Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio : Nostalgia

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio : Nostalgia

No doubt, the tides are shifting.  The past isn’t ours, it never was.  Yet, our minds and hearts may be feeling heavy with longing for the “better days.”  A sentiment of nostalgia, feeling sorrow or grief about the return of our minds to a place no longer present, could be strong in our collective consciousness.  Great rifts have been branded into our lives, big and small.  Regardless of how we feel about these changes, worries around safety and security may be lingering.  It may feel like these concerns are coming up from the depths to the surface at this time - ready for a release, a transformation.    

After a series of dramatic changes (that we have surely been subject to over the past couple of years), we could feel uneasy about the future, and unsure about getting comfortable again.  What can we trust?

If this kind of material is coming up for you at this time, you’re right where you need to be (and if you’re not, that’s great as well). 

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is taking place on May 15, 2022 at 10:14pm MDT (25° Scorpio 17’).  What this means is that there is a Full Moon along the Nodal Axis (in Taurus and Scorpio), the Sun is with the North Node in Taurus and the Moon is with the South Node in Scorpio.  Typically, the Moon represents the focus of a Lunation, so this one is zeroed in at the Moon in Scorpio / South Node.

Scorpio and Taurus Archetypes

Scorpio can be a wild primal energy, it is concerned with death, transformation and reproduction (literally and metaphorically).  Scorpio’s archetypal energy was amplified on November 19, 2021, when the first of this set of Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses took place.  This upcoming Eclipse is in Scorpio, thus, the plot around its significations are thickening.

On the other hand, Taurus is the polar opposite sign to Scorpio.  Opposite signs provide healing medicine for one another and often share the same root concerns.  Thus, Taurus is also concerned with security as a core principle.  But instead of stinging, fighting or cutting off any threats to their safety (as Scorpio is known to do), Taurus creates beautiful, air-tight bunkers to hunker down in.  The thicker the walls, the safer they are from any threats, and don’t forget the chocolate.    

Saturn and the Cradle of Pluto and Neptune

Saturn is closely square to this Eclipse, possibly bringing up obligations, restrictions or even the sense of an “end of an era.”  We could be asked to make substantial changes, take responsibility and mature.  These types of changes aren’t necessarily “fun” but they are what can be required to help us grow into better versions of ourselves.

On the more positive side, there is a rich support provided to this Lunar Eclipse.  Both the deep Plutonian inner work that we have recently been seeped in and the compassionate Neptunian dreams that have permeated our beings will be supporting the transformation at this time.  In the chart, they create a cradle around the square to Saturn - on both sides.  The struggles and break-throughs that we have endured will ultimately support us.   

In Conclusion

The sentiments of this Eclipse could be coming up in relationships, life changes, inner patterns, family dynamics, etc.  Take a look around your inner-being and your life as a whole and see where you may feeling more sensitive, protective and even sorrow or grief.  Nostalgia returns us to the memories of the past, we become in touch with the ebbs and flows of life and are reminded that nothing is forever.  There is a letting go, a transformation to everything - inside and out.  While this transformation, the letting go can be scary and uncomfortable at times, it is a necessary part of life’s regeneration.  This is Scorpio’s Phoenix-Rising wisdom - rising from the ashes.

I hope that you have the help and support that you need.  Take some time to sit in silence and reverence for the material that may be surfacing at this time.  As you feel comfortable, invite the discomfort, sadness, longing to sit with you.  With curiosity and love, ask “what do you need?” And “how can I help you?”.  The wisdom is within you.

House Meanings :

Look at your Natal Chart to see what houses have the signs Taurus & Scorpio within them. Use the list below to see what those Houses symbolize :

  • First House : Body, Self-Image, YOU

  • Second House : Financial, Resources, Self-Value

  • Third House : Mind, Immediate Environment, Siblings

  • Fourth House : Home, Family, Inner Self

  • Fifth House : Taking a Chance, Creation, Children, Romance

  • Sixth House : Health & Wellness, Daily Routines & Responsibilities

  • Seventh House : Relationships, Friendships, Partnerships

  • Eighth House : Merged Resources, Taxes & Inheritance, Transformation

  • Ninth House : Religion, Higher Education, Long-Distance Travel

  • Tenth House : Career, Image, Legacy

  • Eleventh House : Hopes and Dreams, Community Support

  • Twelfth House : The Unseen, Spirituality, Knowing


Mars Square Pluto : Power Grab


Taurus Season : Comfort with a Twist