November 2024 : At the Crossroads


Let’s be honest, this is a tense and potentially pivotal moment in our lives.  Maybe the outcome won’t be as immediately consequential or combustive as we fear, but the overall vibe is very edgy with anticipation.

Inevitably, this Election WILL determine the trajectory of our country into the future - and we are all acutely aware that the future in its most general sense is tenuous and rapidly changing.  So the incoming leadership is heavy on everyone’s hearts and minds.  It is important to remember that regardless of our Presidential choice, we all want the best for our Nation and our personal quality of life.  Despite the media messaging that we receive, the common person is mostly acting from their own most heart-felt hopes for the future.  And we are blessed to live in a country where we are able to express those beliefs and hopes.  It’s important to keep that in mind as we encounter others with opposing political stances from ourselves.           

The astrology for this month is not chill.  So much of this month is centered around the unexpected, the power-play, and the daunting future that stands ahead of us.  Let’s dive in…

2024 Scorpio New Moon

November is ushered in with a doozy of a New Moon.  As I’ve stated prior, New Moon charts can be used as a predictive tool for the month ahead.  And this New Moon reflects the time encompassing the Election and the weeks following.  I’ve looked at this Lunation many times as I compiled my presentation and paper on the 2024 US Presidential Election, and it never leaves me with a cozy feeling.

Most notably, this New Moon features two challenging Oppositions : Mercury Opposite Uranus and Mars Opposite Pluto.

Mercury Opposite Uranus is a separating aspect at the time of the New Moon (it perfected on October 30th) but it is still embedded within this chart.  This combination points towards sudden and surprising news.  Information that can cause disturbance and even separation.  This illustrates the heightened tensions and even excitements that we carry as November begins, as well as the unpredictable outcomes of the month ahead.  All of us will likely feel wound up and unable to fully relax - particularly at the end of October and the beginning of November.  Our nervous systems are on over-drive.

When looking to the Uranian Astrology Dial, this sentiment is emphasized by the Uranus - Vulcanus Midpoint aligning to the Aries Point… what this means is that this is a time when disturbance, unordinary activity and even volatility are heightened within the world at large.  The world is being shaken to its core at this moment (basically from July 2024 - May 2025) in order to be put back together again.  I see this tying in closely with the Mars Opposition to Pluto - which is also highlighted.   

Mars Opposite Pluto is a combination that is just getting revved up as the New Moon perfects.  Within the Scorpio New Moon chart, Mars is applying to Pluto - the aspect perfects on November 3rd (29° 46’).  Something significant is coming to an end.  An end where we are required to leave behind a part of ourselves that will never be retrieved.  This Election signifies an event that we could look back on and more clearly see the parts of our country that had to be removed and / or transformed in order to move forward towards the future.  Mars-Pluto represents a survival signature, the old ways are holding on for survival as the world decisively moves into a new direction.  Acting out of survival can be a messy situation.  The destination ahead of us is still just a feeling, a pull towards a nebulous promise.  But still, we plod in the direction of tomorrow.

The tomorrow that this Opposition is pointing towards is the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on November 19 2024.  This is a process that has been occurring for the past year, as Pluto Retrograded back into the final degrees of Capricorn several times.  But this is it… there is no going back, the future is summoning our path forward into a potentially different “form” of Government for the US, a new way of approaching Foreign Relations, alternate means of currency and cultural structures that we cannot fathom at this moment.  Nearly all of these changes will be dependent upon or in reaction to advances in Technology, as well as the heightening of Climate Change.     

So much is changing - so quickly.  Yes, at the moment many of us can live our mundane lives the “same”, but at some point we will look back and clearly see the tsunami of change that we are living amongst.  Hind sight is 20/20.  Aquarius focuses on the equality of humanity, and the power central to working together for a common cause.  In addition, Aquarius has a keen eye towards the future and places importance on establishing the networks to accomplish forward thinking goals.  More negatively, there is the potential to separate from human vulnerability and handle inherently soft circumstances with logical operations.  While Aquarius can effectively solve immense problems with wide-lens perspectives, there is a tendency to intellectualize away from our feelings and sensitivities.

