Capricorn New Moon : January 2nd, 2022, 11:34am MST (12° 20’ Capricorn)

Happy 2022 My Friends!  It’s hard to believe how much has happened (and not happened) over the past several years.  2020 and 2021 were challenging years from an astrological perspective, as well as from a lived experience.  I have covered many of the challenges of the past year quite a bit.  But I also want to briefly reflect on the likely blessings that we may have encountered along the way.  From my perspective, the Universe is not conspiring against us, it is making sure that we continue to grow and that we don’t stagnate.  Challenging energetic transits can be a bit like the Universe making us eat our vegetables, candy (or an easier transit) would be more fun to eat, but the benefits of the vegetables far surpass those of the “quick fix carbs.”    

From a Cosmic perspective, these daunting transits that we have experienced are letting us know that it is time for human kind to “level up” and progress into a more ______ (fill in the blank according to your beliefs and experiences) way of being.  How do you feel that you have been encouraged to “level up” or become an overall better human?  

We have been strongly encouraged to go deeply inward, we have experienced great separation both inward and as a society, and the dependability of our world has been turned upside down.  I’m sure that each of us can look back at challenging or even traumatic times in our lives and know that those experiences ultimately made us a better version of ourselves.  This is by no means trying to Pollyanna challenging times, but I am saying that friction is where we grow.    

Maybe some of you have experienced 2020-2021as the best years ever, maybe you were ready for the world to be rocked so that we could be shaken out of the numb-slumber that much of the world was entranced by.  Maybe you were happily woken up and ready to step-up into the new and improved version of YOU.  Maybe this was what you had been looking for for some time and didn’t even realize it.  This is the perspective that I encourage each of you to at least try on and try out at this moment.  What do you have to lose?  

So, we step into 2022 a bit more raw, a bit less naive and with a deep need for relief and a break.  This will not be an overview of 2022, but I can tell you that there are some blissful sweet spots in 2022.  Sweet spots that we have not experienced astrologically since 2019.  In addition, the underlying themes from 2021 (Saturn Square Uranus) will still be at play and their tension will be felt through 2022.  

Capricorn New Moon 

Beautifully, the first lunation of 2022 is a Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd, 2022 - the day after New Years Day.  As you know, the New Moon is a time for planting seeds and new beginnings - a sentiment that is also shared with the New Year.  With Venus Retrograde, we are likely already looking inward at our values, how we take care of ourselves and the relationships in our lives, as well as financial matters.  Whenever themes like this are repeated in a chart, we know that they are going to be more emphasized.  

What is within your soul that has yet to be expressed?  What within you is ready to come to fruition in the coming year?  You don’t even need to put a word to it, no need to fully express what “it is.”  Just FEEL it and TRUST that coming into contact with its abstract form is enough.  Let your mind release the need for facts, figures and material proof.  You KNOW in your HEART what seed is in need of being planted.  It is time.  

New Moon Trine Uranus 

There is a supportive (Trine) aspect between the New Moon and Uranus in Taurus.  What this indicates is that whatever intention you are setting will be supported with fresh, unexpected perspectives and outcomes.  Uranus can bring playfulness and new vision into the future.  So don’t hesitate to be a little “out there” with where you set your sight for the coming year.  

However, Saturn and Uranus are still within 2° of their square - which perfected on December 22nd, 2021.  So we are still feeling the tension of their story at this time.  Saturn is Ruler of the New Moon, while Uranus is well situated in relation to the New Moon, but Saturn is in Aversion to Capricorn.  What this means is that the Ruler (Saturn) of Capricorn (where the New Moon is situated) cannot see or communicate with the New Moon.  It’s equivalent to sitting so close to a person that you can’t get a good view of them - they’re too close.  

Saturn’s Aversion to Capricorn could manifest by making us feel unsupported as we envision the coming year.  There may be an element of bottomlessness, or a lack of stability.  Almost like we are taking a leap of blind faith - and we are.  But also, what do we have to lose?  

The tried-and-true elements of our life have recently proven to be not as dependable as we may have always believed.  What is beyond what we know?  What is beyond what we can see?  Yes, we may never REALLY know but this moment is a great time to take the leap, heart first and eyes closed.  

Jupiter in the Bends

One more thing… Jupiter is Square to the Nodes, which means that it is in the Bends of the Nodes.  This could indicate that the optimism of Jupiters promise as it enters Pisces is being obscured by the Nodes.  You may find yourself required to first integrate your hopes and dreams into the work that you have done over the past 18 months (Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses) before you can actually feel progress in Jupiters realm of your chart.   

In Conclusion 

The slate will not be wiped clean this coming New Year.  We will still navigate much of the same storyline from 2021.  However, trust that there will be immensely bountiful times woven into the plot of 2022 - which I will keep you up to date on.  

This New Moon and New Year we are asked to take a blind leap of faith, trusting that we will land solidly and in a more bountiful state of being (or maybe just in one piece!).   If you’re feeling a bit unsupported and unsure in how to move forward, just-do-it.  Plant that f*cking seed.  Your future is worth it.     

Welcome to 2022!  Onward!


Practical Advise : 

  • Sink into the inward perspective that Venus Retrograde is providing - inner values, financial review, reevaluation of relationships - use this information to inform your intention setting

  • Utilize the spark of inspiration and new perspective that is offered to you at this time. The leap is supported at this time, and you are un-tethered from old expectations. Who needs a sturdy platform to dive from when the purpose is a bit of a free-fall?

  • Revisit some of the more challenging times of the past couple of years, how have these experienced ultimately improved your live? How have you been encouraged you to emerge from places of stagnancy? Where are the gifts?

  • Be patient with the hope and promise of Jupiter moving into Pisces. Where does integration need to take place within the context of your beliefs and ideas?


Venus Cazimi : I am Light
