April 2023 : Integration

Phew!… a lot of change has occurred over the last month.  Even if the changes haven’t fully taken form on a material plane , there is likely a much different vibe to the overall environment that you find yourself in.  It’s only a matter of time…. And it isn’t uncommon to be in the midst of gigantic change that you cannot see until you are on the other side of it.  Just because your designated markers of change aren’t manifesting at this moment doesn’t mean that the change isn’t happening.

As Aries Season continues for the first part of April, it is important to really sink into your intentions, make them loud-and-clear.  Jupiter co-present with the Sun in Aries re-iterates the need for action, courage and optimism amongst all odds.  The Full and New Moons are the biggest headliners this month, mainly because we are re-entering Eclipse Season, and having our first Eclipse on the Aries (North Node) - Libra (South Node) Axis since March 2006.  Although the New Moon Eclipse doesn’t occur until April 19th, we will begin to feel it’s approach with the Libra Full Moon on April 5th.

The relatively lean astrological activity this month leads me to think that this month may have a lot to do with integrating the huge, sweeping changes that took place last month.  We will experience some of the first hard aspects from the personal (and faster moving) planets to the social (Saturn) and transpersonal (Pluto) plants who changed signs in March.  We will experience Mercury’s first square to Pluto in Aquarius since December 1796.  We will also experience Venus’ first square to Saturn in Pisces since November 1995.   

Mercury Square Pluto

Mercury ingresses into the sign of Taurus on April 3, 2023, and just a couple hours later Mercury will perfect its square to Pluto in Aquarius (at 00° TAU 10’).  Mercury-Pluto connections can indicate a time where powerful words impact the greater people (for better or worse).  Secrets can be revealed, fraudulent information perpetuated, or intellectual triumph can take place over others.  At this time, beware of your interactions with others.  There is the possibility that either you are being controlling (possibly intentionally) or you could be controlled by others.  Be mindful of the media that you consume and how you react to it.  Also, keep an keen eye on popular figures and the messages that they are spreading (use critical thinking to see through what their motives could be).

On a positive note, if there is a message that you need to get across, an important and deep-felt idea that needs to be received, this could be a good time to make it happen.  If you are a writer or a communicator, this could be a beneficial time to create traction with your work.  You may find that potent and powerful material comes to you more easily around this time.

You may also receive important bits of information regarding the game-plan for Pluto in Aquarius’ 20-year transit (that has just begun).  Find the house(s) that Aquarius is on the cusp of (within your natal chart) so that you have an idea of the area of your life being impacted by Aquarius’ recent move.  Be particularly curious at this time, keep your eyes and ears open for any intel that may come your way. The more curious and inquisitive we are with the cosmos and the world around us, the more informed decisions we can make - and it’s a lot more fun!

Libra Full Moon

This Full Moon is honestly a breath of fresh air - taking place on April 5, 2023 at 10:34pm MDT!  The Full Moon chart features an exalted Sun in Aries, conjunct Jupiter.  The super-powered Sun is shining on a beautiful Moon in Libra, who is ruled by Venus in Taurus (her Domicile/home).  There is a lot of hope and support in this chart.

The main challenge that I see is an Inconjunct between the Moon and Uranus.  Despite the bounty and freshness of this Full Moon, there may still be an element of unraveling that we still have to contend with.  We realize that nothing is perfect, our freedom may feel impeded upon, and the unexpected is lurking - always.

In addition, the Asteroid Chiron is very close to the Sun.  Maybe part of the story is that being an independent warrior (Aries) has its glamour and excitement, but in the end you are alone (Chiron).  We may be encouraged to connect with our feelings of alienation or separateness from others as a result of our strength.   

Regardless of pesky Uranus’ interference with our lovely Full Moon, I encourage you to take the plunge into spring-time fun.  It’s a great time to connect with friends and explore the exciting possibilities of the future with one another.  With this transit, success is on the horizon!  … also, the Libra Full Moon opens the door to Eclipse Season (read on for more info)!

Sun Conjunct Jupiter     

On April 11th at 4:07pm MDT (21° ARI 45’), the Sun and Jupiter will join together for a moment of bold vitality.  Be sure to mark this transit on your calendar - April 10th and 11th are wonderful days to make a brave move.  Advancement in life is on the menu with this transit.  Although the Sun and Jupiter conjoin every year - this conjunction is special because the Sun is Exalted (held up-high) in Aries and Jupiter is quite happy in Aries as well - and benefits from the Suns good placement there.

Not only is this a great transit for social and financial advancement, but it is also beneficial for overall health and vitality.  If you need a boost in your health, this is a great time to bask in the regenerative potential of this time.  A cardio work-out could feel good, building muscle or going for a challenging run.  The ability to successfully push the boundaries of anything that you do is on your side.  Also, be cautious not to take it too far!

Venus Square Saturn

You may have found yourself looking back to the mid-1990’s recently - particularly with this transit.  Maybe Nirvana has shown up on your playlist more frequently or you may be eying your old flannels.  Or the people and events of that time could be seeping into your consciousness - or even in material life.  Saturn is assessing the work that he did in your Pisces house(s) the last time that he was there : from 1994-1996.  Yes… it is Saturn’s job to make us all feel OLD!

Anyways, Venus’ square to Saturn is one of the first (hard) aspects to Saturn that we have experienced since he entered Pisces in early March (besides the Moon).  So, like Mercury’s square to Pluto (as described above) we will receive a clearer idea of what Saturn’s intentions are for the next two years (as he transits through Pisces).