As we navigate the next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius, I urge each and every one of you to prioritize and preserve the tender heart of humanity.  Keep connecting in person, commune with nature, move slowly, eat even more slowly, honor the Earth and it’s nurturing gifts, remember where you come from, commemorate those whose shoulders you stand upon, get your hands dirty, bask in the sun, love with everything you’ve got.  And… create nurturing formations within your networks, utilize technology to allow for more heart-centered connection, encourage advancements that will heal the damage done to our Earth.  Finally… amongst the drastic quickening can you still locate the stillness?  DON’T STOP FEELING IT ALL.

Saturn Stations Direct

Similar to Pluto, Saturn is in the midst of a transition.  Located at 12° Pisces 42’, Saturn will Station Direct on November 15 2024.  This day looks to be one that provokes heightened communication and even news, as well as upset and upheaval (from the Taurus Full Moon that is taking place the same day).  You will likely feel this station several days prior and several days afterwards, especially if you have placements at the middle degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).  Expect life to feel a bit more crunchy and prepare for restrictions and blockages to rear their heads.  Personally, this station is taking place on top of my Sun and I have been required to do a lot of finical pairing down - which is a very Saturnian invitation.  In the coming month, I expect more pairing-down and the day-to-day adjustments that financial restriction requires.    

What is notable about this Station is that, as Saturn gains speed, Saturn will bee-line for the sign of Aries, making its first ingress on May 24 2025.  Saturn will then Station Retrograde on July 12 2025 and ingress into Pisces on September 1 2025, reaching only 25° Pisces 09’ before Saturn Stations Direct and makes its decisive ingress into Aries, eventually perfecting its much anticipated Conjunction with Neptune on February 20 2026.

I know that that is a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo… here is what it means : while Saturn still has a lot of work to do in the Sign of Pisces, it’s next decisive destination is in it’s cross-hairs… Saturn Conjunct Neptune.  This is a big deal for so many reasons.  The last time that Saturn and Neptune met up was in 1989 (so this is a rare meeting of planets), about every 35 years.  1989 is remembered as the year of Revolutions and a turning point in history…  the Berlin Wall come down, the Tiananmen Square protests took place in China, the Velvet Revolution occurred in Czechoslovakia, and the Romanian communist overthrow dissolved the Soviet Union.  In addition, there were several massive oil spills (including the Exxon Valdez), the Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco took place, the Game Boy was released, and the first proposal for the World Wide Web was submitted.  The immensity of that time is warranted, largely because Uranus was also nearby and forming Conjunctions with both Saturn and Neptune.

While there isn’t another Outer Planet throwing its input into this upcoming Conjunction, what is notable is that from March 2025 until February 2026, Saturn and Neptune will be dancing along the Aries Point (00° Aries).  This is important because whatever planet impacts the Aries Point represents an influence onto the world at large… the experiences, feelings and sentiments shared amongst the global community.  Saturn and Neptune together represent the dissolving of the structures that we stand upon, misleading leadership and immense loss.  Standing at 00° Aries, we are on the precipice of a new chapter… but first the break-down must happen, the playing board must be cleared.  When a theme shows up again and again in astrology, it is best to believe it and take it seriously.

The upcoming Saturn-Neptune Conjunction is something that I will be speaking to regularly over the next couple of years.  But I wanted to give you a primer into where Saturn’s head is at and what its longer-term trajectory is aimed towards.

2024 Taurus Full Moon

The 2024 Taurus Full Moon takes place on November 15 2024, and is situated at 24° 00’.  The highlight of this Full Moon is its Conjunction to Uranus.  In addition, there is a lot of combustible activity within this chart… not a lot of chill.  I suspect that this Full Moon is illustrating the disruptive aftermath of the US Presidential Election.  The People are in a state of upheaval and do not feel settled with the results and could be reeling from the events that have taken place in response to the election outcome.  General communication and news coverage looks to be heavy handed with power-plays and the need to defend at all costs.

Common kindness and respect could be largely lost at the moment, as we navigate the rough waters that this month offers.  We could see public discourse taking on a volcanic nature, likely because people feel a primal drive to voice their concerns.  The primal activation could bring out the worst in people.

While these disputes and activities could override the news-bytes, it isn’t necessary to get caught up in the nastier impulses.  It should be possible to effectively voice one’s opinion and be loving and respectful at the same time.  Maybe this is the idealist in me… but I really believe that, regardless of how different someone else’s views may be, that we both share the desire to have a peaceful life that supports us and those who we love.  Just because the political machine is pulling us apart at the seems doesn’t mean that we have to lose sight of the beautiful humanity that lies within those who hold opposing views from ourself.    

