are being born, the flora is pollenating and the world is really coming back to life.  Taurean energy is based on the core values that life is based upon, as it is ruled by Venus : valuing the self, determining what is valuable, surrounding ones self with valuable “things.”  

Taurean time is slow and plodding because there is a need to fully experience the sensual gifts of each moment.  Why hurry when life is so beautiful?  On a more practical end, there is a tendency to become attached to the minutia that Taurus has chosen to be immersed within.  The need to be safe and comfortable is central to the Taurean archetype - have you ever tried to change the mind of a Taurus?  Good luck.  

One of the greatest challenges for Taurus is to pivot, and risk losing the bedrock of comfort and safety.  It is hardwired into the Taurus archetype to hold onto and maintain the incredible “values” that they have acquired.  Taurean energy is solid and potentially immovable.  Change can be slow and focused, with extreme intentionality.  Taurus’ stubborn efforts aren’t just to be a pain in the you-know-what, Taurus holds the promise of life, the nectar of the future.  They are consistent creators and have an innate understanding of what is important and sustainable.    

Taurus Season with a Twist 

Since around 2018/2019, when Uranus was entering Taurus, Taurus season has had a wrench thrown into it.  For those of you with prominent Taurus placements, you can likely attest to this change.  The land of peaceful beauty and forthright creative drives has been wrought with earthquakes and landslides.  

Taurus is a challenging place for Uranus to transit through - but possibly one of the most useful.  The basis of Uranus’ drive is to shake up the status-quo and the comfort-centered areas of our life.  Taurus tends to revel in and maybe even hide in the stable (or stuck) areas of their reality.  Taurus’ can find true productivity in remaining in one place, when they aren’t jolted into having to resettle themselves, which can take a lot of time and energy.  The condensed power that they yield can be utilized in a more sturdy and useful manner when they are settled.    

Uranus isn’t having any of that.  Food supply chain disruptions, large-scale earthquakes, huge swings in home prices, shortages of home building supplies, break-throughs in food technology (and much, much more) are all examples of Uranus’ current transit through Taurus - and it’s not over.  Uranus is shaking up all of the areas of our lives that we find comfort in and require a level of stability in order to survive (such as food and shelter).  Uranus is messing with all of the “basics” of living (Taurus) that we depend upon.  But, in the end, we will have revitalized, fresh ground to root into and flower from.

Why am I going so far into this description?  In order to give you a better picture of the month ahead while the Sun is in Taurus.  And because the Lunar Nodes are in Taurus-Scorpio as well - adding more instability and unpredictability to the Taurean storyline.  The Lunar Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio indicate that we are in Eclipse Season!!!  Below is some brief information regarding the upcoming Eclipses.

Eclipse Season 

On April 30, 2022 @ 2:28pm MDT (10° Taurus 20’) we will have our second Eclipse as part of the recent Taurus-Scorpio Axis, a Solar Eclipse.  The first Eclipse within this Axis was on November 19, 2021 in Scorpio (Lunar Eclipse) and on May 15, 2022 we will have the next Eclipse in Scorpio.  And we will have another pair of Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses in November 2022.  In April 2023 the Lunar Node Axis will begin to move into Aries-Libra.  So, buckle in my friends!    

What makes this round of Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses particularly notable is that they will be conjoined with Uranus.  So, take a look at your charts to see what Houses Taurus and Scorpio are in, and what planets or points you may have in those locations. 

You have the details, but how do you prepare?  Like Uranus transits, it is nearly impossible to really prepare for Eclipses, the bedrock of their work is in flipping the narrative of our lives so that we don’t become stagnant and so that we are evolving into the best version of ourselves.  

