Cancer New Moon : Soul-Roots

Hello Cosmic Friends!  It has been a bit… kids and travel have monopolized, well, everything!  I finally have a moment, so How are Each of YOU?  Many of you have been on my mind as some transits have built up and others have moved on.  I wonder : How the ingress of both Jupiter and Mars into Aries has been treating each of you?  As well as the unraveling storylines behind the first full set of Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio?

As you can tell, the world stage has continued to ramp up in intensity, particularly within the United States.  Regardless of your perspective of the outcome of any of the events that have been taking place recently (the overturn of Roe v Wade, Gun Control Measures, increased violence, etc, etc.) the bottom line is that the United States has dropped into a new level of DIVISION.  And there is no going back, there hasn’t been any going back for quite some time.  The lines have been drawn and the gap between us keeps growing more and more vast.  Divided We Fall. (see my recent Mars Square Pluto article for more insight on this)

So let’s get into the current astrology!!  This upcoming New Moon in Cancer is pretty juicy.

New Moon in Cancer (7° 22’) : June 28, 2022 @ 8:52pm MDT

This is a great New Moon to settle and FEEL-into your more sensitive and sentimental side.  Cancer symbolically represents the mother, the matriarchy and the womb (regardless of your gender).  Cancer is keenly instinctual and the natural creator (of all creations).  Because the inner world of a Cancerian is so sweet and tender, there is a need for protection, as well as isolation from time-to-time.

Regardless of your planetary placements, we all have Cancer in our charts somewhere.  This New Moon will be sinking you down deep into your soul-roots, and encouraging creative support of your New Moon intentions.  If you find yourself feeling more sensitive or snappy at this time, ask yourself “what am I protecting?”  “Have I given myself enough down time?”

Strong Cancer energy, like this New Moon, can expose the ways that we are not nurturing ourselves well enough.  A great way to get the most out of this New Moon is to take a warm bath (Cancer is a water sign), spend some time near water, intentionally submerse yourself in solitude, make art (any medium will do), or belly dance (for the mother in all of us).

In addition, this is a great time to check in with your Aries New Moon intentions (at the Spring Equinox). Refine what needs to be refined and take note of those that have materialized (yay!).

New Moon Aspects

This New Moon is tightly Squared to Jupiter in Aries, which could be either agitating or motivating.  The agitation could come in the form of hubris or judgement (either from with you or from another), or just something that is distracting from the self-care that the New Moon is encouraging you to partake in.  On the other hand, Jupiter’s interaction with the Cancer New Moon could provide hope and inspiration for creative (or other nurturing) endeavors.

The Cancer New Moon also forms a Grand Water Trine with the Asteroids Vesta and Hygeia.  What this suggests is that the New Moon is strongly supported in its interest of honoring women as well as emotional medicine to aid in healing (in whatever way that is needed).  If you feel called, I would suggest integrating the elements of the following to your New Moon Ritual : the empowered woman, designated time to tend to ones self, and your innate healing wisdom.   

Mars Square Pluto

As the Cancer New Moon takes place, the Mars (in Aries) Square Pluto (in Capricorn) will be felt as well. The transit will perfect on July 1, 2022.  Power can be the core theme of a Mars-Pluto combination.  Beware of power struggles - either within yourself or amongst others. On the more positive side, transformative actions can be put into action.  This time is also great for self-empowerment.  If you start to feel a power struggle coming on, take a break and a breath.  It may not be worth engaging in.   (see my recent Mars Square Pluto article for more insight)

Neptune Stations Retrograde : June 27, 2022

Outer Planets, such as Neptune, move slowly and spend about 1/2 of an Earthly year Retrograde.  Because the Outer Planets are more transpersonal and tend to impact larger themes in our lives, we need more time to review and re-access their lessons and guidance.   

In addition, the typical human has a short attention span, thus, Outer Planet transits can be taken for granted.  Although we can feel their impacts and daily inconveniences, struggles and even great blessings, we get used to their presence as they transit our houses, planets and angles.  Retrograde cycles can give us a chance to integrate the material that we have been shown previously in a more meaningful way.        

This Neptune Retrograde will be moving over the 23°/24° Pisces point where Neptune met up with Jupiter and then Venus in April.  We could be asked to re-access the dreams that we conjured up at that mysterious and auspicious time.  We may need to be more “realistic” about what ideals are worth carrying with us and what ones may cause us more harm than good.

Pisces and Neptune can kick up chaos and nightmares in the midst of reaching the ultimate cosmic dream.  What was kicked up for you?


Nurture, nurture, nurture.  Honor the divine feminine within yourself (regardless of gender).  Challenge your own beliefs of what femininity means, take this opportunity to redefine your feminine belief system so that it is more true to YOU.

House Meanings :

Look at your Natal Chart to see what house has the sign Cancer within it. Use the list below to see what that House symbolizes :

  • First House : Body, Self-Image, YOU

  • Second House : Financial, Resources, Self-Value

  • Third House : Mind, Immediate Environment, Siblings

  • Fourth House : Home, Family, Inner Self

  • Fifth House : Taking a Chance, Creation, Children, Romance

  • Sixth House : Health & Wellness, Daily Routines & Responsibilities

  • Seventh House : Relationships, Friendships, Partnerships

  • Eighth House : Merged Resources, Taxes & Inheritance, Transformation

  • Ninth House : Religion, Higher Education, Long-Distance Travel

  • Tenth House : Career, Image, Legacy

  • Eleventh House : Hopes and Dreams, Community Support

  • Twelfth House : The Unseen, Spirituality, Knowing


February 2023 : On the Brink


Mars Square Pluto : Power Grab