Aries Full Moon : Empowered Shadow Work
Aries Full Moon (27° 26’) takes place on 10/20/21 at 8:56am Mountain Time.
The Exact Mars Square Pluto (24° 22’) takes place on 10/21/21 at 10:19 PM, Mountain Time.
“There’s a fine line between fighting for our lives and letting go of what we cannot control.” (Pixie Lighthorse, Goldmining the Shadows)
Survival seems to be a big theme in 2021, how do we survive in a world that is so different from the reality that we lived within just 2 years ago, or on a larger scale 10 or 20 years ago? Our survival instincts have been kicked up on all levels of our personal lives and for society in general. There has been a great loss (and many losses within the great), we know that there is no turning back, and would we really want to?
We can no longer sit on the sidelines of our lives and slide through with complacency, we are being asked and demanded to make changes that create a difference within ourselves and the greater global community. We are being challenged to sit with our shadows and bravely discover their secrets.
Let’s break this down…
What Was Coming up for You in October 2020
Before we really jump in, I want you to reflect upon the topics that were important for you around October 2020. There was a very similar planetary set up for that New Moon (see chart below), and you may be noticing that some of the seeds that were planted at that time are now being brought to light with this Aries Full Moon in 2021. And, because of the planets involved (Mars, Pluto & Eris), if you have been sweeping things under the rug, you may not enjoy what this Aries Full Moon may stir up for you. It could be very uncomfortable because this planetary alignment will not put up with any fluff. However, the point of these energetics is not discomfort and suffering, the intention is for you to be the truest and the most vulnerably powerful version of yourself (yea, easy stuff).
Aries Full Moon
So, this is the juice, what makes the energetics of what I will be outlining below more personal and internal. The Sun will be at 27° 26’ Libra in Opposition to the Moon in Aries at the same degree. This brings up struggles concerning the individual and their place within relationships. Mostly, one-on-one relationships. How can we maintain our autonomy and also be in a loving relationship with others? How can we become immersed in relationships and not lose ourselves? Can we fight for our relationships and also nurture our own self-value? This is a very primal human struggle that is being illuminated by this Full Moon. How are these themes coming up in your life at this time?
In addition, there are several planets who are weighing in, and they have a lot to say…
Mars Square Pluto
In this Full Moon layout, Mars is Conjunct the Sun. Mars is the archetype of action, conquest and self-preservation. Mars is finishing up it’s stay in Libra where it is motivated by harmony and balance, a great negotiator and peace-maker. After several months of Retrograde, Pluto is very close to the degrees where it caused so much havoc in 2020 (21°-23° Capricorn), hence these topics are being dredged up again. And if any planet loves drudging things up, it’s Pluto! This is also pointing to themes resurfacing from the 2020 Libra New Moon, as I mentioned before.
Our diplomatic strength and initiative is in deep negotiation with the collective shadow. Making radical change leads to regeneration. Are you taking action towards personal or relational renewal? Have you not been courageously embodying your power? Are you motivated to unravel the Collective Shadow?
Pluto Square Eris
To complete this Full Moon picture, Eris is Conjunct the Moon in Aries and Pluto is the “focal planet” of the T-Square (see chart below). Eris is commonly known as the “Goddess of Discord”, she is a Dwarf Planet beyond Pluto who moves really, really slowly. She had her first Square to Pluto on 1/26/2020 (23° 14’). Many astrologers point to this Pluto-Eris Square as an important astrological layer to the transformative unfolding of 2020. They just made their 5th and final exact square to one another on 10/9/21 (24° 18’).
The collective shadow is currently being exposed at a rapid pace. Neither Eris nor Pluto will put up with facades, surface banter, or any kind of untruth. PERIOD. If we are not serving the greater truth of the Divine, then we will be challenged at this time. The truth will out, no matter what the consequences are.
Eris is known for exposing the vanity and self-righteousness of the Greek Goddesses and, thus, starting the Trojan War. She doesn’t mess around. Pluto requires that we dig deep into our hidden pains and discomfort so that we can be a more empowered version of ourselves. These themes are not only tied into the past two years, but they are being amplified at this time of the Aries Full Moon. The strong energetics of Eris and Pluto will have the light of the Full Moon brought to them. And the potency of their last and final square will be very present at this time.
If this all sounds like a lot to you, you are correct. But, the good news is that we have been living in this energetic climate for several years now. I suspect that what is likely comes up at this time is the illumination of a storyline that we are already very familiar with. That said, this is a powerful moment - don’t waste the potential for deep, meaningful reflection.
Have we had to endure challenging circumstances over the past couple of years? YES. Yes, we have. But we have survived these challenges thus far. And many of us have risen to the challenge and done the hard work.
We have all been called to sit with our shadows in one way or another over the past several years. And, while it can be uncomfortable, what a gift shadow work can be. This Aries Full Moon will be a time to re-empower meaningful relationships, ignite soulful independence and embody the foundations of our lives in a more authentic way. In addition, as with all Full Moons, this is a time where we can let go of what is not serving us.
There is no hiding from our societal and personal rebirths, it is all part of human evolution. We must hold our power in absolute truth, and release our burdens where we can. The empowerment that we seek can only be obtained by facing our darkness. No one said that that it would be easy, but it will surely be worth it.
Aries Full Moon Reflections :
Reflect upon October 2020, what came up at that time that you are currently still working on? What break-throughs have you made in those areas since then? Is there something regarding this theme that you are ready to let go of at this time?
You are being asked to hold your strength in honesty and integrity. While this is challenging, it is a challenge worth taking - try if out!
Be patient with people in your life if they are feeling overpowered, overwhelmed or even disempowered. Hold space for their lessons and transformations.
The tension of empowerment is being light-up by the light of the full moon - how do we take this information into the depths of ourselves and use it to fertilize sterile grounds within ourselves over the next couple of weeks?
What burdens can we release by sitting in truth with them?