June 2023 : Magical Moments
We can all let out a HUGE sigh of relief… we are no longer in Eclipse Season. In addition… Mercury Retrograde has completed this round, and Mars is much happier in Leo than it is in Cancer (where it was for much of May).
So… how are you all doing? Last month was quite a doozy. That said, change is a doozy. We had been in holding position for much of the Winter. And now, we are full-on moving-forward and breaking-though all the hardened stagnancy that we were wading in for so long. Does the movement look the way that you thought that it would? Do you feel like fate has taken the wheel for a bit and you’re not sure what this new strange land is all about? Change is a fickle creature - constant and predictably unpredictable.
June should give us some reprieve from the significant shifts that we’ve been enduring for the past couple of months. Despite a significant ingress (Venus into Leo), and some aspects that are sure to produce some motion - most likely the motion will be nothing as jolting as the past couple of months (and years). Also woven into the month are many smooth, flowing aspects - sure to ease the transitions that we’ve been trudging our way through.
Gemini Season
For most of June we are in Gemini Season! According to the Gemini archetype, just one of something doesn’t suffice. There is a need for multiples in order to observe differences, similarities and take joy in the multiple variations that nature provides! Gemini knows that everything communicates through its mere existence - and this simple fact is endlessly entertaining to the Gemini.
Step into the Gemini archetype this month. Look at how multiples exist within nature, how they compliment and play off of one another. Whether looking at patterns in nature, groups of people or collections of ideas. Frolic in the nuances, celebrate the differences and don’t stop asking questions!
Sagittarius Full Moon
June opens with a beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd. All-in-all this is a pretty nice Full Moon. There are no intense challenges to the Moon and the Sun… Unless you pull in the wide applying square to Neptune. The biggest challenge with this Full Moon could be that there is just A LOT of variability and not a lot of grounding.
Both rulers of this lunation are in very activated circumstances - Jupiter is conjunct the North Node and Mercury is applying to its conjunction to Uranus. What this means, is that this Full Moon has very heightened energies. More, bigger and out-of-the-box could be on the menu.
More positive expressions of this Full Moon could come in the form of travel/vacation, social events, learning, writing, exploring (either out in the world or within your mind). On its own, a Sagittarius Moon gives us hope and a birds-eye-view of the world around us. Expressions of optimism are common with the Moon in Sagittarius.
The Moon’s wide separating square from Saturn, we could kick off the Full Moon with a feeling of restraint in our attempts for freedom. Neptune’s involvement in the Full Moon could leave us feeling exhausted and maybe disappointed somehow the next day.
The key to this Full Moon is to be a curious explorer but to maintain one foot grounded in the here-and-now. Enjoy the possibilities, the opportunities for learning, the journeys that knock on your door.
Mercury - Uranus
Although Mercury conjoins Uranus annually, this meeting is poignant because the last Mercury Retrograde was punctuated by Uranus’ involvement (which gave it a notable “kick”, if you remember). As Mercury approached Uranus in April, Mercury never perfected their meeting and stationed Retrograde instead. Their close proximity upon stationing tinted this Mercury Retrograde with added twists and turns. Expect a revelation of some kind as Mercury finally joins Uranus on June 4th.
If information or details have been withheld recently, there could be an unveiling of the “truth”. And it may have a plot twist that comes along with it!
Venus into Leo
On June 5th Venus will enter the proud, fiery sign of Leo. This ingress holds particular significance for Venus because Venus will be in Leo for an extended period of time, due to her Retrograde
The last time that Venus was Retrograde in Leo was in Summer of 2015. Venus has a beautiful 8-year cycle, every 8 years it Stations Retrograde at approximately the same place (this is called a Venus star point). Hence, each star point should hold a story-line for each of us. Look back to Summer of 2015 - what story-line was unfolding for you?
Like nearly all planets entering a new sign, they immediately meet up with Pluto. As Venus enters Leo, she will be in an Opposition to Pluto. Expect themes of relationship intensity, large financial loss, and/or a crisis in self-value. The intensity of this transit of course depends upon how it aligns to your Natal Chart. While there are other notable aspects that Venus will make as she makes her long journey through Leo, this initial meeting with Pluto could tint her time there. Venus will depart from Leo on October 8, 2023.
Gemini New Moon
This Gemini New Moon (on June 17th) brings our minds towards the nature of truth and deception. The New Moon itself (at 26° GEM 43’) is seeped in curiosity, mental flexibility, and the potential of getting lured down the “wrong path.” When the options are wide open and boundaries aren’t a consideration, we can be both opened up to lurking surprises, and duped by fragmented deception.
On the other hand, Mercury (ruler of the New Moon) is strong and square to Saturn - moderating the potential deception. Any misconceptions and blurred lines that come across our path at this time could be offset with pragmatic acknowledgement and course-correction.
Expect to be met with ideas, opportunities, etc around this time - offering you a new way to operate in your life. If you find yourself in a predicament where the lines are blurred and the truth is obscured, know that there is the potential for grounded information. And that information may have been presented to you a couple of days prior - and then been mixed into the diluted info-shuffle.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
As some of you may remember, in December 2020 we experienced the historic Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at 00° Aquarius. This was part of the huge shift that gave 2020/2021 the “no turning back” feel that we are all still churning from. And Pluto is currently rolling back and forth across this 00° Aquarius point, deepening the plot-line (worthy of an article on its own, but worth mentioning).
As Jupiter makes a flowing aspect to Saturn on June 19th, we could start to see glimpses of how to proceed forward from the December 2020 Conjunction. Conjunctions are a New Moon moment, where seeds are planted and new beginnings are envisioned. Expect to gain some clearer perspective on the changes that we have endured and how to take the next important steps forward.
June offers us some time to let the big shifts and changes sink in a bit more. While there are some notable transits that could shake things up a bit, know that there is ease and flow woven in. Take time to relax, reflect and enjoy your loved ones. This month is a great time to notice the magical moments that lie between the lines of our to-do lists.