You are so brave… to be here on earth at this time. Human life holds significance beyond our human COMPREHENSION. And the challenges are real!!!

I am here to help you by reinforcing your energetic vitality and putting you in contact with the beings who are helping you on this journey (we are not doing this all alone).

…I will also work with whatever spirit brings forward during our time together.

Schedule a Psychic Healing Session

Thank you for trusting me on this healing journey!  We will explore your Chakra's and other energy centers and see how you can gain more support energetically.  If you are interested, we will also check in with your Guides and see who wants to come forward.  And of course, we will see if Spirit has any additional guidance for you.

For your Session, please find a quiet place to settle into during our time together - minimizing any disturbances / distractions.  I will check in within 24 hours of our Session to make sure that you have the Zoom information.