May 2023 : Moving Forward
It is undeniable that we have all endured an astronomical amount of change and upending over the past couple of years. The constant, straight-line, dependable parts of our lives have been completely reconfigured in one way or another. I feel like I have written this in many different ways over the past year or so… and the after effects of the quakes that tremmored through each of our lives are now so vibrantly clear. Sometimes we can’t fully perceive the shifts taking place until we are at least an arms length from the experience. This month is steeped in either the recognition of these changes and/or the implementation of actions because of them.
Taurus - an Overview
So much focus is on our Taurus house(s) at this time - because this has been the epicenter of the recent “rearranging”. Take a look at your chart to identify where Taurus is situated within your chart. The emphasis on this part of our chart has been pronounced for some time. Uranus began to shake it all up in 2019, maybe it was kind of exciting at first, until Saturn began its year-long Square from Aquarius in 2021. This is when the instability (and possibly excitement) of Uranus became blunt-force blows to parts of our lives. In addition, we have been experiencing Eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio Axis (North Node in Taurus) since November 2021, the last Eclipse on this Axis will be October 28, 2023 - we are almost done!
Mercury RX in Taurus & Jupiter into Taurus
On a more “micro” scale, we are now experiencing a potent Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, which could be giving us the opportunities to delve deeper and more slowly into the parts of our lives that could have recently been disheveled. We may have a clearer view of what we need to say, where we stand and why we need to stand there. And, Jupiter will be entering Taurus on May 16, 2023! When Jupiter enters Taurus, Mercury will be waiting at the door Stationing Direct, refreshed and renewed, to welcome the great benefic and usher him in. Jupiter in Taurus should offer us some balm to the parts of our life that have been so deeply upended. Look for some ease in these parts of your life. Where the earth has been disturbed, Jupiter will plant flowers and they will thrive. Jupiter will be in Taurus until May 2024… beauty and a sense of stability should be accessible during this time.
Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
For those of you with heavy Scorpio placements, you can let out a sigh of relief that this is the last Eclipse in Scorpio for about 9 years. This Eclipse promises to “empty” out any lagging baggage that won’t let go. Release is absolutely the keyword for this eclipse. What ideas, people, goals, strategies, etc. are you holding onto for dear life that are no longer relevant to your larger life trajectory? Uranus figures into this Eclipse cycle one last time, indicating that there is the possibility for a “big reveal”, expect some kind of “a-ha!” moment. In addition to Uranus’ involvement, the Moon will trine Mars (who is ruling the Full Moon) soon after the Full Moon perfects. What this points towards is support in taking the needed actions to move in a new direction. So… drop the baggage (easier said than done, I know!), keep yourself available and open to new information and take the leap! It shouldn’t feel forced or uncomfortable, it should feel nourishing and should make you feel lighter.
That said, Eclipses are times when we remove our hands from the steering wheel and let life “do its thing”. There is a fated-ness to Eclipses. Also, the effects of Eclipses can take several months (up to 6 months) to unfold. So, if the “results” aren’t visible right away, you didn’t miss it! Also, this Eclipse may not be hitting your chart directly… don’t worry there are more Eclipses on the way!!!
Fixed T-Square
Like most months, May has its blessings and its hardships. Between approximately May 15 - May 25 there will be an ongoing intense aspect between Mars (in Leo), Jupiter (in Taurus) and Pluto (in Aquarius) - an aspect called a T-Square. This happens nearly immediately as Jupiter enters Taurus, so the blessings of Jupiter in Taurus may take a bit to settle into. Expect overpowering gestures both in the media and maybe even in our lives in general. Besides the more challenging outcomes of this transit, there is also the possibility of great success and the “right” use of the power. This is a go-big-or-go-home energy. On their own, Mars-Pluto can indicate power struggles and Jupiter-Pluto can manifest great “riches”. This is taking place in 00° of the Fixed signs - if you have anything in your chart at the early degrees (of any sign) you will likely feel this quite strongly. Hang onto your hats!
Taurus New Moon
Right in the middle of the above mentioned T-Square perfecting, we will have a lovely Taurus New Moon! Although the overall environment could be intense and overpowering during this time, the New Moon is a calm within the storm. The New Moon aspects Neptune, Pluto and Mars gracefully, hopefully adding support to a touchy situation. Whatever the Fixed T-Square is kicking up in your life, this New Moon should give you the tact, kind words and grace to navigate it in a way that is beneficial overall. And… this New Moon officially carries us out of another Eclipse Season! PHEW!!!
Cosmic Support
Woven into the cosmic tapestry this month, are a myriad of flowing and beneficial aspects (I will outline two for you here). First we have a trine from Venus in Cancer to Saturn in Pisces on May 13th. As you know, Saturn recently entered Pisces and is getting himself comfortable in this expansive watery environment where FEELING is the key survival strategy. This is not Saturn’s preferred survival strategy - so the adjustment is not a quick one. Venus is Exalted in Pisces and can give Saturn some tips regarding how to navigate these vast ocean scapes and not get lost within them (it has been 29 years since Saturn last swam in the fishes waters). Expect support in your finances and / or relationships. Creative pursuits could find benefit at this time as well.
One of my favorite “boosts” is on May 15th when Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces. If you remember back to October 2022 - March 2023, Mars’ Retrograde in Gemini drowned us in foggy lines of action and maybe even the inability to trust our path. This transit offers us reconciliation around the misguided action that we may have embarked upon at that time. We can gain a larger perspective, and see that maybe we weren’t as lost as we thought, we just didn’t have the vision that we needed.
Wishing you all a smooth and illuminating May. I hope that May’s moments of turbulence meets you with much needed action and resolution. And that the support offered by the cosmos lifts you up and fills in the parts of you that are in need of nourishment. If you are feeling overwhelmed and empty of hope at times, remember that we have endured a lot of hardship over the past couple of years. Self-care is necessary - especially during Taurus season!!!