October 2024 : Be the Peace


It is no mystery that the intensity and unpredictability is building as we step closer and closer to Election Day 2024.  Not only is the news in the United States going hay-wire, but it is doing so throughout the world.  Astrologically, we can point to several reasons “why” this is occurring : Eclipse Season, 3 Outer Planets getting ready to change signs in the next year, gearing up for a Mars Retrograde, etc.  The United States in particular is in the midst of a great metamorphosis, due to several astrological shifts, several that I have covered in past Newsletters.  We are currently gearing up for these changes to be made manifest in the coming years.  But first it is necessary to break down the belief and cultural structures that no longer serve us as a nation.  For anyone who has ever gone through the break-down to build-up process personally, you know that this is no small task.

Be gentle with one another.  Be gentle with yourself.     

2024 Libra Solar Eclipse

October begins smack-dab in the middle of Eclipse Season.  Following the heavy and emotionally soaked Pisces Lunar Eclipse, the Libra Solar Eclipse promises to be less heavy and more activating - for better or for worse.  Highlighting an applying Square to Mars, the peace-and-harmony that Libra is so driven to maintain is being challenged.  And, there are charged words and even angry discourse exchanged as a result of what unfolds.  Solar Eclipse charts have a 6-month shelf life (until the next Solar Eclipse on March 29 2025), hence we can expect the themes from this chart to unfold over the course of this time.

Furthermore, Uranus is Sesquisquare to the Solar Eclipse, heightening the sudden activities and accelerated circumstances that could be taking place.  Mars and Uranus are very emphasized in this chart, and are central to so much of the current astrological atmosphere.  This signals acts born of self-will, sudden bursts of activity, revolutionary movements, as well as volatility.

Women and government are also highlighted - which is not a surprise since we have a woman running for President of the US - and women’s rights in general promise to be front-and-center as well.  With Mars Conjunct Kronos (the TransNeptunian Planet representing leadership and power), we can expect drive and possibly aggression from the leaders of the US, likely embedded in the circumstances around the upcoming Presidential Election.  There is a strong emphasis on Foreign Relations as well.

We are already seeing escalation between Israel and now Hezbollah during this Eclipse Season.  Israel in particular is sensitive to Eclipses.  The last time that Israel and Hezbollah were in war was in 2006 - when the nodes were in Pisces and Virgo - the axis that the Pisces Lunar Eclipse took place in last month.  The initial attacks between Israel and Hamas took place during Eclipse Season last year (in October 2023).  The 2024 Libra Solar Eclipse chart illustrates that the US could become more involved in these activities in the coming months.

Legal issues are also pointed to in the Libra Solar Eclipse chart and the timeframe is pulled from my recent research on the upcoming Election.  I suspect that this could illustrate possible legal action being undertaken after the Elections.

Personally, expect to be woken up from the sleepy, groggy and potentially depressed Pisces Lunar Eclipse a couple of weeks ago.  The jolt into action could actually feel revitalizing and exciting.  Just be careful that you don’t overdue it and bite off more than you can chew.  Part of the activity could be inspired by the political environment - making everyone a bit more on edge.  Everyone is likely to be living right on the edge of excitement for the future and fear of the unknown.  Take good care of your nervous system.   

Jupiter and Pluto

Jupiter and Pluto (and Mars) are highlighted in the middle of October (from about September 21 - October 17 2024), as Jupiter Stations Retrograde (on October 9) and Pluto Stations Direct (on October 11).  Although Jupiter and Pluto will not be in a traditional aspect with one another, they will be aligned via declination - along with Mars.  Pluto is Contra-Parallel to both Mars and Jupiter, and Mars and Jupiter are Parallel to one another.  All in all, this is a very opportunistic and positive combination.  This points towards powerful people who are able to take decisive action towards a goal.  We could see notable movements in the financial markets, as well as game-changing tactics amongst powerful entities and / or individuals.

Jupiter will station Retrograde at 21° Gemini 20’ and will be heading towards its second Square to Saturn in Pisces on December 24 2024.  As mentioned in the August 2024 Newsletter, this is an important alignment for the government in particular.  Jupiter and Saturn met up at 00° Aquarius in December 2020, and this opening Square is the unfolding of changes manifested at that time.  In addition, Pluto is at 00° Aquarius as the first two of three squares occur, reiterating the importance of that seed moment in 2020.

