Venus Cazimi : I am Light
Venus Cazimi : January 8th, 2022 @ 5:44pm MST (18° 43’ Capricorn)
How is this Venus Retrograde going for everyone? There is some rich Venuseun material being stirred up right now. Our relationships, friendships, creative energy and financial matters are all being put to the test. With Pluto so intimately involved, as I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, this is not your run-of-the-mill Venus Retrograde. We have all been plunged right into the heart of Venus, and not in the romantic kind of way necessarily.
If you want to take a closer look at the specific topics being brought up for YOU this Venus Retrograde, take a look at the topics of the following houses in your charts : Capricorn, Libra and Taurus. Also, look at where your Natal Venus is situated and it’s overall “condition” in your chart (sign, aspects, etc.).
Before I describe the magic of the Venus Cazimi (such a great term, ha!?! I love astrology!!!), I want you to take a moment to really feel into the challenges that are being brought up for you at this time. Venus is the glue that binds the pieces of our life together to make it a cohesive whole, it sweetens, brightens and makes the inevitable rough times more bearable. Venus’ gifts are something that we tend to take for granted. In the midst of global turmoil and uncertainty, I would imagine that this Venus Retrograde is urging us not to take the “honey” for granted. Where is the sweet glue of your world being tested? Where have you noticed greater value in your life? Maybe this is something that has mostly been unappreciated?
Reflect for just a moment, even if the initial reflection doesn’t take you very far - take this observation with you as you move through your day.
Venus Cazimi
Now to the CAZIMI! On January 8th, 2022 Retrograde Venus will make a conjunction with the Sun (18° 43’ Capricorn). Cazimi is the Latin spelling of an Arabic word meaning “as if in the heart” (of the Sun). Technically, a Cazimi occurs when any planet is within either 1° or 16’ (depending on the tradition) of the Sun. According to traditional astrology, a Cazimi is an exalted placement for a planet to be in. (For example, Oprah has Venus Cazimi “You get a car! You get a car!”)
A planet in Cazimi indicates that that planet can manifest the strengths of itself more clearly, because it has the full attention of “God”, or the Sun. There is a purity and a clarity to the energetic output of the planet in Cazimi, and that energetic is radiated everywhere because it is in the HEART of the Sun’s rays - the rays that life on Earth depends upon.
When a planet is on either side of the “heart of the Sun”, a planet is in a condition called “under the beams.” This is an unfavorable position for a planet because it cannot be seen from Earth at this time, due to its close proximity to the Sun’s rays. This can manifest as the motivation or expression of a planet being muted or unseen altogether. With this in mind, Cazimi can be imagined as being in the “eye of the storm,” or even the “eye of the tiger.” When a planet is in Cazimi it is held on-high in the calm center of danger and turmoil.
For Venus, its Inferior Conjunction to the Sun (the Cazimi tomorrow) indicates the midpoint on its journey through the underworld (Retrograde). Symbolically, this is the point of the story where possible resolutions come to light - to address the challenges creating the plot line. “A-Ha!” moments are likely to appear as Venus whispers her desires into the ear of “God.”
For this reason, don’t be afraid to whisper YOUR desires into the “God’s” ear, you can even scream it or creatively declare it.
Sextile to Neptune
At this time, Neptune is in a Sextile to the Venus Cazimi. Neptune is often seen as the higher octave of Venus. The high arts, compassionate spirituality and idealized romanticism are all in the wheel-house of Venus-Neptune. I suspect that there is the potential for increased spirituality, romantic moments or creative journeys with this Venus Cazimi. The potential shadow of this transit is the possibility for getting lost in unrealistic idealization, in every way.
If you understand the potential foggy challenges with Neptune, then you can safeguard yourself by maintaining grounded and keeping one foot in “reality.” At the same time, getting lost can be incredibly enlightening from time to time - just be mindful of your intentions.
Closing Words
I’ll tell you the truth, this Venus Retrograde has kicked my a**. Venus is an integral planet in my chart, and Venus’ key motivations are under deep reconstruction in my life - and not in the most comfortable ways. Today, after a beautiful yoga practice in my “hot yoga dome,” I laid in Savasana crying and processing in as much surrender as I could muster - and the song “I am Light” from India.Arie came on. Call it what you will, but it was divinely P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Take a look at the lyrics, take a listen on whatever music platform you use. And enjoy.
No matter what struggles or challenges you are encountering right now - YOU ARE A STAR, A PIECE OF IT ALL, YOU ARE LIGHT… forever.
“I am Light” by India.Arie
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside
I am light
I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I'm not the mistakes that I have made
Or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind
I am light
I am light
I am light
I, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age
I am not my race, my soul inside is all light
All light