Relationships and finances could be challenged around this time.  We could find ourselves feeling bound or restricted as a result of our relationships or our financial situation.  We might be inspired to create new boundaries around these areas of our life as well - making their potential success more stable.

Venus in Gemini could ignite curiosity into the lessons and tribulations that you experienced in the mid-1990’s.  Although Saturn is stodgy and strict on its own, in Pisces he has more fluidity and maneuverability.  Whatever challenges come up with this transit, changing your perspective could make all the difference.

Aries New Moon Eclipse (Solar Hybrid)

Another layer of the recent great shift occurs courtesy of the Eclipses.  Eclipses are markers of “great beginnings and great endings.”  It is important to know what house(s) in your chart the Eclipses are turning the tables on - where you could be required to release and where you may be granted new opportunities.

On a general level, having Eclipses in Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) indicate individuation in the realm of relationships.  Emphasis could be put on assertiveness and bold action (reflecting the Aries drive that so prevalent for much of this month).  Pressure between fair, balanced representation and instinctual, independent action could play a large role in the themes of the next 18-ish months.

Aries and Libra are concerned with individual rights (Aries) and human rights (Libra).  Aries wants to make sure that the individual is accounted for and Libra wants to make sure that everyones voice is heard.  We will see many variations of this tension play out as as the Nodes make their way through this Axis.

We could see a change in the legal systems, or big stories coming out of the legal system - where bold, independent gestures override the balanced oversight of the system.  We could continue to see the loss of female rights, or maybe women will stand up and command their rights on a whole new level.  Being Cardinal (or Movable) the events that we experience will be in the vein of starting something new.

On its own, this is a powerful Eclipse.  First of all, the New Moon in Aries takes place at the 29th Degree, also known as the Anoretic Degree.  This indicates the potential for crisis, stress.  In addition, Pluto is square to the New Moon (and at the Southern Bending of the Lunar Nodal Axis), further signification for the potential of threshold experiences, a time of inner conflict, or even loss.  This New Moon Eclipse (Solar Eclipse) stands right on the edge of the beginning (Pluto at 00° Aquarius) and the end (New Moon at 29° Aries).  In addition, the Lunar Nodes themselves are at the very last (early) degrees of the Taurus-Scorpio Axis (the Lunar Nodes move backwards through the Zodiacal sky).

Eclipses are slippery and unpredictable, so it’s a bit hard to say what will transpire around this time.  As the Libra Full Moon perfects and then begins to wane, you should start to gain information on how it may play out in your life.  Expect themes around a profound letting go, releasing (I know that it sounds so trite)… but something is leaving and its exit may not feel comfortable.  The exit is strongly in the spirit of making room for the new.  We have old ways holding us down that will not carry us successfully into the new world in front of us.  What part of your life, yourself, is on the threshold of useful?  Is it hard to walk away from?  I suggest loosening your grip, so that you are ready to release it when the time comes.    

This is a potent cosmic event on its own, and a hard-hitting opener for the Eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis.  Take good care of yourself and others at this time.  And remember that the effects of an Eclipse can last several months after their perfection, they have a strong resonance in the space-time continuum.

Mercury Stations Retrograde

Right before Mercury reaches its conjunction to Uranus, Mercury screeches to a halt (from our perspective) and Stations Retrograde.  This Mercury Retrograde lasts from April 21st - May 14th, 2023.  If you have planets or angles between 05° Taurus - 15° Taurus (or in Fixed signs Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) this retrograde will likely impact you most noticeably.

It is notable that Uranus is involved in the Retrograde Station (as is the Moon).  This suggests that this Mercury Retrograde could have to do with surprising information that throws us (maybe as a Nation) off track.  We might not know the full extent of the story until Mercury actually perfects the conjunction to Uranus on June 4th.  This type of scenario could also unfold on a personal level - but the Moon being exactly in the mix of the Retrograde Station indicates a story that affects the people at large.

As always, with Mercury Retrograde, this is a wonderful time to reconnect with parts of your life, maybe do some gardening or walk in nature.  Retrogrades are helpful for catching up on projects that have been sidelined or working through your overfull inbox.  With Mercury Retrogrades, the “normal” flow of life usually feels greatly interrupted because we want to move forward constantly.  But the Cosmos knows that life works in a series of ebbs and flows.  Mercury Retrograde is part of the natures rhythm, providing a time to step back and think about things from a different perspective.  As humans, we get tripped up when we want to maintain a linear structure, but that is not natural.

Instead of cursing Mercury Retrograde, take advantage of the change in Mercurial flow.  Mercury rules the mind, short-distance movement and communication.  Reflect, review, re-approach the Mercurial parts of your life - and you may find that you come to enjoy the ebbing motion.


This has been quite a long “summary” of April 2023.  I hope that this proves to be a useful road map for the month ahead.  Be mindful of the new parts of your life that are being lit-up and maybe irritated.  We have a lot of new ground to cover, and sometimes the beginning of a journey can require adjustment before we get into the groove.  We are taking the first steps in integrating the shifts that took place last month, and figuring out how to purposefully use them in our daily life.  Don’t be too hard on yourself if the process is more challenging then you had anticipated.  Step-by-step, you’ve got this.


May 2023 : Moving Forward


March 2023 : The Glimpse