I’ll focus on the April 30, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus and will update you on the others as we grow closer.  This Eclipse is potentially one of the more optimistic Eclipses of the year.  Both Nodes (Taurus and Scorpio) are ruled by planets in Pisces (Venus and Mars).  As the Eclipse perfects, Venus (who is the big-chief of this lunation) perfects her Conjunction with Jupiter.  As we have discussed previously, Jupiter is at home in Pisces and Venus is in its Exaltation.  The Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in Pisces is a big deal on it’s own and doesn’t happen that often.  But the Eclipse and the Conjunction happening within an hour or so of one another is very auspicious.  

I see this Eclipse as being one of the ways that all of the Piscean work that we have been drudging through can be brought to fruition in ways that we couldn’t have imagined before.  It takes about 6 months, and some retrospection, to really grasp the ways that Eclipses impact out lives.  So, if you don’t see the “results” right away, trust the process.          

I don’t recommend rituals for Eclipses, the energy that is involved in Eclipses is too big and unpredictable.  Simple things like a silent meditation and lighting a candle are ok, but all in the understanding that you are honoring the powerful unfolding and staying out of its way.  I do not recommend getting in the way of an Eclipse.           

A Note on the Pisces Flood (I mean Pool Party)

We are still in the midst of the Pisces Pool Party.  Some attendees have moved on and others have joined.  The intensity of the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction is still reeling.  We are immersed in illusions, deceptions and idealizations both within and outside of ourselves.  The strong influence of the planets currently in Pisces (Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune) are playing with the illusions and deceptions that we hold within ourselves, reminding us that we are not actually who we think that we are - we are nothing and everything all at once.  

With a strong Pisces-Neptune signature in my own chart, I have been observing the heightened presence of idealization, disassociation and self-denial within myself.  These realms can be heavy, disorienting and even alienating.  On the flip side, it is these realms that carry our souls, connect us to source and “embody” the conundrum of where we came from and where we are going.  There is something deeply healing (and maybe also undoing) that is present when we are under the spell of Pisces-Neptune (and all of the planetary influences that are embellishing their energetic).     

A daily meditation that has helped me lately is to identify when feelings of ego are directing my life and causing me “pain.”  Thoughts of great self-worth are the flip-side of the same coin of thoughts of total lack of self-worth.  Every time I have found these thoughts (“good” or “bad”) are taking over, I have started placing them on my imaginal alter as offerings to the “Gods.”  This somehow appeases the connection with the sacred and releases me of the bondage of the ego (the material world), which is what is ultimately being asked of us at this time.


We are in the midst of an immense tide-change.  The vails are thin and the sturdiness that we rely upon is undependable.  How do we maintain our mental health and inner sanctity at this time?  How can we trust that tomorrow will flourish when today seems to be dissolving?  I have no answers to these existential dilemmas at this time.  I suspect that we are not supposed to have the answers, but rather submit to the heavy but subtle transformation that these realms offer us.  

Take time for yourself, this is always great advise, but particularly at this time.  Take time to be in nature and to go within and to celebrate the beauty and love that does sustain - that sustains unconditionally.             

Lots of Love, 

Lisa (aka The Dynamic Self Astrology) 

House Meanings :

Look at your Natal Chart to see what houses have the signs Pisces, Taurus & Scorpio within them. Use the list below to see what those Houses symbolize :

  • First House : Body, Self-Image, YOU

  • Second House : Financial, Resources, Self-Value

  • Third House : Mind, Immediate Environment, Siblings

  • Fourth House : Home, Family, Inner Self

  • Fifth House : Taking a Chance, Creation, Children, Romance

  • Sixth House : Health & Wellness, Daily Routines & Responsibilities

  • Seventh House : Relationships, Friendships, Partnerships

  • Eighth House : Merged Resources, Taxes & Inheritance, Transformation

  • Ninth House : Religion, Higher Education, Long-Distance Travel

  • Tenth House : Career, Image, Legacy

  • Eleventh House : Hopes and Dreams, Community Support

  • Twelfth House : The Unseen, Spirituality, Knowing


Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio : Nostalgia


Unicorn Party in Pisces