Mercury Stations Retrograde

It is interesting that Mercury Stations Retrograde on November 25 2024 (22° Sagittarius 40’), and is Retrograde until December 15 2024 (06° Sagittarius 23’).  If the information chaos that looks to ensue as a result of this Election does occur, this Mercury Retrograde could act as a moment of reflection and slowing down, or this could be a time when we become even more dedicated to chasing our own tails of misinformation.  The most prominent aspects that Mercury will be making during this Retrograde include an Opposition to Jupiter and a Square to Saturn.  Interestingly, this ties the Jupiter Square Saturn aspect together (which perfects a second time on December 24 2024), and reflects the importance of leadership at this time.

More broadly, this also represents information that can be blown out of proportion with exaggeration and hubris, only to be (thankfully) brought back to reality with actual facts and figures.  However, this arrangement of planets does depend upon a Jupiter who is in Detriment and Retrograde, suggesting  that the potential for grounded logic to make a substantial difference is slim to none.  However, the Mutual Reception between the Mercury and Jupiter could be the saving grace, allowing for potentially uncanny positive outcomes in an otherwise challenging information landscape.  However the potential disputes are handled will likely be in a very unconventional way.

Another point of interest is that this Mercury Retrograde takes place on the Ascendent of the United States (as per the Sibly Chart), which is at 12° Sagittarius 21’.  Furthermore, Mercury Stations Retrograde exactly Square to the US Neptune and in a close opposition to the US Mars - illuminating the gusto with which the US people will fight for what they believe in.  As well as the ways that they can be mislead and act upon false information.  I suspect that these could be prominent topics and lived experience within popular US culture for this Mercury Retrograde.      

2024 Sagittarius New Moon

All in all, the 2024 Sagittarius New Moon provides a bit of relief and even sobriety.  The New Moon takes place on November 30 2024 (09° Sagittarius 32’) and is highlighted by its Opposition to Jupiter and Square to Saturn (the same alignment illustrated above).  By the end of November we may have arrived at some more pragmatic perspectives than were available earlier in the month.

Sagittarius represents the wider belief system, as well as the courts.  And it is possible that there could be prominent judicial involvement at this time.  However, as mentioned above, the Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini that is opposing the New Moon is not really helping the clarity of the situation.  It is possible that the information or legal guidance available could be severely damaged or altered.  We are dedicated to finding out the Truth, but the breadcrumbs to our desired destination are inundated with booby-traps and roads to nowhere.  However, there is hope that with creativity and out-of-the-box approaches we can gain the insight and answers that we desire.

Personally, this is a great New Moon to explore your spiritual hygiene, possibly reworking your rituals or establishing deeper dedication to them.  Writing and communicating of all kinds are highlighted with this New Moon (and the Mercury Retrograde as well).  Drive and motivation are also embedded within this New Moon (Mars Trine New Moon), so don’t shy away from plunging into any projects that you may have been putting aside.

Sara and I have decided to change the format of our Podcast and will be focusing on the Quarterly Ingress Charts (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), instead of the New Moon charts. So, this New Moon will not receive a Broadcast Astrology Podcast treatment.  While the New Moon charts are fascinating, there is a level of redundancy that we would like to move away from and focus on longer term predictive charts.  In addition, we will be bringing in more Blind Chart Readings (of you’re interested let me know) as well as astrological conversations and explorations.


I know that there is a lot going on right now now … and there has been for a while.  I know that life is offering most of us some substantial crunchiness and changes that feel really fucking hard.  I also know that we are blessed to be here to witness this time in human history, the last to remember what life was like before computers and advanced technology even existed.  And witness humanity usher itself into a new paradigm, one that most of us will not see the full expression of - but our children most certainly will see the beginnings of.

Today in yoga class my teacher said that “the transitions between the postures is the most interesting part of the posture.”  That is where we are at, the liminal, at the crossroads between here and there.  If we really dive into this idea, one could easily argue that we are in a constant state of transitioning, and that is beautiful.  When we stand at any crossroad, the decisions that we make are important because they determine where we will land next.  Make your decisions with integrity and grace and love and you will always be lead to your optimal destination.  That is where we are now, especially this November… making decisions that will determine the future.  When you are at the crossroads bring the light with you.

So much love,



2024 US Presidential Election : Recap


2024 US Presidential Election : Through a Uranian Astrology Lens