Life could be moving much more quickly and fluidly at this time.  And / or we could be dealing with excess within our day-to-day lives : do you spend too much money?  Have you been too optimistic about your finances (or something else)?  Have you been indulging in food or other parts of your life?  Have you been overdoing it with Netflix binging or video games?  We could be encouraged to adjust these habits as Jupiter stops to Station Retrograde.  While Jupiter is the “Great Benefic”, it is true that you can have too much of a good thing.

Pluto Stations Direct on October 11 2024 (at 29° Capricorn 38’) and is a noteworthy moment, in that it is ushering in Pluto’s last moments in the sign of Capricorn since it’s initial ingress in January 2008.  Pluto will make it’s way though the final bit of Capricorn before it’s decisive ingress into Aquarius on November 19 2024.  During its ingress, Pluto will be in an Opposition to Mars, who will be slowing to stop for its Retrograde, which begins on December 6 2024.

This Opposition will be a key signature to the upcoming Mars Retrograde, as well as the archetypal essence that sets the tone for nearly 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius.  At its core, Mars Opposite Pluto represents power struggle, as well as the ability to accomplish monumental tasks, and to have super-human ambition.  There is also the potential for great force to be used in order to maintain control of one’s power.  This signature is baked into the Election itself, as well as the time immediately following the Election.

Buckle in for a turbulent Election and post-Election.  We could see some of the story-lines that will set the stage for the near future to make themselves visible as Pluto Stations Direct.  Mercury Squaring Pluto immediately after Pluto Stations (on October 13) reiterates that powerful and impactful messages and communication will take place on and around this time.

Aries Full Moon

On October 17 2024, the Aries Full Moon will take place (24° 35’).  This Full Moon highlights a lot of intense astrological activity.  First of all, the Sun is exactly Conjunct TNP Zeus and is Quincunx Uranus.  Which illustrates the importance of leadership at this time, the leader(s) are in the spotlight.  With Uranus involved, this suggests that there is an instability or unforeseen circumstances manifesting in the leadership.  However, whatever is taking place could be challenging or even impossible to manage, there could be no current guidelines within our country to outline how to manage what is occurring for the leadership.

In addition, the Aries Full Moon is Square to Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn (at the 29°) - forming a Grand Cross.  Hence, the power struggles between Mars and Pluto - that were described above - are being pulled intimately into this Full Moon.  From a Mundane (or World) perspective, those who hold power in our world are making big moves that can make long term impacts on the political landscape.

On a personal level, be careful of being too pompous or shifting your weight around in potentially harmful ways.  We could all be feeling quite sensitive, and our nervous systems could be on over-drive - with little reprieve in sight.

Go easy on yourself, and go easy on those around you.  If you find yourself in a power struggle, back off and breathe.  Take a moment to evaluate what your motives are, and if the rift that you could create is actually worth it.  If you have not been adequately advocating for yourself up until now, figure out why.  Maybe the force that you are putting onto the current circumstances are overcompensating because you are acting from repressed self-activism.    


Amongst the tumultuous activity that we are likely to be immersed in this month, take time to reflect on what is in need of deep metamorphosis for you personally?  Maybe it is just your wardrobe, or your kitchen cupboards…. or your relationship, your diet or your career.  Whatever it is, be sure to use gentle compassion as you navigate the challenges that profound change can provoke.   

The upcoming Elections are in many ways ushering in the immense shifts that 2025 and 2026 promise to provide.  Check-in with your most central and grounded intuition when presented with activated belief systems and / or political stances.  We are sure to be faced with fanciful stories and many will be sold hook-line-and-sinker.  Do what you can to navigate the divisions that are sure to occur due to these misleading and often emotionally charged messages.    

Be the peace that you want in the world.

Lots of love to each and every one of you.

Lisa (aka The Dynamic Self : Astrology for Life)


2024 US Presidential Election : Through a Uranian Astrology Lens


2024 Libra Ingress : Bridging the Divide