February 2023 : On the Brink
Hello Friends 🪐
It’s been quite some time since I’ve reached out with the current cosmic weather updates. Life kept throwing health struggles at me for the second half of 2022 (which have since been resolved 🙏), plus the regular family demands. However, I have continued with consultations and social media posts (follow me on Instagram or check out my website if you’d like to keep up with my weekly posts).
Now, with all planets direct and a huge wave of planetary change on the horizon, it’s time to resume these nuggets of cosmic communication. So… here we go!
((P.S. The Newsletters will be Monthly from there on out.))
On the Brink of a Whole New World…
February 2023 is a preparatory time for what is to come in March and April. This month will include : tying up loose ends, bulking up our dreams and gaining tiny glimpses of what the future may hold.
As I mentioned many times last year, 2021 and 2022 were all about stress-testing the fundamental structures of our life. Many of those structures withstood the stress and others didn’t. We didn’t receive these challenges because life is fundamentally cruel. The purpose was to shed the “unnecessary” or non-sustainable parts of our lives in order to move forward.
Did you feel that restructuring? Was it disorienting? Scary? Maybe even relieving?
Whatever became discombobulated over the past couple of years will soon (with the light of the Leo full Moon on February 5, 2023) be illuminated with hope and curiosity and may even provide a surprising next step. This Leo Full Moon is the last time that we will experience the lessons of this Saturn-Uranus Square (from 2021 and 2022). With Full Moons we experience a culmination followed by a releasing.
The Leo Full Moon is likely to be quite intense so start preparing now with ways to calm your nervous system as well as a cultivating a curiosity for the unexpected.
The second half of the month has more of a flowing nature. Romance will be in the air (and the water) this Valentine’s Day as Venus inches in close to join Neptune (in Pisces) on February 15, 2023. Even the Curmudgeons amongst us may even feel a bit flirty and cuddly around this time❣️
In addition, the Venus-Neptune Conjunction harkens us back to April 2022 when Jupiter and Neptune joined together at this same degree (at 24° Pisces). This transit ensures that we are packing our bags with the necessary dreams and far-fetched ideas that we will need as we move forward into the uncharted territory of March 2023 and beyond.
The last big event of February 2023 is the Pisces New Moon (on February 20, 2023). On its own, this is a compassionate, flowing and introverted New Moon. However, Saturn is lurking within close range next door in Aquarius. We will likely feel Saturn’s presence as either an organizing factor to our sensitive dark moon space and/or a heaviness. Jupiter in fiery, expressive Aries is ruling the Pisces New Moon, indicating that we could feel an urgency to whatever we are implementing at this time. We are being urged to plant our future responsibly and with passion.
This month, take a moment to review the following time frames :
- Saturn in Aquarius since 2020
- Pluto in Capricorn since 2008
Celebrate the progress that you've made and envision the next steps into your new chapter.
In March 2023 Saturn will move into Pisces (where it will be for 2 1/2 years) and Pluto will take its first dip into Aquarius (where it will be for 20 years!). These are transits that you will notice. But first… February.
These are exciting times, glad that we are all on this ride together❣️