September 2023 : Clean-Up

As September rolls in we are likely to find ourselves in a place of hands-on reflection and re-adjustment.  Between the Retrogrades of Mercury and Venus, the recent Full Moon and just being in Virgo Season - this reflection could include the detangling of some significant messes.  These metaphorical (or literal) messes could be within us, or manifesting in our physical world.

There is immense patience involved in detangling - one string at a time, becoming tangled into another string, releasing it and moving onto the next clump of material.  We wonder to ourselves… how did this even happen?   Sometimes, when we are working our way through a matted mess, we can feel like we are ultimately making a larger mess.  However, when we patiently stick with the delicate process we see that we have accomplished quite a lot in the end.

The work that you are doing at the beginning of September will hopefully make your life operate more smoothly and efficiently in the long run (which Virgo loves)!  And a part of this months experience could include the enjoyment of detangling, and the ease of a well-manicured life.

Overall, there aren’t a lot of “big moves” in September.  There are some challenges and such - but nothing really new.  Expect to mostly be working with the same storylines that you have been.  Possibly reaching some level of closure.  Wherever challenges arise this month there is plenty of reprieve, and support is abundant - don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.  September is a great time to finish up some loose ends, find closure where possible, and / or just get your life into “working order”.   

To give you a bit of foresight, October will begin a new 6-month “chapter” with Eclipse Season rocking our worlds yet again!  Take advantage of the moments of smooth sailing this month, and be ready to buckle-in come October!    

Venus Stations Direct

The month kicks off with Venus Stationing Direct on September 3rd.  Venus has been in flashy Leo since the beginning of June (all summer!).  And it’s been about 40 days since Venus began her voyage into the underworld and rose again as a warrior goddess.  Our values and relationships, our sense of femininity and our creative voice have been through some major changes.

This Venus Retrograde could be characterized by the ground breaking Barbie movie that was released ON the day that Venus Stationed Retrograde (check out Chris Brennan’s Astrology Podcast episode on Barbie, SO good!).  Along this Venus journey we discovered as a collective that even cheerful flawless beauty has a dark side (shocker!).  And, from Hollywood’s perspective, this was the “Summer of Break-ups”.  Not that I’ve been paying attention - but it sure is interesting.

I hope that you’re Venus Retrograde experience didn’t include dark nights of the soul and / or break-ups, but I do hope that you were given the opportunity to reflect on the Venusian parts of your life and revamp them a bit.

Venus and Jupiter

What is notable about Venus’ Station is that Jupiter is simultaneously Stationing Retrograde on September 4th - and they are situated in a relatively close square to one another.  This is an alignment that has been in close proximity for over a week.  And, because of their slow motion, they won’t perfect their next and final Square until September 17th.  But, they will be moving towards one another in slow motion until then.  It’s kind of romantic, really.

The importance of Venus and Jupiter joining with one another has to do with them both being the most life-giving planets in the Solar System (from an Astrological perspective) they are known as the Benefics, and we WANT their blessings in the sky.  Together they are sweet and buoyant, optimistic and joyful.  They seek out beauty and success and they support the ease and flow in life.  While we LOVE this, there is also a point where too much of a good thing makes us plump and lazy, and inclines us to overspend our resources - which has its own complications.

So, seek out pleasure between now and mid-September, but beware of overdoing it.  Pain and pleasure work hand-in-hand, and if you try to leave out the pain… it will find you.  Creativity in the name of success, romantic endeavors and networking are all great ways to take advantage of this long, lusty transit.        

Virgo New Moon

On September 14th, there is a deep and spiritual New Moon.  The Sun and Moon meet up in the sign of Virgo and form an Opposition to Neptune in Pisces.  Virgo’s inclination towards rational, pragmatic progress is completely thwarted this Virgo Season - and this New Moon doesn’t help the situation at all!  First of all, Mercury is still Retrograde in Virgo at the time of the New Moon.  Because Mercury rules the New Moon, we could find ourselves setting mirky intentions, or just not being clear on where we actually are at in our lives.  In addition, Neptune’s strong influence places the New Moon within the foggy swampland, adding an even more nebulous wandering.

However, there is the potential of some deep spiritual exploration and healing.  New Moon energy looks inward, so the retrospective nature of Mercury Retrograde mixes quite well, as does dreamy Neptune.

Don’t plan anything that is mentally straining and / or energetically demanding around this time.  You will likely want to engage in low-key activities that lack strict structure and that allows for free time to daydream.  If you try to go big with logical plans, you are likely to fall flat on your face with disappointment.   

Regardless, there is also the potential for earthy stability to take hold and make some really profound adjustments.  Uranus is closely tied into the New Moon, suggesting that whatever daydream bubbles up can eventually set you free!  In addition, Pluto supports the power behind the intentions that we set.  Don’t miss out on your rituals for this mystically foggy, yet embodied Virgo New Moon.   

Mercury Stations Direct

The day after the Virgo New Moon, Mercury Stations Direct!  Congrats, you survived another Mercury Retrograde!  While there have been many times that I have noted Mercury’s sneaky mishaps thus far in the Retrograde, they were always straight forward and fixable - which points towards Mercury being in it’s dignity (Virgo).  Also, this Mercury Retrograde is highlighted by its fabulous Trines to Jupiter in Taurus.  What this means is that there is the possibility for lively, verbose interactions (particularly around September 4th and 25th).  Mercury = communicating and Jupiter = more.

Jupiter has been incredibly helpful lately - and we LOVE help from Jupiter (as discussed above with Venus).  You could find yourself able to express yourself a bit more easily this month.  You could find that others are more eager to listen.  And hopefully this results in more successful endeavors in your life.  This is a great month overall to put yourself into social situations and talk, chat, pontificate.  Yes, there is the potential for a lot of “hot air”, but that’s ok, have fun with it!

Aries Full Moon

On September 23rd, the Sun enters Libra, ushering in aesthetically pleasing and socially savvy Libra Season - and Autumn!  About a week later, there is a Full Moon in Aries.  All in all, this is a pretty straight-forward Full Moon.  There aren’t any notable influences by other planets, in particular the Outer Planets.  The ruler of the Full Moon is Mars in Libra conjunct the South Node.  Hence, there could be a notable lack of social charm on the world stage.  Or maybe we could find ourselves dealing with issues rooted in a lack of self-advocacy.  Or possibly there is a rampant inability to be decisive because of the delicate web of social norms.

Regardless of how this Aries Full Moon manifests for you, I suspect that there will be prominent foreshadowing of the upcoming Libra Solar Eclipse on October 14th.  More to come…    


This Virgo Season is prominently focused on the clean-up rather than the grand production - which is … still useful.  Hopefully by the middle of the month you will start to have a clearer idea of what the Summer has been about and be able to gleam some in-depth understanding of how to move forward.  Embrace the juicy moments and the surprise opportunities that are still in play from August’s forecast.

Autumn will be accompanied with a whole new vibe, leading us into the set-up for the Eclipse Season of next month.  Stay curious and remember that you are an integral part of the wisdom of the Universe!

Lots of Love to each of you,


(( As always, there are many transits that take place throughout the month that I cannot cover in this Newsletter.  Please follow me on Instagram (or Facebook) for additional Cosmic Weather updates. ))


October 2023 : Dancing with Destiny


August 2023 : Opportunity